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mankyKitty / scrabble.clj
Last active December 18, 2015 17:49
Solution to the Warm Exercises - Scrabble Problem. In Clojure because its sexiness defies understanding....
(ns scrabble.core)
(def letter-scores [{:score 1 :letters "aeioulnrst"}
{:score 2 :letters "dg"}
{:score 3 :letters "bcmp"}
{:score 4 :letters "fhvwy"}
{:score 5 :letters "k"}
{:score 8 :letters "jx"}
{:score 10 :letters "qz"}])
mankyKitty /
Created June 20, 2013 07:35
It's been a while okay!
package scrabble;
public class Scrabble {
private static final char[][] letters = new char[][] {
{'a','e','i','o','u','l','n','r','s','t'}, // 1
{'d','g'}, // 2
{'b','c','m','p'}, // 3
{'f','h','v','w','y'}, // 4
{'k'}, // 5
{'j','x'}, // 8
mankyKitty / leetify.clj
Last active December 18, 2015 22:19
Almost complete implementation to leetify a given string passed in via command line. Still doesn't set characters immediately following a number to lower case.
(ns bob.core
(:require [clojure.string :as slib]
[ :as zlib]
[ :as io])
(:gen-class :main true))
(defn consonant-in? [s]
(not (empty? (re-seq #"[^aeiouAEIOU\s]" (str s)))))
(defn leet-vowel [v]
mankyKitty /
Last active August 22, 2016 13:23
Guide to exporting Views in Drupal 6/7 into your module so you can keep them safe in version control. You *ARE* using version control right?

Exporting Views

This guide assumes you have a module ready to save the views but it does not have any Views integration or folder structure. Skip ahead if you've already created the folders and Views Hooks.

  • Add the views folder to your module.
  • Create a file called inside the views folder.
  • Add a default_views folder inside the views folder.

Your module directory structure should now resemble something like this:

mankyKitty /
Created July 1, 2013 01:19
Brief guide to Views Data. What it is, how to declare your table and field information and how some of the special meta data keys work. Additionally there is information on how to integrate into the Apache Solr Views information for declaring your own fields.

Using Views Data

As you're probably aware, if you want Views to acknowledge any of your fields, filters, sorts, or contextual filters; you have to declare their existence in the hook_views_data within your module. This is a brief guide into how to utilise this functionality.

This guide assumes you have already setup your Views integration using the API hook and you are ready to start declaring fields and other related items for your custom data. The basic structure of the array that is returned by the Views data hook is as follows:

    <Table Name>
    |-| <Field Name>


mankyKitty /
Last active October 27, 2021 05:32
This is a cheat sheet for information about extending the capabilities of Views by extending and building your own handlers. It will cover the basic handlers and attempt to cover some of the hooks that you might use when doing so. Including examples, basic documentation and some caveats where necessary.THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST!! Consider the …

#Views Handlers - A Shakedown

This is a cheat sheet for information about extending the capabilities of Views by extending and building your own handlers. It will cover the basic handlers and attempt to cover some of the hooks that you might use when doing so. Including examples, basic documentation and some caveats where necessary. THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST!! Consider the code of the handler your looking to extend to be the ultimate source of documentation. This is merely a convenience and a starting point.

_Ignore the tags in the included snippets, they are a convenience for formatting.

Extending / Including Your Handler

  • Determine which handler you're going to extend. (eg views_handler_field_numeric).
  • Create a PHP .inc file using the class name of your handler:
mankyKitty /
Last active May 23, 2017 13:03
This is a cheat sheet and rough guide to the integration of Drupal and Apache Solr. It will contain useful functions and how to combine them, a basic layout on how the components fit together, and some DOs and DON'Ts. All of this is based on the [apachesolr]( integration, if you're using a different module th…

#Drupal & Apache Solr Integration

This is a cheat sheet and rough guide to the integration of Drupal and Apache Solr. It will contain useful functions and how to combine them, a basic layout on how the components fit together, and some DOs and DON'Ts. All of this is based on the apachesolr integration, if you're using a different module then this will probably be of no use to you.

Useful Functions

Load All Environments

Within the Apache Solr module there is support for connecting to multiple Solr instances, each the configured connections is considered an environment within the context of the Solr modules operations. When you're interacting with Solr and there is only one connection configured then you mostly do not have to be concerned with this as the module will load the default environment by itself. However you should always try to ensure that anything you construct around Solr is designed to handle the existence of multiple environments.

mankyKitty /
Last active July 12, 2024 12:29
The documentation around the basics of the Solr query syntax is terrible, this is an attempt to alleviate the doc-shock associated with trying to learn some fundamentals.

Solr Query Syntax Basics

This is a super basic beginners guide to Solr Lucene query syntax. We're going to cover running a straightforward query, as well as some of the more useful functionality such as filtering and creating facets. We'll point out some things you can't do and generally give you enough instruction so that you can get yourself into trouble.

For testing you need a REST client capable of sending requests to your Solr instance. Either RESTClient for Firefox or Postman for Chrome are good choices.


Request Specific Fields

To specify a list of fields to return instead of the default Solr response use fl and provide a comma delimited list of fields:

mankyKitty / test_str.erl
Last active January 4, 2016 02:59
Attempted benchmarking of erlang sub-string matching functions "string:str/2" and "re:run/2". ```re:run/2``` comes off worse in this shown down because of the initial time needed to compile the regex. It's sufficiently scorching after that but it still never manages to catch up to ```string:str/2```. Given that I intended to use one of these fun…
strs() ->
[" foo |# 3 3)", " foo #| bar |# foobar |# 3)"].
run_timing(Mod, Fun, [NoMatch|Match]) ->
{MatchTime, _} = timer:tc(Mod, Fun, Match),
{NoMatchTime, _} = timer:tc(Mod, Fun, NoMatch),
mankyKitty / lfe_type_scan.lfe
Last active March 29, 2016 21:59
LFE Type Signature Scanner - Takes our LFE type syntax and makes it into a data structure to be munged into Dialyzer specs.
(defmodule lfe_type_scan
(export all))
(defun to-type-fun (t)
"This function was taking the type atom 'atom and smooshing it into
\"atom()\" but this doesn't play well with how I've structured the fold
so I've left it for now whilst I tried other things."
(list t)) ;; Until further notice
(defmacro with-spec args