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Last active December 29, 2024 17:55
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iOS Scriptable Widget for Pi-hole
// Parameters:
// {"url":"https://pihole","token": "x"}
// Optional key in parameters: "theme": system|light|dark
let piholeURL = "" // set the URL here for debug
let apiToken = "" // set the api token here for debug
let wTheme = "" // set the theme for debug
if (config.runsInWidget) {
const widgetParams = (args.widgetParameter != null ? JSON.parse(args.widgetParameter) : null)
if (widgetParams==null) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add the parameters.")
} else if (!widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("url") || !widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("token")) {
throw new Error("Wrong parameters.")
piholeURL = widgetParams.url
apiToken = widgetParams.token
if (widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("theme")) {
wTheme = widgetParams.theme
let wBackground = new LinearGradient()
let wColor = new Color("#ffffff")
let piholeStats = await getStats()
let wSize = config.widgetFamily || "large" //set size of widget for debug
let widget = await createWidget() || null
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
if (wSize=="large") { await widget.presentLarge() }
else if (wSize=="medium") { await widget.presentMedium() }
else { await widget.presentSmall() }
async function createWidget() {
let w = new ListWidget()
w.backgroundGradient = wBackground
w.setPadding(5, 15, 0, (wSize=="small" ? 0 : 10))
let state = (piholeStats!=null ? (piholeStats.status=="enabled" ? true : false) : null)
let icn = null
if (state==true) {
icn = SFSymbol.named((state ? "checkmark.shield.fill" : "xmark.shield.fill"))
} else {
icn = SFSymbol.named("")
state = false
let topStack = w.addStack()
topStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
let content = topStack.addImage(icn.image)
content.tintColor = (state ? :
content.imageSize = new Size(16,16)
content = topStack.addText("Pi-hole")
content.font = Font.blackSystemFont(16)
content.textColor = wColor
if (state==true && wSize != "small") {
topStack.addText(" ") // same line with distance to title
addUpdateItem(topStack, (piholeStats.core_current==piholeStats.core_latest ? true : false), "Pi" + ((wSize=="small") ? "" : "-hole"))
topStack.addText(" ")
addUpdateItem(topStack, (piholeStats.web_current==piholeStats.web_latest ? true : false), "WebUI")
topStack.addText(" ")
addUpdateItem(topStack, (piholeStats.FTL_current==piholeStats.FTL_latest ? true : false), "FTL")
if (piholeStats==null) {
content = w.addText("No connection")
content.font = Font.thinSystemFont(14)
content.textColor = wColor
return w
w.url = piholeURL + "/admin/"
addItem(w, "Total Queries", piholeStats.dns_queries_all_types)
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Queries Blocked", piholeStats.ads_blocked_today)
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", Number.parseFloat(piholeStats.ads_percentage_today).toFixed(1).replace(".", ",") + "%")
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Domains on Blocklist", piholeStats.domains_being_blocked)
if (wSize=="large") {
addItem(w, "Unique Domains", piholeStats.unique_domains)
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Cached Queries", piholeStats.queries_cached)
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Queries Forwarded", piholeStats.queries_forwarded)
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Clients Seen / Unique", piholeStats.clients_ever_seen + " / " + piholeStats.unique_clients)
return w
function addItem(w, strHeadline, strData) {
let fontSizeHeadline = 12
let fontSizeString = 9
switch (wSize) {
case "large":
fontSizeHeadline = 18
fontSizeString = 14
case "medium":
fontSizeHeadline = 14
fontSizeString = 11
let layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(3, 0, 0, 10)
content = layoutStack.addText(strHeadline)
content.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSizeHeadline)
content.textColor = wColor
content = layoutStack.addText(strData.toString())
content.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSizeString)
content.textColor = wColor
function addUpdateItem(stack, status, text) {
let icn = SFSymbol.named((status ? "" : "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"))
let content = stack.addImage(icn.image)
content.tintColor = (status ? :
content.imageSize = new Size(14,14)
content = stack.addText(((wSize!="small") ? " " : "" ) + text)
content.font = Font.semiboldMonospacedSystemFont(12)
content.textColor = wColor
function setTheme() {
if (wTheme=="system") {
if (Device.isUsingDarkAppearance()) {
wTheme = "dark"
} else {
wTheme = "light"
wBackground.locations = [0, 1]
if (wTheme=="dark") {
wBackground.colors = [
new Color("#384d54"),
new Color("#384d54")
wColor = new Color("#ffffff")
} else {
wBackground.colors = [
new Color("#ffffffe6"), //ffffffe6
new Color("#ffffffe6")
wColor = new Color("#000000")
async function getStats() {
try {
let req = new Request(piholeURL + "/admin/api.php?versions&summary&auth="+apiToken)
let json = await req.loadJSON()
if (json.length === 0) { return null }
return json
} catch(err) {
return null
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JoeGit42 commented Jan 9, 2022

