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Last active July 3, 2024 10:21
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SuperCollider to Ableton Live setup
This small patch is an example of how to nicely send midi to Ableton Live from SuperCollider.
It includes how to set up Ableton Link (don't forget to press the "LINK" button in Live) and play a pattern using Link and midi.
It is assumed that you do this on MacOS and you have created a midi driver called "IAC Driver".
// setup midi //
~midiout = MIDIOut.newByName("IAC Driver", "Bus 1").latency_(Server.default.latency);
// Kill all notes on cmd period (to avoid hanging notes)
~cmdPeriodAdded = ~cmdPeriodAdded ? false;
~cmdPeriodAdded = true;
// Link //
~linktempo = 2;
// Tempo in both SC and Live will change if you go ~linkClock.tempo_(0.5);
~linkClock = LinkClock(~linktempo).latency_(Server.default.latency);
~linkCmdPeriodAdded = ~linkCmdPeriodAdded ? false;
~linkClock = LinkClock(~linktempo).latency_(Server.default.latency);
~linkCmdPeriodAdded = true;
// Play pattern //
// Play some Steve Reich-ey patterns
\type, \midi,
\midicmd, \noteOn,
\midiout, ~midiout,
\octave, Pstep([4,5],Pxrand([32,16], inf),inf),
Pshuf((0..4) ++ [Rest()], inf),
Pshuf(5+(0..4)++ [Rest()], inf),
Pshuf(5-(0..4)++ [Rest()], inf),
], inf),
\chan, 0,
\legato, 0.5,
\amp, Pexprand(0.5,0.6),
\dur, 0.25
clock: ~linkClock,
quant: 4
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