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maio / after.js
Created August 22, 2011 15:08
convert tests to jasmine
describe("TODO List", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
storage = new TestCookieStorage;
tasks = storage.load_tasks();
users = storage.load_users();
it("loads tasks from storage", function() {
maio / gist:2862867
Created June 3, 2012 09:58
Smart semi-colon in Emacs (and Vim)
;; Port of Coderush's smart semi-colon feature to Emacs
;; When I hit semi-colon anywhere, Emacs will move cursor to the end of current
;; line and insert semi-colon (if it's not already there).
;; Idea from last @CoderetreatCZ - HK
(defun maio/electric-semicolon ()
maio / migration.clj
Last active December 11, 2015 08:49
Clojure model migrations
;; Alternatives - (Database Migrations)
(ns wools.models.migration
(:require [ :as sql]))
(def migrations
[{:id "create balance table"
:up #(sql/create-table :balance
[:amount :int "NOT NULL"])}])
maio /
Last active December 12, 2015 01:38
Whisper/Graphite retentions string parsing (precision:period,precision:period,...)
func parse_time($str) {
# Mapping from
my %unit_multiplier = (
s => 1,
m => 60,
h => 3600,
d => 86400,
w => 86400 * 7,
y => 86400 * 365
maio / test.t
Last active December 13, 2015 21:59
BDD vs xyzUnit style unit-tests
describe "StringCalculator" => sub {
it "returns sum of comma delimited numbers" => sub {
is(add("$a,$b"), $a + $b);
it "treats newline as delimiter" => sub {
is(add("$a\n$b"), $a + $b);
describe 'delimiter marker //<delimiter-spec>\n' => sub {
(def words "down before how around quickly off been does thing story book kind has near list quite set read keep with form boy who such she made play be say open call mountain said state light show one to for her work here left when hear as our place just thing are ask study need were even something question great close that begin us tell while side then here word high take his other who grow talk above learn it father few did what oil face over even those spell does number down in work where go might we add right mile story letter some much before big he car help don't came take come river about between food any much begin between these all thought being than few example why again face three its something your high but miss country add old from should should there about song no same who same land school mile own more found know have see did important know head seem set need got ask almost must school my its when air right here question did thing four is think follow go show soon also change or after such not
maio / core.clj
Last active December 17, 2015 10:59
(ns monads.core
(:use [clojure.algo.monads
:only (domonad with-monad m-lift m-seq m-reduce m-when
state-m fetch-state set-state
writer-m write
cont-m run-cont call-cc
maio / .gitconfig
Created June 20, 2013 07:59
git fight
fight = !bash -c 'echo "$0: `git grep $0 | wc -l`" && echo "$1: `git grep $1 | wc -l`"'
# Usage:
# $ git fight cancelled canceled
# cancelled: 664
# canceled: 19
(ns kata.core-test
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def default-delimiter ",|\n")
(defn parse-delimiter [s]
(if-let [[_ delimiter x] (first (re-seq #"//(.)\n(.*)" s))]
[(re-pattern delimiter) x]
[(re-pattern default-delimiter) s]))
maio / ant.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Langton's Ant (Dojo #7)
describe('Ant', function () {
it('turns right on white cell', function() {
expect(resolveAntDirection('north', 'white')).toEqual(turnRight('north'));
expect(resolveAntDirection('south', 'white')).toEqual(turnRight('south'));
expect(resolveAntDirection('west', 'white')).toEqual(turnRight('west'));
it('turns left on black cell', function() {
expect(resolveAntDirection('north', 'black')).toEqual(turnLeft('north'));
expect(resolveAntDirection('south', 'black')).toEqual(turnLeft('south'));