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Last active October 29, 2015 15:44
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Save mamiu/87df7050dccaf2c890dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a fish script for a powerline like prompt in the fish shell. To use it, just source this script with ". /path/to/" (without the quotation marks) in your ~/.config/fish/! Have fun :)
# to use this script you need the latest fish version (2.1.x)
########## USER CONFIG ##########
# enable or disable the different parts of promptline with yes or no
set show_only_left_prompt no
set show_hostname no
set show_virtual_env yes
set show_username yes
set show_current_working_directory yes
set show_git_branch yes
set show_git_status yes
set show_battery_level yes
set show_return_value yes
# choose one of the following themes:
# airline, airline_insert, airline_visual, jelly, promptline,
# lightline, lightline_insert, lightline_visual
set promptline_theme "airline"
set cwd_dir_limit 3
set cwd_truncation_symbol "⋯ "
set battery_threshold 15
set battery_symbol ""
set battery_percent_sign "%"
set return_value_symbol "↯ "
set vcs_branch_symbol " "
# set git_added_symbol "❋ "
set git_added_symbol "*"
# set git_unmerged_symbol "⧉ "
set git_unmerged_symbol "x"
# set git_modified_symbol "✎ "
set git_modified_symbol "+"
set git_clean_symbol "✔"
set git_has_untracked_files_symbol "…"
set git_ahead_symbol "⇡ "
set git_behind_symbol "⇣ "
set sep ""
set rsep ""
set alt_sep ""
set alt_rsep ""
########## END USER CONFIG ##########
set space " "
set esc "\e["
set end_esc "m"
set reset "$esc""0""$end_esc"
set reset_bg "$esc""49""$end_esc"
if test $promptline_theme = "airline"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;150""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;150""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;150""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "airline_insert"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;110""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;110""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;110""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "airline_visual"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;182""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;182""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;182""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;249""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;237""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;237""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "jelly"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;233""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;183""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;183""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;188""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;234""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;234""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;232""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "lightline"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;117""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;117""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;252""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;248""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;180""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;180""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;247""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "lightline_insert"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;119""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;119""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;252""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;248""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;180""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;180""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;247""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "lightline_visual"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;216""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;216""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;252""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;248""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;238""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;238""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;180""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;180""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;247""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"
else if test $promptline_theme = "powerline"
set a_fg "$esc""38;5;220""$end_esc"; and set a_bg "$esc""48;5;166""$end_esc"; and set a_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;166""$end_esc"; and set b_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set b_bg "$esc""48;5;31""$end_esc"; and set b_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;31""$end_esc"; and set c_fg "$esc""38;5;250""$end_esc"; and set c_bg "$esc""48;5;240""$end_esc"; and set c_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;240""$end_esc"; and set warn_fg "$esc""38;5;231""$end_esc"; and set warn_bg "$esc""48;5;52""$end_esc"; and set warn_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;52""$end_esc"; and set y_fg "$esc""38;5;250""$end_esc"; and set y_bg "$esc""48;5;236""$end_esc"; and set y_sep_fg "$esc""38;5;236""$end_esc"
function fish_prompt -S -d "fish specific function for the prompt on the left side"
function fish_right_prompt -S -d "fish specific function for the prompt on the right side"
eval "fish $BATTERY_FILE &" 2>&1 >/dev/null
function __promptline_cwd -S -d "create current-working-directory string"
set -l first_char
set -l formatted_cwd ""
set -l dir_sep "  "
set -l tilde "~"
set -l cwd (echo $PWD | sed 's#^'$HOME'#~#')
# get the first char of the path, i.e. tilde or slash
# and trim off the tilde if present
set -l IFS ''
set -l rest
# use `read` with an empty IFS to split the first character
echo $cwd | read first_char rest
if test $first_char = '~'
