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Last active May 24, 2024 23:52
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A simple picker to pick a enum.
import SwiftUI
struct EnumPicker<T: Hashable & CaseIterable, V: View>: View {
@Binding var selected: T
var title: String? = nil
let mapping: (T) -> V
var body: some View {
Picker(selection: $selected, label: Text(title ?? "")) {
ForEach(Array(T.allCases), id: \.self) {
extension EnumPicker where T: RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == String, V == Text {
init(selected: Binding<T>, title: String? = nil) {
self.init(selected: selected, title: title) {
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Thanks @lstomberg!

And yes, it is always great to use things from the Swift Standard Library, good think 💪🏼💪🏼

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apocolipse commented Nov 14, 2021

Instead of extensions, you can use a simplified version with a default "displayer", note no need for RawRepresentable, just Hashable and CaseIterable

struct CaseIterablePicker<T: CaseIterable & Hashable> : View
  where T.AllCases: RandomAccessCollection {

  var title: String = ""
  var selection: Binding<T>
  var display: (T) -> String = { "\($0)" }

  var body: some View {
    Picker(title, selection: selection) {
      ForEach(T.allCases, id:\.self) {

You can pass closures to display, or KeyPath's with Swift 5.2+, which allows the following, which IMO is better as it simplifies the generic definition greatly and moves the burden on "how to display stuff" to the caller, but in a pretty easy to manage manner

// Simple case, use existing string transforms
enum TestEnum: String, CaseIterable {
  case one, two, three, four, five

CaseIterablePicker(selection: $testEnum, display: \.rawValue.capitalized) // Options show as "One", "Two", "Three"...
// Custom extension to String for camel case transform
enum TestEnum2: String, CaseIterable {
  case aTestCase, anotherTestCase, thirdTestCase

extension String {
  var camelCaseToReadable: String { ... }
CaseIterablePicker(selection: $testEnum2, display: \.rawValue.camelCaseToReadable.capitalizingFirstLetter)
// long chained KeyPath, options show as "A test case", "Another test case", "Third test case"
// Computed var on enum itself is just as simple and doesn't even require RawRepresentable
enum TestEnum3: CaseIterable {
  case someCase, anotherCase, whatever
  var localized: LocalizedStringKey { ... }

CaseIterablePicker(selection: $testEnum2, display: \.localized)

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Hey @apocolipse!
That is also a take on using enum for pickers. If a simple text view is what always is needed, I think it is a great solution, however it misses the view flexibility of my version :-)

Also, the best of both world can be done! See this extension for my version:

extension EnumPicker where V == Text {
    init(selected: Binding<T>, title: String? = nil, display: @escaping (T) -> String) {
        self.init(selected: selected, title: title) {

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