I've changed the following line in function addItem:
content = layoutStack.addText(strData)

content = layoutStack.addText(strData.toLocaleString('de'))

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Token2K commented Jan 9, 2022

Thanks @JoeGit42
… now is running!
… with a little cosmetic error: percent blocked % shows several digits after the decimal point.
Please display again to one digit after the decimal point.

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JoeGit42 commented Jan 9, 2022

I've also observed this issue.

I changed line
addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", piholeStats.ads_percentage_today + "%")

addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", piholeStats.ads_percentage_today.toFixed(1).replace(".", ",") + "%")

This is the current version I use:

// Parameters:
// {"url":"https://pihole","apikey":"123abc"}
// Optional key in parameters: "theme": system|light|dark

let piholeURL = "" //set the URL here for debug http://
let piholeAPIkey = "" // set the API-key here for debug
let wTheme = "" // set the theme for debug

if (config.runsInWidget) {
	const widgetParams = (args.widgetParameter != null ? JSON.parse(args.widgetParameter) : null)
	if (widgetParams==null) {
		throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add the parameters.")
	} else if (!widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("url") && !widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("apikey")) {
		throw new Error("Wrong parameters.")
	piholeURL = widgetParams.url
	piholeAPIkey = widgetParams.apikey
	if (widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("theme")) {
		wTheme = widgetParams.theme

let wBackground = new LinearGradient()
let wColor = new Color("#ffffff")

let piholeStats = await getStats()
let adminPage   = await getAdminPage()
let isLatestVer = getUpdateStats(adminPage)

let wSize = config.widgetFamily || "large" //set size of widget for debug
let widget = await createWidget() || null

if (!config.runsInWidget) {
	if (wSize=="large") { await widget.presentLarge() }
	else if (wSize=="medium") { await widget.presentMedium() }
	else { await widget.presentSmall() }

async function createWidget() {
	let w = new ListWidget()
	w.backgroundGradient = wBackground
	w.setPadding(5, 15, 0, (wSize=="small" ? 0 : 10))
	let state = (piholeStats!=null ? (piholeStats.status=="enabled" ? true : false) : null)
	let icn = null
	if (state==true) {
		icn = SFSymbol.named((state ? "checkmark.shield.fill" : "xmark.shield.fill"))
	} else {
		icn = SFSymbol.named("")
		state = false
	let topStack = w.addStack()
	topStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)

	let content = topStack.addImage(icn.image)
	content.tintColor = (state ? :
	content.imageSize = new Size(16,16)
	content = topStack.addText("Pi-hole")
	content.font = Font.blackSystemFont(16)
	content.textColor = wColor

	// added version status
	if (wSize=="small") {
		topStack = w.addStack() // new line
	} else { // medium or large
  	topStack.addText("    ") // same line with distance to title

	addUpdateItem(topStack, isLatestVer[0], "Pi" + ((wSize=="small") ? "" : "-hole"))
	topStack.addText("  ")
	addUpdateItem(topStack, isLatestVer[1], "WebUI")
	topStack.addText("  ")
	addUpdateItem(topStack, isLatestVer[2], "FTL")
	if (piholeStats==null) {
		content = w.addText("No connection")
	    content.font = Font.thinSystemFont(14)
	    content.textColor = wColor
		return w
	w.url = piholeURL + "/admin/"
	addItem(w, "Total Queries", piholeStats.dns_queries_all_types)
	layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
	addItem(w, "Queries Blocked", piholeStats.ads_blocked_today)
	layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
	addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", piholeStats.ads_percentage_today.toFixed(1).replace(".", ",") + "%")
	layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
	addItem(w, "Domains on Blocklist", piholeStats.domains_being_blocked)

	if (wSize=="large") {
		addItem(w, "Unique Domains", piholeStats.unique_domains)
		layoutStack = w.addStack()
		layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
		addItem(w, "Cached Queries", piholeStats.queries_cached)
		layoutStack = w.addStack()
		layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
		addItem(w, "Queries Forwarded", piholeStats.queries_forwarded)
		layoutStack = w.addStack()
		layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
		addItem(w, "Clients Seen / Unique", piholeStats.clients_ever_seen + " / " + piholeStats.unique_clients)
	return w

