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Created August 10, 2023 19:09
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FDDB Register Weight Data from already existing data like Excel or CSV
// Use CSRFTOKEN for your current session
// Copy this whole code into the developer console of your FDDB Browser Tab
const CSRFTOKEN = "871432";
async function createWeight(date, weight, bfp) {
var day = date.getDate().toString();
var month = (date.getMonth()+1).toString();
var year = date.getFullYear().toString();
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7");
myHeaders.append("Accept-Language", "es-ES,es;q=0.9,de;q=0.8");
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myHeaders.append("Connection", "keep-alive");
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var urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.append("csrftoken", CSRFTOKEN);
urlencoded.append("uh_date_day", day);
urlencoded.append("uh_date_month", month);
urlencoded.append("uh_date_year", year);
urlencoded.append("uh_weight", weight);
urlencoded.append("uh_bodyfat_percent", bfp);
urlencoded.append("uh_bodyfat_percent_checkbox", "on");
urlencoded.append("uh_bodywater_percent", "");
urlencoded.append("uh_bodywater_percent_checkbox", "on");
urlencoded.append("uh_waist_cm", "");
urlencoded.append("uh_waist_cm_checkbox", "on");
urlencoded.append("uh_hip_cm", "");
urlencoded.append("uh_hip_cm_checkbox", "on");
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: urlencoded,
redirect: 'follow'
await fetch("", requestOptions);
const dataArray = [{date: "2023-5-5", weight: 114.7, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-6", weight: 114.5, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-7", weight: 114.3, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-8", weight: 114, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-9", weight: 113.8, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-10", weight: 113.5, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-11", weight: 112.2, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-12", weight: 111.5, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-5-13", weight: 111.4, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-5-14", weight: 111.8, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-5-15", weight: 111.1, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-5-16", weight: 111.1, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-5-17", weight: 111.9, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-5-18", weight: 112.4, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-5-19", weight: 110.4, bfp: 0.36}, {date: "2023-5-20", weight: 109.3, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-5-21", weight: 108.7, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-5-22", weight: 108, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-5-23", weight: 106.7, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-5-24", weight: 106.4, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-5-25", weight: 105.7, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-5-26", weight: 105.5, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-5-27", weight: 104.7, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-5-28", weight: 106.5, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-5-29", weight: 104.5, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-5-30", weight: 105.1, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-5-31", weight: 105, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-6-1", weight: 105, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-6-2", weight: 104.7, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-6-3", weight: 104.7, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-6-4", weight: 104.3, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-6-5", weight: 104.3, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-6-6", weight: 103.7, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-6-7", weight: 103.5, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-8", weight: 103.5, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-6-9", weight: 102.8, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-6-10", weight: 102.8, bfp: 0.30}, {date: "2023-6-11", weight: 102.2, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-12", weight: 102.1, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-13", weight: 102.1, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-14", weight: 101.9, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-15", weight: 101.6, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-16", weight: 101.6, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-17", weight: 101.3, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-18", weight: 100.7, bfp: 0.29}, {date: "2023-6-19", weight: 100.8, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-20", weight: 100.3, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-21", weight: 100.3, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-22", weight: 99.6, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-23", weight: 100, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-24", weight: 98.5, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-25", weight: 97.8, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-6-26", weight: 97.8, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-27", weight: 98.1, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-6-28", weight: 98.4, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-6-29", weight: 97.7, bfp: 0.38}, {date: "2023-6-30", weight: 97.1, bfp: 0.36}, {date: "2023-7-1", weight: 96.2, bfp: 0.37}, {date: "2023-7-2", weight: 96, bfp: 0.36}, {date: "2023-7-3", weight: 96, bfp: 0.36}, {date: "2023-7-4", weight: 96.3, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-7-5", weight: 96.4, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-6", weight: 96.2, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-7", weight: 96.15, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-8", weight: 96.1, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-9", weight: 95.7, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-10", weight: 95.15, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-7-11", weight: 95.25, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-7-12", weight: 95.3, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-7-13", weight: 94.85, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-7-14", weight: 94.65, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-7-15", weight: 94.85, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-7-16", weight: 94.7, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-17", weight: 94.45, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-18", weight: 94.05, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-7-19", weight: 93.7, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-7-20", weight: 93.5, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-7-21", weight: 93.75, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-7-22", weight: 93.05, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-7-23", weight: 93.05, bfp: 0.34}, {date: "2023-7-24", weight: 93.55, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-7-25", weight: 92.65, bfp: 0.35}, {date: "2023-7-26", weight: 92.8, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-7-27", weight: 92.15, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-7-28", weight: 91.6, bfp: 0.29}, {date: "2023-7-29", weight: 91.3, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-7-30", weight: 91.25, bfp: 0.30}, {date: "2023-7-31", weight: 91.35, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-8-1", weight: 91, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-8-2", weight: 91.25, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-8-3", weight: 90.7, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-8-4", weight: 90.75, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-8-5", weight: 90.2, bfp: 0.33}, {date: "2023-8-6", weight: 90.75, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-8-7", weight: 90.75, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-8-8", weight: 89.9, bfp: 0.31}, {date: "2023-8-9", weight: 89.95, bfp: 0.32}, {date: "2023-8-10", weight: 89.6, bfp: 0.33}];
dataArray.forEach(async (item) => {
console.log("Logging weight:", item.weight);
await createWeight(new Date(, item.weight, item.bfp);
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