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Last active June 4, 2023 19:58
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Save manchuwook/3a99b5cff6bef52f02faeeb0baf50476 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A list of phrases to use for your ML vocal training.
She said she loved him
Only she said she loved him.
She only said she loved him.
She said only she loved him.
She said she only loved him.
She said she loved only him.
She said she loved him only.
Bob thought the law was taught by his father.
The hot dog caught on fire in the kitchen.
Don't toss your socks in the pot; they'll get caught!
I bought a lot of cotton shirts at the store.
The foggy morning brought a lot of thoughts to my mind.
My father bought a lot of apples at the store.
Don't bother with that old book; it's not worth it.
She loves to drink wine with her dinner.
Stop whining and start working on your project.
I need a pen to write down my notes.
Be careful not to prick yourself with that pin.
She's going to the university to study biology.
The duke of York is visiting our town.
Can you bring me a thin slice of bread, please?
This sweater is very warm and comfortable.
The sunset over the ocean was a breathtakingly beautiful sight.
Spending time with loved ones brings immense happiness to my heart.
I couldn't resist indulging in a rich, creamy piece of chocolate cake.
The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen with a delicious scent.
Exploring the ancient ruins was an exciting adventure we'll never forget.
The majestic elephant gracefully moved through the grasslands.
The colorful butterfly fluttered from flower to flower in the garden.
Studying astronomy allows us to learn about the vast expanse of the universe.
We gathered to celebrate their wedding with laughter and joy.
True friendship is built on trust, understanding, and support.
I captured a beautiful photograph of the snow-covered mountains.
The lively music had everyone on the dance floor feeling energetic.
The musician serenaded the crowd with his enchanting melodies.
It was a wonderful surprise to receive a thoughtful gift from a friend.
The chef prepared an exquisite meal with delicate flavors and presentation.
We savored every bite of the delicious homemade lasagna.
The documentary revealed the fascinating lives of marine creatures.
The orchestra performed a breathtaking symphony that moved the audience.
The view from the mountaintop was nothing short of majestic.
The book's intriguing plot kept me engaged until the very end.

Person names

Visit SSA Names and read off the top 20 or more for as many age generations as you wish - Boomer (or older), Gen Y, Millenial, Zoomer, etc. Try to also include common names for names not native to your origin country. If you have fictional names of characters, take extra care to pronounce them consistently (you'd be surprised how often authors mess them up).

Country names

Say the names of each capitol with their country or associated province/state. It is intended to handle the comma between them Also as a phrase like "Last month, (country) signed a (peace treaty/economic deal/prisoner swap) with (another country) for the first time in over a decade.

City names

  • High population cities
  • Interesting cities, known for major attractions or historical events


