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Last active October 29, 2015 15:44
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This is a fish script for a powerline like prompt in the fish shell. To use it, just source this script with ". /path/to/" (without the quotation marks) in your ~/.config/fish/! Have fun :)
# to use this script you need the latest fish version (2.1.x)
########## USER CONFIG ##########
# enable or disable the different parts of promptline with yes or no
set show_only_left_prompt no
set show_hostname no
set show_virtual_env yes
set show_username yes
set show_current_working_directory yes
set show_git_branch yes
set show_git_status yes
set show_battery_level yes
set show_return_value yes
# choose one of the following themes:
# airline, airline_insert, airline_visual, jelly, promptline,
# lightline, lightline_insert, lightline_visual
set promptline_theme "airline"
set cwd_dir_limit 3
set cwd_truncation_symbol "⋯ "
set battery_threshold 15
set battery_symbol ""
set battery_percent_sign "%"
set return_value_symbol "↯ "
set vcs_branch_symbol " "
# set git_added_symbol "❋ "
set git_added_symbol "*"
# set git_unmerged_symbol "⧉ "
set git_unmerged_symbol "x"
# set git_modified_symbol "✎ "
set git_modified_symbol "+"
set git_clean_symbol "✔"
set git_has_untracked_files_symbol "…"
set git_ahead_symbol "⇡ "
set git_behind_symbol "⇣ "
set sep ""
set rsep ""
set alt_sep ""
set alt_rsep ""
########## END USER CONFIG ##########
set space " "
set esc "\e["
set end_esc "m"
set reset "$esc""0""$end_esc"
set reset_bg "$esc""49""$end_esc"
if test $promptline_theme = "airline"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;150""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;150""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;150""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "airline_insert"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;110""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;110""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;110""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "airline_visual"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;182""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;182""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;182""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "jelly"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;233""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;183""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;183""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;188""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;234""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;234""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "lightline"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;117""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;117""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;252""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;248""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;180""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;180""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;247""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "lightline_insert"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;119""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;119""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;252""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;248""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;180""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;180""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;247""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "lightline_visual"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;216""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;216""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;252""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;248""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;180""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;180""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;247""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "powerline"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;220""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;31""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;31""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;250""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;52""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;52""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;250""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;236""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"
function fish_prompt -S -d "fish specific function for the prompt on the left side"
function fish_right_prompt -S -d "fish specific function for the prompt on the right side"
eval "fish $BATTERY_FILE &" 2>&1 >/dev/null
function __promptline_cwd -S -d "create current-working-directory string"
set -l first_char
set -l formatted_cwd ""
set -l dir_sep "  "
set -l tilde "~"
set -l cwd (echo $PWD | sed 's#^'$HOME'#~#')
# get the first char of the path, i.e. tilde or slash
# and trim off the tilde if present
set -l IFS ''
set -l rest
# use `read` with an empty IFS to split the first character
echo $cwd | read first_char rest
if test $first_char = '~'
set cwd $rest
# split the path into components, reverse it, and trim it.
set -l comps
set -l IFS '/'
echo $cwd | read -a comps
# reverse the array
set comps $comps[-1..1]
if test (count $comps) -gt $cwd_dir_limit
# and trim it down to size
set comps $comps[1..$cwd_dir_limit]
set first_char $cwd_truncation_symbol
# iterate components array and build the result
for part in $comps
set formatted_cwd "$dir_sep$part$formatted_cwd"
# if you prefer "/root  folder" instead of "/  root  folder" uncomment following line
# test "$first_char" = "/"; and set formatted_cwd (echo $formatted_cwd | cut -c 6-)
echo -n "$first_char$formatted_cwd"
function __promptline_vcs_branch -S -d "get branch of the current version control system"
set -l branch
# git
if begin; test -d .git; or git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1; end
set branch (echo (git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null; or git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null))
if test -n "$branch"
set branch (echo $branch | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')
echo -ne (echo $vcs_branch_symbol$branch (test $show_git_status = "yes"; and __promptline_git_status))
return 0
return 1
function __promptline_git_status -d "get status of current git branch"
if begin; test -d .git; or git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1; end
test (git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null) = "true"; or return 1
set -l unmerged_count 0
set -l modified_count 0
set -l has_untracked_files 0
set -l added_count 0
set -l is_clean ""
set -l behind_count (git rev-list --left-right --count '@{upstream}...HEAD' | awk '{print $1}')
set -l ahead_count (git rev-list --left-right --count '@{upstream}...HEAD' | awk '{print $2}')
# Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R), changed (T), Unmerged (U), Unknown (X), Broken (B)
git diff --name-status | while read line
switch "$line"
case 'M*'
set modified_count (math $modified_count + 1)
case 'U*'
set unmerged_count (math $unmerged_count + 1)
git diff --name-status --cached | while read line
switch "$line"
case '*'
set added_count (math $added_count + 1)
test -z (git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | head -1); or set has_untracked_files 1
test (math $unmerged_count + $modified_count + $has_untracked_files + $added_count) -eq 0; and set is_clean 1
set -l leading_whitespace ""
