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Marian Dziubiak manio143

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Project loading

Given path to sln file or project file.

It starts in SessionViewModel.OpenSession with a call to PackageSession.Load. -> writes into sessionResult then it calls PackageSession.LoadMissingReferences finally we create a new SessionViewModel on the UI thread and call LoadAssetsFromPackages on it.


manio143 /
Last active March 24, 2022 22:12
Plans for Stride Roslyn extension for Spring FHL

Creating a Roslyn extension for Stride.Core

This project is meant to be a learning opportunity for me, to dive deeper into Roslyn analyzers and code generators. During my FHL week (21-25.03.2022) I will learn how analyzers and code generators work, when in the compilation pipeline they're invoked, how to write them and how to debug them.


The project has a goal - create a new package for Stride Stride.Core.Compilation under netstandard2.0 which will supersede AssemblyProcessor in the following:

DataSerializer generation

manio143 /
Last active November 4, 2020 17:49
How to build Stride for Linux

Stride uses the MSBuild system to the max. This is an instruction on how to build Stride packages so that they can be used under Linux to compile a project (excluding asset compilation).

In /build/ are the definitions of builds for different platforms/graphics systems. I will be invoking the build for Linux OpenGL, so I'm going to invoke a command

msbuild .\ /target:BuildLinux

This command should be invoked from the Visual Studio 2019 Developer PowerShell, so that all environment variables are properly set. Best open it from Visual Studio (Ctrl+Q -> PowerShell).

manio143 / Stride Editor design
Last active April 10, 2024 02:03
Stride Editor current design document

Current Stride Editor design document

This document is meant to describe the architecture of the current Stride Editor, so that it's easier to read its source code and rewrite it in a better way. This is in now way a complete document as the Editor is about 35k LOC. I'm slowly going to read through the more interesting parts and note down my thoughts.

View hierarchy

  • GameStudioWindow
    • static top bar menu
    • static asset context menu
    • static key bindings (start/cancel build, run game, open debug window, copy asset, show add asset dialog)
  • static toolbar tray (icon buttons)

Stride UI/UX discussion summary

This document is meant to summarize the discussion that started at the end of June 2020 about improving Stride's UI (Game Studio's UI).

Initially MechWarrior99 came up with some ideas on making the UX better. One of these ideas was to make something akin to Blender's Workspaces. Then this issue was mentioned - it may have inspired #637 and #667, which tried to improve somewhat the current UI.

Next MechWarrior99 worked on the improved UI design of different parts of Stride, starting with components (msg). During that time qbic suggested changes to the 3D translation gizmo ([msg](

manio143 / Option.cs
Created May 5, 2020 20:22
C# Sum algebraic types
using System;
namespace SumTypes
public abstract class Option<T> : SumType<Option<T>.Enum>
public enum Enum { None = 0, Some = 1 }
private Option(Enum tag) : base(tag) { }
public sealed class None : Option<T>
manio143 /
Created June 10, 2019 12:54
Skrypt, który teoretycznie ma nieco przyśpieszyć podpisywanie plików profilem zaufanym przez portal
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
import sys
import os.path
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
from http.cookiejar import Cookie
manio143 / AsyncState.fs
Created February 17, 2019 20:17
F# implementation of (StateT s Async)
module AsyncState
type AsyncState<'s, 'a> = private AsyncState of ('s -> Async<'s * 'a>)
module AsyncState =
let result x = AsyncState <| fun s -> async {return (s, x)}
let run (AsyncState f) = f
let bind f m = AsyncState <| fun s -> async {
let! (s', a) = run m s
manio143 /
Created January 19, 2019 13:21
A nice script to auto update DNS records in CloudFlare
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
import subprocess
home = "/home/manio/"
authKey = ""
email = ""