  • Eiffel Tower
  • Tokyo Tower
  • The Statue of Liberty
  • The White House ... and so on
(say One through Ten)
(say One-hundred through Nine-hundred, skipping every one hundred)
(say One-Thousand through Nine-thousand, skipping every one thousand)
(say One-Million through Nine-million, skipping every one million)
(... and so on for billions and trillions)
(Now do precision such as tenths, thousandths, millionths)
(Read off telephone numbers, just make sure not to give real ones. Give some that have 2, 3, and 4 in a row e.g. 223-444-5555)
Read off numbers in newscaster/stock exchange-style sentences such as
"One point one million people were all given the pink slip today as the Malaysian government shut down the public workers division"
"On this day, June seventh, 20 people were given cake in Georgia."
"You can call the Orange delivery hotline at one eight hundred two two nine thirty-thirty"
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"out": "00:00:16"
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"duration": "",
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"out": "00:00:11"
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"out": "00:00:13"
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"out": "00:00:14"
"filename": "shy_eurasian_footwear.wav",
"duration": "",
"words": [
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"out": "00:00:03"
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"out": "00:00:05"
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"out": "00:00:09"
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"in": "00:00:09",
"out": "00:00:10"
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"in": "00:00:10",
"out": "00:00:11"
"filename": "beige_hue_waters_loch.wav",
"duration": "",
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A beautiful day brings joy and happiness, like a bird singing in the morning light.
The gentle river flows through the green valley, bringing life to the quiet village.
The sun's golden rays bring warmth to the clear, blue sky, while the soft breeze whispers through the trees.
In the distance, the majestic mountain stands tall, untouched by the passing of time.
The book on the shelf is filled with enchanting tales of love, courage, and adventure.
On a cold winter's day, the warm fire in the hearth is a comforting presence.
A cup of hot tea and a good book are the perfect companions for a rainy day.
The laughter and chatter of children playing in the park is a delightful sound.
The garden is a riot of color, with flowers blooming in every corner.
The stars in the night sky are like diamonds, shining brightly in the darkness
The moon shines brightly on the calm sea.
Cherries ripen quickly in the warm summer sun.
A kitten purrs softly when it is content.
The mighty oak tree stands tall in the forest.
A gentle breeze rustles the leaves in the trees.
The aroma of fresh bread wafts from the bakery.
The old stone bridge crosses the babbling brook.
Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles in the stormy sky.
A shoal of fish dart through the crystal-clear water.
The lighthouse stands guard over the rocky shore.
Bright city lights twinkle in the distance.
A pebble skips across the surface of the pond.
The train chugs slowly up the steep hill.
A butterfly flutters among the beautiful flowers.
The farmer tends to his fields with care.
A squirrel scurries up the tall tree trunk.
The old clock in the hall chimes the hour.
A painter captures the beauty of the sunset on canvas.
The waves lap gently against the sandy beach.
The rustle of pages is the only sound in the library.
I am overflowing with a profound sense of happiness, as if every fiber of my being is infused with radiant sunshine and an endless supply of joy!
My heart is filled to the brim with an exuberant and contagious happiness that radiates like a thousand sunbeams, illuminating every corner of my existence!
I am immersed in an ocean of pure bliss and uncontainable giddiness, riding the waves of euphoria and reveling in the sheer delight of the present moment!
Every breath I take is infused with an intoxicating concoction of happiness, bubbling up within me like effervescent champagne, tickling my senses and making me positively giddy with delight!
My soul is dancing to the rhythm of unbridled joy, twirling and spinning in a symphony of happiness, creating an irresistible aura of positivity and contagious laughter!
I am enveloped in a cocoon of unadulterated happiness and serenity, where worries fade away, and my spirit soars like a carefree butterfly, intoxicated by the nectar of pure joy!
With each passing moment, my heart becomes a kaleidoscope of vibrant emotions, painting my world with an explosion of colors, and leaving me in a state of uncontainable, euphoric happiness!
I am floating on a cloud of unparalleled happiness, where time stands still, and my spirit soars high above the ordinary, embracing the extraordinary and relishing in the sheer bliss of the present!
My happiness knows no bounds, for it transcends the limitations of mere words, engulfing me in a warm embrace of unfiltered delight, like a symphony playing the most melodious notes that resonate within my soul!
In this moment, my entire being is a symphony of laughter, love, and unyielding happiness, as if the universe itself conspired to gift me an abundance of joy, filling my life with endless possibilities and immeasurable delight!
I am absolutely ecstatic and filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness!
I can't contain my excitement and happiness; it's like fireworks exploding in my heart!
Every fiber of my being is buzzing with pure delight and an indescribable feeling of euphoria!
I am so incredibly elated and thrilled that I feel like I could leap for joy and dance with abandon!
My heart is brimming with uncontainable happiness, and I can't help but radiate positivity and bliss!
I am on cloud nine, surrounded by an aura of immense joy and a contagious, infectious happiness!
A wave of sheer delight and unadulterated glee washes over me, filling my soul with boundless happiness!
I'm positively overjoyed, my spirit soaring high as if I have wings and the whole world is my playground!
The sheer magnitude of happiness and euphoria I feel right now is indescribable and beyond measure!
In this moment, my heart is a symphony of jubilation, and my soul is dancing with uncontainable happiness and pure, unbridled joy!
import json
from typing import List, Dict
class Sentence:
def __init__(self, filename: str, duration: str, words: List[Dict[str, str]]):
self.filename = filename
self.duration = duration
self.words = words
class SentenceSerializer:
def serialize(sentence: Sentence) -> str:
return json.dumps(sentence.__dict__)
def deserialize(data: str) -> Sentence:
obj = json.loads(data)
return Sentence(obj["filename"], obj["duration"], obj["words"])
def to_smpte_timecode(timecode: str) -> str:
hours, minutes, seconds = timecode.split(":")
frames = int(round(float(seconds) * 30)) # Assuming 30 frames per second for SMPTE timecode
return f"{int(hours):02d}:{int(minutes):02d}:{int(seconds):02d}:{frames:02d}"
def from_smpte_timecode(timecode: str) -> str:
hours, minutes, seconds, frames = timecode.split(":")
seconds = float(frames) / 30
return f"{int(hours):02d}:{int(minutes):02d}:{seconds:06.3f}"
# Usage Example
data = """
"sentences": [
"filename": "laughter_of_children_in_the_park.wav",
"duration": "",
"words": [
"word": "The",
"in": "00:00:00",
"out": "00:00:01"
# Deserialize JSON to Sentence objects
sentences_data = json.loads(data)["sentences"]
sentences = [SentenceSerializer.deserialize(json.dumps(s)) for s in sentences_data]
# Convert timecodes to SMPTE format
for sentence in sentences:
for word in sentence.words:
word["in"] = SentenceSerializer.to_smpte_timecode(word["in"])
word["out"] = SentenceSerializer.to_smpte_timecode(word["out"])
# Convert SMPTE timecodes back to original format (if needed)
# for sentence in sentences:
# for word in sentence.words:
# word["in"] = SentenceSerializer.from_smpte_timecode(word["in"])
# word["out"] = SentenceSerializer.from_smpte_timecode(word["out"])
# Serialize Sentence objects to JSON
serialized_sentences = [SentenceSerializer.serialize(s) for s in sentences]
Copy link

Create new sentences and actively listen to your TTS results. To reduce hallucinations in your generated samples, you may have to go back and create additional recordings using replacements for robotic-sounding words in the context of a sentence.

  • 'nother instead of Another may mean you started too softly at the start of a sentence
  • Skipping or overextending syllables may mean it can't correctly concatenate words. Try to enunciate multisyllabic words more clearly.
  • Listen to how others pronounce the word - you may need to say it correctly. (It's okay, sometimes people see the word written only and not spoken)

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