set cwd $rest
# split the path into components, reverse it, and trim it.
set -l comps
set -l IFS '/'
echo $cwd | read -a comps
# reverse the array
set comps $comps[-1..1]
if test (count $comps) -gt $cwd_dir_limit
# and trim it down to size
set comps $comps[1..$cwd_dir_limit]
set first_char $cwd_truncation_symbol
# iterate components array and build the result
for part in $comps
set formatted_cwd "$dir_sep$part$formatted_cwd"
# if you prefer "/root  folder" instead of "/  root  folder" uncomment following line
# test "$first_char" = "/"; and set formatted_cwd (echo $formatted_cwd | cut -c 6-)
echo -n "$first_char$formatted_cwd"
function __promptline_vcs_branch -S -d "get branch of the current version control system"
set -l branch
# git
if begin; test -d .git; or git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1; end
set branch (echo (git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null; or git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null))
if test -n "$branch"
set branch (echo $branch | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')
echo -ne (echo $vcs_branch_symbol$branch (test $show_git_status = "yes"; and __promptline_git_status))
return 0
return 1
function __promptline_git_status -d "get status of current git branch"
if begin; test -d .git; or git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1; end
test (git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null) = "true"; or return 1
set -l unmerged_count 0
set -l modified_count 0
set -l has_untracked_files 0
set -l added_count 0
set -l is_clean ""
set -l behind_count (git rev-list --left-right --count '@{upstream}...HEAD' | awk '{print $1}')
set -l ahead_count (git rev-list --left-right --count '@{upstream}...HEAD' | awk '{print $2}')
# Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R), changed (T), Unmerged (U), Unknown (X), Broken (B)
git diff --name-status | while read line
switch "$line"
case 'M*'
set modified_count (math $modified_count + 1)
case 'U*'
set unmerged_count (math $unmerged_count + 1)
git diff --name-status --cached | while read line
switch "$line"
case '*'
set added_count (math $added_count + 1)
test -z (git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | head -1); or set has_untracked_files 1
test (math $unmerged_count + $modified_count + $has_untracked_files + $added_count) -eq 0; and set is_clean 1
set -l leading_whitespace ""
test $ahead_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$ahead_count$git_ahead_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $behind_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$behind_count$git_behind_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $modified_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$modified_count$git_modified_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $unmerged_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$unmerged_count$git_unmerged_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $added_count -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$added_count$git_added_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $has_untracked_files -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$git_has_untracked_files_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
test $is_clean -gt 0; and echo -ne "$leading_whitespace$git_clean_symbol"; and set leading_whitespace " ";
return 1
function __promptline_wrapper -d "reorder content between the wrapper at argument 2 and 3"
# wrap the text in $1 with $2 and $3, only if $1 is not empty
# $2 and $3 typically contain non-content-text, like color escape codes and separators
test (count $argv) -lt 3; and return 1
echo -ne $argv[2]$argv[1]$argv[3]
function __promptline_left_prompt -S -d "draw the left part of promptline"
set -l return_value $status
# section "a" header
set -l is_prompt_empty 1
set -l slice_prefix "$a_bg$sep$a_fg$a_bg$space"
set -l slice_suffix "$space$a_sep_fg"
set -l slice_joiner "$a_fg$a_bg$alt_sep$space"
set -l slice_empty_prefix "$a_fg$a_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "a" slices
test $show_hostname = "yes"; and __promptline_wrapper $HOSTNAME "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
if begin; test $show_virtual_env = "yes"; and test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV"; end
__promptline_wrapper (echo "$VIRTUAL_ENV" | sed 's#.*\/##g') "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# section "b" header
set slice_prefix "$b_bg$sep$b_fg$b_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$b_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$b_fg$b_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$b_fg$b_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "b" slices
test $show_username = "yes"; and __promptline_wrapper "$USER" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# section "c" header
set slice_prefix "$c_bg$sep$c_fg$c_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$c_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$c_fg$c_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$c_fg$c_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "c" slices
test $show_current_working_directory = "yes"; and __promptline_wrapper (__promptline_cwd) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
if test $show_only_left_prompt = "yes"
# section "y" header
set slice_prefix "$y_bg$sep$y_fg$y_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$y_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$y_fg$y_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$y_fg$y_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "y" slices