function addItem(w, strHeadline, numData) {
	let fontSizeHeadline = 12
	let fontSizeString = 9
	switch (wSize) {
		case "large":
			fontSizeHeadline = 18
			fontSizeString = 14
		case "medium":
			fontSizeHeadline = 14
			fontSizeString = 11
	let layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(3, 0, 0, 10)
	content = layoutStack.addText(strHeadline)
	content.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSizeHeadline)
	content.textColor = wColor
	content = layoutStack.addText(numData.toLocaleString('de'))
	content.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSizeString)
	content.textColor = wColor

function addUpdateItem(stack, status, text) {
	let icn = SFSymbol.named((status ? "" : "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"))
	let content = stack.addImage(icn.image)
	content.tintColor = (status ? :
	content.imageSize = new Size(14,14)
	content = stack.addText(((wSize!="small") ? " " : "" ) + text)
	content.font = Font.semiboldMonospacedSystemFont(12)
	content.textColor = wColor

function getUpdateStats (webPage) {
	// check how adminPage has to be parsed to get necessary updates
	var recognition = ["pi-hole/releases/v", "FTL/releases/v", "AdminLTE/releases/v"]; // order has to be the same as on website
	var updStr = "pdate avail"
	let i
	let pos, posUpdate
	let page = webPage
	let numCharRec2Upd = 300  // the maximum number of characters between the identifier and the update info
	var isLatestVersion = new Array();
	for (i=0; i<recognition.length; i++) {
		isLatestVersion[i] = true
		pos = page.indexOf(recognition[i])
		if (pos >= 0) {
			page = page.substring(pos + recognition[i].length)
			posUpdate = page.indexOf(updStr)
			if (posUpdate >= 0) {
				if ((i+1) < recognition.length) {
					pos = page.indexOf(recognition[i+1])
					if (posUpdate < pos) { 	// Update between two version info
						isLatestVersion[i] = false   
				}	else if (	posUpdate <= numCharRec2Upd ) { // Update not far away from last version info
					isLatestVersion[i] = false					
	return isLatestVersion

function setTheme() {
	if (wTheme=="system") {
		if (Device.isUsingDarkAppearance()) {
			wTheme = "dark"
		} else {
		    wTheme = "light"
	wBackground.locations = [0, 1]
	if (wTheme=="dark") {
		wBackground.colors = [
			new Color("#384d54"), 
			new Color("#384d54") 
		wColor = new Color("#ffffff")
	} else {
		wBackground.colors = [
			new Color("#ffffffe6"), //ffffffe6
			new Color("#ffffffe6")
		wColor = new Color("#000000")

async function getStats() {
	try {
		let req = new Request(piholeURL + "/admin/api.php?summary")
		let json = await req.loadJSON()
		return json
	} catch {
		return null

async function getAdminPage() {
	try {
		let req = new Request(piholeURL + "/admin/")
		let adminHTMLPage = await req.loadString()
		return adminHTMLPage
	} catch {
		return null

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marked80 commented Jan 9, 2022

Yeah! That works great indeed. Thanks @JoeGit42

only when I run it in scriptable it still gives me the following error:

2022-01-09 14:29:39: Error on line 192:13: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'page.indexOf')

doesn’t really matter since the widget is working but would like to understand why it does that.

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marked80 commented Jan 9, 2022

Ahh, found it. Just needed to add the pihole URL to the debug section in the script

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Token2K commented Jan 10, 2022

Thanks for %-Fix … now is Okay!

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I’ve updated the code now:

  • Removed apikey (not needed)
  • Approved code / applied updates from user @JoeGit42 (but changed getUpdateStats() to catch via WebView)
  • Bugfixes

Many thanks @JoeGit42 !

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Token2K commented Feb 15, 2022

New Error‘s after Pihole -up:
This is a Problem with „%-Fix“ !!!

Thanks for viewing!

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marked80 commented Feb 15, 2022

At Line 110 I placed the following

addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", piholeStats.ads_percentage_today + "%")

that solves the issue for me.

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Or this if you want a comma as a decimal separator

addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", piholeStats.ads_percentage_today.replace(".", ",") + "%")

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Token2K commented Feb 15, 2022

I’am use your second part - this help!
Big Thanks for the fastest Bugfix!