test $ahead_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$ahead_count$git_ahead_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $behind_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$behind_count$git_behind_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $modified_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$modified_count$git_modified_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $unmerged_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$unmerged_count$git_unmerged_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $added_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$added_count$git_added_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $has_untracked_files -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$git_has_untracked_files_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $is_clean -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$git_clean_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
return 1
function __promptline_wrapper -d "reorder content between the wrapper at argument 2 and 3"
# wrap the text in $1 with $2 and $3, only if $1 is not empty
# $2 and $3 typically contain non-content-text, like color escape codes and separators
test (count $argv) -lt 3; and return 1
echo -ne $argv[2]$argv[1]$argv[3]
function __promptline_left_prompt -S -d "draw the left part of promptline"
set -l return_value $status
# section "a" header
set -l is_prompt_empty 1
set -l slice_prefix "$a_bg$sep$a_fg$a_bg$space"
set -l slice_suffix "$space$a_sep_fg"
set -l slice_joiner "$a_fg$a_bg$alt_sep$space"
set -l slice_empty_prefix "$a_fg$a_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "a" slices
test $show_hostname = "yes"; and __promptline_wrapper $HOSTNAME "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
if begin; test $show_virtual_env = "yes"; and test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV"; end
__promptline_wrapper (echo "$VIRTUAL_ENV" | sed 's#.*\/##g') "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# section "b" header
set slice_prefix "$b_bg$sep$b_fg$b_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$b_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$b_fg$b_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$b_fg$b_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "b" slices
test $show_username = "yes"; and __promptline_wrapper "$USER" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# section "c" header
set slice_prefix "$c_bg$sep$c_fg$c_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$c_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$c_fg$c_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$c_fg$c_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "c" slices
test $show_current_working_directory = "yes"; and __promptline_wrapper (__promptline_cwd) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
if test $show_only_left_prompt = "yes"
# section "y" header
set slice_prefix "$y_bg$sep$y_fg$y_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$y_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$y_fg$y_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$y_fg$y_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "y" slices
if test $show_git_branch = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_vcs_branch) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
else if test $show_git_status = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_git_status) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# section "warn" header
set slice_prefix "$warn_bg$sep$warn_fg$warn_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$warn_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$warn_fg$warn_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$warn_fg$warn_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "warn" slices
if begin; test $show_battery_level = "yes"; and test -n "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL"; and test "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL" -le "$battery_threshold"; end
__promptline_wrapper "$battery_symbol$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL$battery_percent_sign" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
if begin; test $show_return_value = "yes"; and test $return_value -ne 0; end
__promptline_wrapper "$return_value_symbol$return_value" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# close sections
echo -ne "$reset_bg$sep$reset$space"
function __promptline_right_prompt -S -d "draw the right part of promptline"
set -l return_value $status
test $show_only_left_prompt = "yes"; and return
# section "warn" header
set -l slice_prefix "$warn_sep_fg$rsep$warn_fg$warn_bg"
set -l slice_suffix "$space$warn_sep_fg"
set -l slice_joiner "$warn_fg$warn_bg$alt_rsep$space"
# section "warn" slices
if begin; test $show_return_value = "yes"; and test $return_value -ne 0; end
__promptline_wrapper "$return_value_symbol$return_value" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"
if begin; test $show_battery_level = "yes"; and test -n "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL"; and test "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL" -le "$battery_threshold"; end
__promptline_wrapper "$battery_symbol$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL$battery_percent_sign" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"
# section "y" header
set slice_prefix "$y_sep_fg$rsep$y_fg$y_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$y_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$y_fg$y_bg$alt_rsep$space"
# section "y" slices
if test $show_git_branch = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_vcs_branch) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"
else if test $show_git_status = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_git_status) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"
# close sections
echo -ne "$reset"
# save the battery file in the same directory
set -g BATTERY_FILE (dirname (status -f))"/"
set -U HOSTNAME (hostname)
# create a seperate file for calculating the battery level and start the script
# in the background to improve the performance of this prompt. On OS X this
# solution seems to be a advantage, because the battery level refreshes
# automatically without hitting enter to get the current percentage. But on
# Linux the current battery level is always printed one step later.
if not test -f "$BATTERY_FILE" -d "if the file doesn't exist, create it"
printf "\n# osx\n" > "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "if test (uname) = \"Darwin\"\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set current_capacity (ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery 2>/dev/null | grep CurrentCapacity | awk -F' ' '{print \$NF}')\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set battery_capacity (ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery 2>/dev/null | grep MaxCapacity | awk -F' ' '{print \$NF}')\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set -U LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL (math \$current_capacity \* 100 \/ \$battery_capacity)\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "end\n\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "# linux\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "for possible_battery_dir in /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " if begin; test -d \"\$possible_battery_dir\"; and test -f \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_full\"; and test -f \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_now\"; end\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set current_capacity (cat \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_now\")\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set battery_capacity (cat \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_full\")\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set -U LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL (math \$current_capacity \* 100 \/ \$battery_capacity)\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " end\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "end\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
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lilyball commented Sep 5, 2014