if test $show_git_branch = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_vcs_branch) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
else if test $show_git_status = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_git_status) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# section "warn" header
set slice_prefix "$warn_bg$sep$warn_fg$warn_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$warn_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$warn_fg$warn_bg$alt_sep$space"
set slice_empty_prefix "$warn_fg$warn_bg$space"
test $is_prompt_empty -eq 1; and set slice_prefix "$slice_empty_prefix"
# section "warn" slices
if begin; test $show_battery_level = "yes"; and test -n "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL"; and test "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL" -le "$battery_threshold"; end
__promptline_wrapper "$battery_symbol$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL$battery_percent_sign" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
if begin; test $show_return_value = "yes"; and test $return_value -ne 0; end
__promptline_wrapper "$return_value_symbol$return_value" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"; and set is_prompt_empty 0
# close sections
echo -ne "$reset_bg$sep$reset$space"
function __promptline_right_prompt -S -d "draw the right part of promptline"
set -l return_value $status
test $show_only_left_prompt = "yes"; and return
# section "warn" header
set -l slice_prefix "$warn_sep_fg$rsep$warn_fg$warn_bg"
set -l slice_suffix "$space$warn_sep_fg"
set -l slice_joiner "$warn_fg$warn_bg$alt_rsep$space"
# section "warn" slices
if begin; test $show_return_value = "yes"; and test $return_value -ne 0; end
__promptline_wrapper "$return_value_symbol$return_value" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"
if begin; test $show_battery_level = "yes"; and test -n "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL"; and test "$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL" -le "$battery_threshold"; end
__promptline_wrapper "$battery_symbol$LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL$battery_percent_sign" "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"
# section "y" header
set slice_prefix "$y_sep_fg$rsep$y_fg$y_bg$space"
set slice_suffix "$space$y_sep_fg"
set slice_joiner "$y_fg$y_bg$alt_rsep$space"
# section "y" slices
if test $show_git_branch = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_vcs_branch) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"
else if test $show_git_status = "yes"
__promptline_wrapper (__promptline_git_status) "$slice_prefix" "$slice_suffix"; and set slice_prefix "$slice_joiner"
# close sections
echo -ne "$reset"
# save the battery file in the same directory
set -g BATTERY_FILE (dirname (status -f))"/"
set -U HOSTNAME (hostname)
# create a seperate file for calculating the battery level and start the script
# in the background to improve the performance of this prompt. On OS X this
# solution seems to be a advantage, because the battery level refreshes
# automatically without hitting enter to get the current percentage. But on
# Linux the current battery level is always printed one step later.
if not test -f "$BATTERY_FILE" -d "if the file doesn't exist, create it"
printf "\n# osx\n" > "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "if test (uname) = \"Darwin\"\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set current_capacity (ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery 2>/dev/null | grep CurrentCapacity | awk -F' ' '{print \$NF}')\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set battery_capacity (ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery 2>/dev/null | grep MaxCapacity | awk -F' ' '{print \$NF}')\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set -U LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL (math \$current_capacity \* 100 \/ \$battery_capacity)\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "end\n\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "# linux\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "for possible_battery_dir in /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " if begin; test -d \"\$possible_battery_dir\"; and test -f \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_full\"; and test -f \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_now\"; end\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set current_capacity (cat \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_now\")\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set battery_capacity (cat \"\$possible_battery_dir/charge_full\")\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " set -U LAST_BATTERY_LEVEL (math \$current_capacity \* 100 \/ \$battery_capacity)\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf " end\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
printf "end\n" >> "$BATTERY_FILE"
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lilyball commented Sep 8, 2014

Although it occurs to me that you have plenty of other global variables in this script already. You should probably give them all a prefix.

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toXel commented Oct 29, 2015

Is this script free to use for anything? Because I would like to create a theme for Oh My Fish. Would you allow me to do this?

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