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Created August 23, 2012 00:28
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# OSM Points and Streets
# Build from nodes and ways
# For each way, add them to Streets
## Flag each node with the Street's ID
## If Street shares a node with a previous Street, build a connectsto relation between the two
# Optional firstToAdd parameter lets you pick up networking where you left off
firstToAdd = None
# firstToAdd = "featherdr"
# Opening the file
import urllib, urllib2
osmfile = open('macon.osm', 'r')
nodes = { }
inway = False
wayname = ""
waynodes = []
addedways = []
wayids = {}
isHighway = False
for line in osmfile:
# Add Streets
if(line.find('<way') > -1):
inway = True
elif(inway == True):
if(line.find('<nd ref') > -1):
# add this node id
id = line[ line.find('ref="') + 5 : len(line) ]
id = id[ 0 : id.find('"') ]
waynodes.append( id )
elif(line.find('k="highway"') > -1):
isHighway = True
elif(line.find('k="name"') > -1):
# found the road name
wayname = line[ line.find('v="') + 3 : len(line) ]
wayname = wayname[ 0 : wayname.find('"') ]
# use database's preferred parsing of street names
wayname = wayname.lower().replace(' ','')
elif(line.find('</way>') > -1):
# only care about roads with names
if(wayname != "" and isHighway == True):
# check if way needs to be added to the database
if(not (wayname in addedways)):
print wayname
addedways.append( wayname )
values = {
"name": wayname
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
# store final url: /streets/ID
if((firstToAdd is None) or (firstToAdd == wayname)):
wayids[ wayname ] = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('http://localhost:3000/streets', data)).geturl().split('streets/')[1]
firstToAdd = None
# retrieve this way ID by name
wayids[ wayname ] = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:3000/streetname/' + wayname).read()
# now add relationships to nodes in the way
for node in waynodes:
for streetid in nodes[node]:
# bidirectional
if(streetid == wayids[wayname]):
if(firstToAdd is None):
values = {
"streetid": wayids[wayname]
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('http://localhost:3000/streets/' + streetid + '/follow', data)).read()
values = {
"streetid": streetid
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('http://localhost:3000/streets/' + wayids[wayname] + '/follow', data)).read()
print "connection made"
nodes[node].append( wayids[ wayname ] )
nodes[node] = [ wayids[wayname] ]
# reset way defaults
wayname = ""
waynodes = []
isHighway = False
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