You can get rid of some of the process spawning with some alternative approaches. Also, all of the -x flags are incorrect. That makes the variable exported. But these are local variables that have no business being exported (the Bash version certainly didn't export them). You can also drop the -l flag when the variable has already been set earlier in the function (as the scope will be inherited on the subsequent sets). This is important if you need to modify it inside a nested scope.

For example, here's a rewritten __promptline_cmd:

# some of the following changes require a recent fish nightly.
# If your fish `read` builtin has the `-a` flag then you're good.
# set the following to "yes" to enable the new approach
set fish_nightly no

function __promptline_cwd
    set -l dir_limit "3"
    set -l truncation ""
    set -l first_char
    set -l formatted_cwd ""
    set -l dir_sep ""
    set -l tilde "~"

    set -l cwd (echo $PWD | sed 's#^'$HOME'#~#')
    # get the first char of the path, i.e. tilde or slash
    # and trim off the tilde if present
    if test $fish_nightly = yes
        # we can use `read` with an empty IFS to split the first character
            set -l IFS ''
            set -l rest
            echo $cwd | read first_char rest
            if test $first_char = '~'
                set cwd $rest
        # otherwise, `printf` can give us the first character
        # note: %c is broken with multibyte characters, use %.1s instead
        set first_char (printf '%.1s' $cwd)
        # we can skip the `sed` spawn if there's nothing to trim
        if test $first_char = '~'
            # it's a tilde, trim it off.
            # We may as well just use `cut` here
            set cwd (echo $cwd | cut -c 2-)

    # instead of running `sed` on each path component and trying to keep a counter,
    # we can just split the path into components, reverse it, and trim it.
    set -l comps
    if test $fish_nightly = yes
        # recent fish nightlies can split it in one go
        set -l IFS '/'
        echo $cwd | read -a comps
        # otherwise can write the split loop ourselves
        set -l IFS '/'
        while echo $cwd | read -l part cwd
            set comps $comps $part
            test -z $cwd; and break

    # reverse the array
    set comps $comps[-1..1]
    if test (count $comps) -gt $dir_limit
        # and trim it down to size
        set comps $comps[1..$dir_limit]
        set first_char $truncation

    # now we can simply iterate our components array and build the result
    for part in $comps
        set formatted_cwd "$dir_sep$part$formatted_cwd"

    echo -n "$first_char$formatted_cwd"

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mamiu commented Sep 8, 2014

@kballard Wow, that's ingenious! Now it needs less than half the time it took before. I updated the script and implemented your version. If you see any bloomers in my code, I'd appreciate further suggestions.
Thanks a lot!

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lilyball commented Sep 8, 2014

I didn't actually mean for $fish_nightly to be used in the finished result ;)

If you do want to use it, though, I recommend making it a local variable, and putting the test outside of the function, so you end up having two separate implementations of the function. That way you aren't relying on a global variable, and it will also be technically slightly faster as it doesn't do the tests inline anymore.

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lilyball commented Sep 8, 2014

Although it occurs to me that you have plenty of other global variables in this script already. You should probably give them all a prefix.

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toXel commented Oct 29, 2015

Is this script free to use for anything? Because I would like to create a theme for Oh My Fish. Would you allow me to do this?

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