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You can use the replace function for the other numbers too using this from line 100 till 117

addItem(w, "Total Queries", piholeStats.dns_queries_all_types.replace(",", "."))

layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Queries Blocked", piholeStats.ads_blocked_today.replace(",", "."))
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)

addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", piholeStats.ads_percentage_today.replace(".", ",") + "%")

layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Domains on Blocklist", piholeStats.domains_being_blocked.replaceAll(",", "."))

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looks much better this way 😊

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Token2K commented Feb 20, 2022


Line 98-134 … for large Display adapted!

Thanks for Idea. 👍

Please update to git+scriptdude!

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@Token2K You are welcome! 👍🏼

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happyhelmi commented Dec 18, 2022

Hi all,

I have a problem to get a connection:

my code:
let piholeURL = "{“url“:““,“apikey“:“1234abcd“}" //set the URL here for debug http:// let wTheme = "system" // set the theme for debug


When I run it in scriptable it still gives me the following error:

In the widget it shows me the following error:

Can you help me? Any idea?

Thx a lot!

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Latest Update broke my widget.

code in reference:

content = layoutStack.addText(strData.toString())


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marked80 commented Jan 22, 2023

Latest Update broke my widget.

code in reference:

content = layoutStack.addText(strData.toString())


almost the same here…

2023-01-23 00:08:25: Error on line 99:63: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'piholeStats.dns_queries_all_types.replace')

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Can someone please help me?


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marked80 commented Feb 2, 2023

I also have not been able to fix it unfortunately.

It looks like the pihole stats values are not fetched anymore so that is why the error pops up.
It wants to convert the data to a string value but there is no data variable present at that point so it tries to convert null to string.

Does anyone know if the parameters have been changed for pi-hole?
I looked at the information of pi-hole but it still mentions the same parameters.

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malesfth commented Feb 2, 2023

Hey there 👋

just updated the code. Because of changes of Pi-hole, you must use now the api token. You can create this one in the settings area.

Please update the parameters of your widget with the code inside:

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marked80 commented Feb 2, 2023

Hey there 👋

just updated the code. Because of changes of Pi-hole, you must use now the api token. You can create this one in the settings area.

Please update the parameters of your widget with the code inside: {"url":"…","token":""}

Yes!! This works great. Just replaced the comma’s and dots again (in Europe that is the used decimal setting)

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Yeah, perfect! Thanks a lot. One question: does the update feature work? It always shows me green, even though there is a new update… any idea?

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malesfth commented Feb 3, 2023

Yeah, perfect! Thanks a lot. One question: does the update feature work? It always shows me green, even though there is a new update… any idea?


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palasinio commented Feb 3, 2023

Just replaced the comma’s and dots again (in Europe that is the used decimal setting)
How did you replaced them?

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Use a text editor for the script and put the second pic with your data into the parameter field if you long press the widget.

pic to is without blanks, the linebreak is only optical.

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marked80 commented Feb 3, 2023

Just replaced the comma’s and dots again (in Europe that is the used decimal setting)
How did you replaced them?

With a .replace function.
Below is the modified script:

// Parameters:
// {"url":"https://pihole","token": "x"}
// Optional key in parameters: "theme": system|light|dark

let piholeURL = "" // set the URL here for debug
let apiToken = "xxxxxxx" // set the api token here for debug
let wTheme = "" // set the theme for debug

if (config.runsInWidget) {
const widgetParams = (args.widgetParameter != null ? JSON.parse(args.widgetParameter) : null)
if (widgetParams==null) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add the parameters.")
} else if (!widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("url")) {
throw new Error("Wrong parameters.")

piholeURL = widgetParams.url
apiToken = widgetParams.token
if (widgetParams.hasOwnProperty("theme")) {
	wTheme = widgetParams.theme


let wBackground = new LinearGradient()
let wColor = new Color("#ffffff")

let piholeStats = await getStats()
let adminPage = await getAdminPage()
let isLatestVersion = await getUpdateStats(adminPage)

let wSize = config.widgetFamily || "large" //set size of widget for debug
let widget = await createWidget() || null

if (!config.runsInWidget) {
if (wSize=="large") { await widget.presentLarge() }
else if (wSize=="medium") { await widget.presentMedium() }
else { await widget.presentSmall() }

async function createWidget() {
let w = new ListWidget()
w.backgroundGradient = wBackground
w.setPadding(5, 15, 0, (wSize=="small" ? 0 : 10))

let state = (piholeStats!=null ? (piholeStats.status=="enabled" ? true : false) : null)
let icn = null

if (state==true) {
	icn = SFSymbol.named((state ? "checkmark.shield.fill" : "xmark.shield.fill"))
} else {
	icn = SFSymbol.named("")
	state = false

