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Created December 31, 2011 18:47
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Text-tilling implementation with nltk
#!/usr/bin/env python
import nltk
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
def preprocessText(text):
# To lower case
text = text.lower();
# Tokenize text
tokenizedText = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(text);
tokenizedText = [w for w in tokenizedText if not w in (',' , '.' , '-' , '(' , ')' , '"' , "'" , ').' , '),' , '/' , ';' , ':' )]
return tokenizedText
def preprocessPseudosentences(pseudosentences):
processedSentences = []
for pseudoSentence in pseudosentences:
return processedSentences
def preprocessPseudosentence(tokenizedText):
# Remove Stopwords
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
filtered_words = [w for w in tokenizedText if not w in stopwords.words('english')]
# Lemmatization Text
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
lemmatizedText = []
for word in filtered_words:
lemmatizedText.append( WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(word));
return lemmatizedText
def createPseudosentences(text, width=20):
start = 0
pseudosentences = []
while start < len(text):
start += width
return pseudosentences
def blockScores(pseudosentences, printOutput = False):
import math
start = 0
scores = []
while start < len(pseudosentences)-4:
block1 = list(pseudosentences[start]);
block2 = list(pseudosentences[start+2]);
if printOutput: print block1
if printOutput: print block2
# Block similarity metric
terms = list(block1);
terms = list(set(terms));
similarity = 0;
w1 = 0;
w2 = 0;
for term in terms:
wtb1 = 0
wtb2 = 0
for word in block1:
if term == word:
wtb1 += 1
for word in block2:
if word==term:
wtb2 += 1
similarity += wtb1 * wtb2
w1 += wtb1 * wtb1
w2 += wtb2 * wtb2
if (wtb1 * wtb2 > 0):
if printOutput: print 'Common term "'+ term +'" wtb1 ='+str(wtb1)+' wtb2='+str(wtb2)
score = similarity / math.sqrt((float) (w1 * w2))
if printOutput: print "Score:"+str(score)
return scores
def vocabularyIntrodctions(pseudosentences, width = 20):
Calculate vocabulary introductions scores
from sets import Set
# First get for each pseudosentence the set of new terms they introduce
seenWords = Set()
pseudosentence_new_terms = []
for sentence in pseudosentences:
newWords = Set()
for word in sentence:
if not (word in seenWords):
print newWords
start = 0;
scores = []
while start < (len(pseudosentences) - 2):
block1newTerms = len(pseudosentence_new_terms[start])
block2newTerms = len(pseudosentence_new_terms[start+1])
print "new terms in b1="+str(block1newTerms)+" in b2="+str(block2newTerms);
score = (block1newTerms + block2newTerms) / (2. * width)
print "Score: "+str(score)
start += 1
return scores
def calculateDepth(scores):
depthScores = []
scIndex = 0;
while scIndex < len(scores) -3:
score = scores[scIndex] - 2*scores[scIndex+1] + scores[scIndex+2]
scIndex +=1
mean = sum(depthScores)/len(depthScores)
print 'Mean:'+str(mean)
return depthScores
# Retrieve text
f = open("asteroid.txt","r")
text =;
preprocessedText = preprocessText(text);
# Pseudosentences
pseudosentences = createPseudosentences(preprocessedText)
pseudosentences = preprocessPseudosentences(pseudosentences)
scores = blockScores(pseudosentences, printOutput = True)
print scores
#Depth scores
depthScores = calculateDepth(scores)
print depthScores
#print vocabularyIntrodctions(pseudosentences)
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