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maheshbabu /
Created June 15, 2020 12:55 — forked from rhukster/
Easy Brew PHP version switching
# Creator: Phil Cook
# Modified: Andy Miller
osx_major_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f1)
osx_minor_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f2)
osx_patch_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f3)
osx_version=$((${osx_major_version} * 10000 + ${osx_minor_version} * 100 + ${osx_patch_version}))
brew_prefix=$(brew --prefix | sed 's#/#\\\/#g')
maheshbabu / blob-to-image.js
Created April 8, 2020 14:36 — forked from owencm/blob-to-image.js
Convert a blob to an image with JavaScript (e.g. to render blob to canvas)
const blobToImage = (blob) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
let img = new Image()
img.onload = () => {
img.src = url
Connecting parent component 'formGroup' with child component 'formControlName'
In the Parent component template
<form [formGroup]="recipeForm">
<app-recipe-name [parent]="recipeForm"></app-recipe-name>
maheshbabu / camphor.scss
Created December 4, 2017 13:55 — forked from bdno86/camphor.scss
maheshbabu / App.js
Created June 8, 2017 14:16 — forked from fdidron/App.js
React Router v4 Auth
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
import Route from './AuthRoute';
import Login from './Login';
import Private from './Private';
export default () =>
maheshbabu /
Created October 26, 2016 06:45 — forked from vitorbritto/
Remove MySQL completely from Mac OSX

Remove MySQL completely

  1. Open the Terminal

  2. Use mysqldump to backup your databases

  3. Check for MySQL processes with: ps -ax | grep mysql

  4. Stop and kill any MySQL processes

  5. Analyze MySQL on HomeBrew:

brew remove mysql

maheshbabu / gist:1c01c7d4c2f4c5eff3a40e25c0ce8505
Created October 15, 2016 09:00 — forked from tonymtz/gist:d75101d9bdf764c890ef
Uninstall nodejs from OSX Yosemite
# first:
lsbom -f -l -s -pf /var/db/receipts/ | while read f; do sudo rm /usr/local/${f}; done
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules /var/db/receipts/org.nodejs.*
# To recap, the best way (I've found) to completely uninstall node + npm is to do the following:
# go to /usr/local/lib and delete any node and node_modules
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo rm -rf node*
maheshbabu / loadMore.js
Created July 27, 2016 15:33 — forked from fraserxu/loadMore.js
Simple load more function for ng-repeat with limitTo filter
// set the default amount of items being displayed
$scope.limit= 5;
// loadMore function
$scope.loadMore = function() {
$scope.limit = $scope.items.length
maheshbabu / angular-resize.js
Created May 27, 2016 18:54 — forked from chrisjordanme/angular-resize.js
Angular Directive for Window Resize Event
angular.module('your-module-name', [])
.directive('onResize', ['$window', function ($window) {
return {
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
var initialWidth = $window.innerWidth,
smallClass = attrs.resizeClass || 'yourDefault',
smallAttr = attrs.resizeAttr || 'yourDefault',
smallWidth = attrs.resizeWidth || 1024;
var setSmall = function () {
maheshbabu /
Created April 22, 2016 09:57 — forked from dwayne/
My notes from the book "ng-book: The Complete Book on AngularJS by Ari Lerner".


Author: Ari Lerner.

AngularJS offers a single framework that can be used to build dynamic, client-centric applications. It provides:

  • Module support
  • DOM manipulation
  • Animations
  • Templating