let topStack = w.addStack()
topStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)

let content = topStack.addImage(icn.image)
content.tintColor = (state ? :
content.imageSize = new Size(16,16)

content = topStack.addText("Pi-hole")
content.font = Font.blackSystemFont(16)
content.textColor = wColor

if (state==true && wSize != "small") {
  	topStack.addText("    ") // same line with distance to title

addUpdateItem(topStack, isLatestVersion[0], "Pi" + ((wSize=="small") ? "" : "-hole"))
topStack.addText("  ")
addUpdateItem(topStack, isLatestVersion[2], "WebUI")
topStack.addText("  ")
addUpdateItem(topStack, isLatestVersion[1], "FTL")


if (piholeStats==null) {
	content = w.addText("No connection")
    content.font = Font.thinSystemFont(14)
    content.textColor = wColor
	return w

w.url = piholeURL + "/admin/"

addItem(w, "Total Queries", piholeStats.dns_queries_all_types.replace(",", "."))
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Queries Blocked", piholeStats.ads_blocked_today.replace(",", "."))
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Percent Blocked", Number.parseFloat(piholeStats.ads_percentage_today).toFixed(1).replace(".", ",") + "%")
layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
addItem(w, "Domains on Blocklist", piholeStats.domains_being_blocked.replace(",", "."))

if (wSize=="large") {
	addItem(w, "Unique Domains", piholeStats.unique_domains)
	layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
	addItem(w, "Cached Queries", piholeStats.queries_cached.replace(",", "."))
	layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
	addItem(w, "Queries Forwarded", piholeStats.queries_forwarded.replace(",", "."))
	layoutStack = w.addStack()
	layoutStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 10)
	addItem(w, "Clients Seen / Unique", piholeStats.clients_ever_seen + " / " + piholeStats.unique_clients)

return w


function addItem(w, strHeadline, strData) {
let fontSizeHeadline = 12
let fontSizeString = 9
switch (wSize) {
case "large":
fontSizeHeadline = 18
fontSizeString = 14
case "medium":
fontSizeHeadline = 14
fontSizeString = 11

let layoutStack = w.addStack()
layoutStack.setPadding(3, 0, 0, 10)
content = layoutStack.addText(strHeadline)
content.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSizeHeadline)
content.textColor = wColor

content = layoutStack.addText(strData.toString())
content.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSizeString)
content.textColor = wColor


function addUpdateItem(stack, status, text) {
let icn = SFSymbol.named((status ? "" : "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"))
let content = stack.addImage(icn.image)
content.tintColor = (status ? :
content.imageSize = new Size(14,14)
content = stack.addText(((wSize!="small") ? " " : "" ) + text)
content.font = Font.semiboldMonospacedSystemFont(12)
content.textColor = wColor

function setTheme() {
if (wTheme=="system") {
if (Device.isUsingDarkAppearance()) {
wTheme = "dark"
} else {
wTheme = "light"
wBackground.locations = [0, 1]
if (wTheme=="dark") {
wBackground.colors = [
new Color("#384d54"),
new Color("#384d54")
wColor = new Color("#ffffff")
} else {
wBackground.colors = [
new Color("#ffffffe6"), //ffffffe6
new Color("#ffffffe6")
wColor = new Color("#000000")

async function getUpdateStats (webPage) {
let latestVersions = [true, true, true]
try {
let view = new WebView()
await view.loadHTML(webPage);
let data = await view.evaluateJavaScript(`
let retoure = [true, true, true]
let a = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div.version-info div ul li'))

		for (let i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
			let el = a[i]

			if (el.getElementsByTagName('a').length == 2) {
				retoure[i] = false	
		completion(retoure)`, true)
	latestVersions = data
} catch(e) {
	console.log("Cannot get update stats: " + e)
return latestVersions


async function getStats() {
try {
let req = new Request(piholeURL + "/admin/api.php?summary&auth="+apiToken)
let json = await req.loadJSON()
if (json.length === 0) { json == null }
return json
} catch(err) {
return null

async function getAdminPage() {
try {
let req = new Request(piholeURL + "/admin/")
let adminHTMLPage = await req.loadString()
return adminHTMLPage
} catch(err) {
return null

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Token2K commented Feb 21, 2023

Thx @malesfth ... for this Update!
Thx @marked80 ... a very old "Bug/Error"! (for European's) ;-)

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does this work with pi hole v6? Cant seem to get a connection when setting up the script.

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