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Created January 30, 2018 03:45
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int seed = int(random(99999999));
void setup() {
size(528, 280);
void draw() {
float time = millis()*0.01;
float alp = 245+cos(time*10)*10;
stroke(#FF7C00, alp);
fill(#FF7C00, alp);
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
float dy = height-42-i*20;
line(4, dy, 6, dy);
line(12, dy, 14, dy);
text(nfp((i+1), 2), 17, dy-6.5);
line(9.5, 0, 9.5, height-23);
line(0, height-20, width, height-20);
meter(44, 0, 44, height-22);
meter(0, height-16, width, height-16);
stroke(#8AC89C, alp);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
float xx = 48+120*i;
line(xx, 0, xx, height-24);
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
if ((i == 0 || i == 3) && j == 5) continue;
float yy = height-42-j*40;
line(xx+2, yy, xx+5, yy);
line(xx+115, yy, xx+118, yy);
line(xx+2, yy-4, xx+2, yy+4);
line(xx+118, yy-4, xx+118, yy+4);
line(xx+57, yy, xx+63, yy);
line(xx+60, yy-4, xx+60, yy+4);
if (frameCount%1 == 0) {
float det = random(0.02, 0.04);
float tt = time*random(100, 200);
float det2 = random(2, 10);
float tt2 = time*random(0.1);//random(100, 200);
float det3 = random(10);
float tt3 = time*random(0.1, 1);
float des = random(1000);
for (float x = 0; x <= width; x+=0.1) {
float xx = x;
float val = 1;
float amp = 1;
//noi = cos(x*0.1-tt)*0.5+0.5;
int sel = int(x-50)/120;
if (x < 50) sel = -1;
if (sel == -1) amp = 0.002;
if (sel == 0) amp = pow(sin(map(x, 50, 170, 0, HALF_PI*0.5))*1.41, 3);
amp += noise(det*x, tt)*0.03;
float yy = map(val*amp, 0, 1, height-21, 20);
if (sel > 1) {
float sep = 40;
float nx = int((x-10)/sep);
float mx = (xx-10)%sep;
float des1 = 0.2+pow(noise((nx-1)*det2+tt2), 0.5)*0.8;
float des2 = 0.2+pow(noise((nx)*det2+tt2), 0.5)*0.8;
float amp1 = pow(1-sin(map(x-mx, 290, width, 0, HALF_PI)), 0.4);
float amp2 = pow(1-sin(map(x-mx+sep, 290, width, 0, HALF_PI)), 0.4);
amp1 += noise(det*x, tt)*0.03;
amp2 += noise(det*x, tt)*0.03;
float y1 = map(des1*amp1, 0, 1, height-21, 20);
float y2 = map(des2*amp2, 0, 1, height-21, 20);
if (mx <= sep/2) {
xx = xx-mx+mx*2;
yy = y1;
} else {
xx = xx-mx+sep;
yy = map(mx, sep*0.5, sep, y1, y2);
if (sel == 1) {
amp += noise(det*x, tt)*0.03;
float vv = map(x, 50+120, 50+240, 0, 1);
xx = (sin(vv*TWO_PI*1.5-HALF_PI)*0.5+0.5)*120;
yy = cos(vv*TWO_PI*2.125+tt*0.1)*0.5+0.5;
float dt = det*2.1;
yy = noise(xx*dt+tt*0.001, yy*dt, x*dt+tt*0.01);
if (yy < 0.5) yy = pow(yy, 1.3);
else yy = pow(yy, 0.4);
//yy = noise(vv*det2*40.1, tt)*mm;
xx = 48+120+xx;
yy = map(yy, 0, 1, height-21, 20);
if (sel > 1) {
float na = noise(time)*1.5;
if (na < 0.3) na = 0;
else na = pow(map(na, 0.3, 1, 0, 1), 4);
float dd = (pow(noise(x*det2*0.03+tt2*1000), 1)*2-1)*na*50;
xx += cos(PI*1.6)*dd;
yy += sin(PI*1.6)*dd;
vertex(xx, yy);
stroke(#FF7C00, alp);
rect(53, 20, 111, 28, 4);
rect(413, 20, 111, 36, 4);
stroke(#B62119, alp);
rect(413, 170, 111, 20, 4);
rect(413, 170, 111, 20, 4);
fill(#FF7C00, cos(time*10)*255);
rect(56, 23, 105, 22, 3);
rect(416, 23, 105, 30, 3);
fill(#B62119, cos(time*10)*255);
rect(416, 173, 106, 14, 3);
rect(416, 173, 106, 14, 3);
void keyPressed() {
seed = int(random(99999999));
void meter(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
float ang = atan2(y1-y2, x1-x2);
float dis = dist(x1, y1, x2, y2);
float dx = cos(ang-HALF_PI);
float dy = sin(ang-HALF_PI);
float sep = 4;
float dd, xx, yy;
for (int i = 1; i <= dis/sep; i++) {
xx = x2+cos(ang)*i*sep;
yy = y2+sin(ang)*i*sep;
dd = 3;
if (i%5 == 0) dd = 6;
line(xx, yy, xx+dx*dd, yy+dy*dd);
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