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Last active October 17, 2016 18:00
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Unexpected behavior with R reference class objects
## It's a real pain to deal with deep-linking to Gists (eg sourcing raw code), so I'm working on this
## in GitHub proper:
## Quickly source this code:
## source("")
hr <- paste(rep("- ", 20), collapse = "")
hr <- paste("\n", hr)
message("Trying to comprehend object methods in Reference Class objects")
bar <- setRefClass("bar",fields = list( x = "integer"))
## This will not work
initialize = function(..., x = 12L) {
## We have the "right" class here:
message("About to have an error")
levelOne("Inside Init")
message(" I never get here!")
callSuper(..., x = x )
## Shouldn't the method below "be available" to the object?
bar$methods( levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("bar$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
try ({
if (exists("b")) rm(b)
b <- bar()
message("Object was not created, we will never get here")
b$levelOne("My L1 bar Message")
bip <- setRefClass("bip",fields = list( x = "integer"))
## It does not help to callSuper() first
initialize = function(..., x = 12L) {
## If we callSuper() first, the $x field gets properly set,
## but we still do not have any knowledge of the $levelOne()
## method
callSuper(..., x = x )
message("About to have an error")
levelOne("Inside Init")
message(" I never get here!")
## Shouldn't the method below "be available" to the object?
bip$methods( levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("bip$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
try ({
if (exists("bp")) rm(bp)
bp <- bip()
message("Object was not created, we will never get here")
bp$levelOne("My L1 bip Message")
bipk <- setRefClass("bipk",fields = list( x = "integer"))
## Define levelOne() "before" initialize(), which makes everything
## happy. The only change from the "bip" objects is that levelOne() is
## a few lines higher in the source code.
bipk$methods( levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("bipk$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
initialize = function(..., x = 12L) {
message("For some reason defining the *object* method 'earlier' works!")
levelOne("Inside Init")
message(" Success!")
callSuper(..., x = x )
if (exists("bk")) rm(bk)
bk <- bipk()
bk$levelOne("My L1 bipk Message")
## Defining the methods in a monolithic (and ugly) block works ok
bork <- setRefClass("bork",
fields = list( x = "integer"),
methods = list(initialize = function(..., x = 12L) {
message("Setting methods in setRefClass() works")
levelOne("Inside Init")
message(" Success!")
callSuper(..., x = x )
}, levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("bork$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
if (exists("bo")) rm(bo)
bo <- bork()
bo$levelOne("My L1 bork Message")
baz <- setRefClass("baz",fields = list( x = "integer"))
## Directly referencing .self$levelOne() works
initialize = function(..., x = 12L) {
message("Explicit reference to '.self' is also ok")
.self$levelOne("Inside Init")
message(" Success!")
callSuper(..., x = x )
baz$methods( levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("baz$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
if (exists("bz")) rm(bz)
bz <- baz()
bz$levelOne("My L1 baz Message")
jaz <- setRefClass("jaz",fields = list( x = "integer"))
## "Peeking at .self$levelOne (with no "()"!!) somehow "preloads" the
## method, which somehow allows it to then be called without .self
## ??!?
initialize = function(..., x = 12L) {
message("Just *checking* the method allows it to be called w/o .self")
chk <- .self$levelOne # Not actually "doing" anything, "just looking"
levelOne("Inside Init") # WHY DOES THIS NOW WORK??
message(" Success!")
callSuper(..., x = x )
jaz$methods( levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("jaz$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
if (exists("jz")) rm(jz)
jz <- jaz()
jz$levelOne("My L1 jaz Message")
## Trying (and failing) to replicate issues happening outside of
## initialize(). In a (much) more complex object, this paradigm is not
## working at all (ie zz$levelTwo() is failing because $levelOne
## appears to be suffering from the "apparently not yet defined"
## problems reflected in the examples above)...
zaz <- setRefClass("zaz",fields = list( x = "integer"))
zaz$methods( levelTwo = function ( msg = "Bye") {
levelOne(paste("From levelTwo:", msg)) })
zaz$methods( levelOne = function ( msg = "Hi") {
message("zaz$levelOne() sez: ",msg) })
if (exists("zz")) rm(zz)
zz <- zaz()
zz$levelOne("My L1 zaz Message")
zz$levelTwo("My L2 zaz Message")
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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Trying to comprehend object methods in Reference Class objects

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Reference class object of class "bar"
Field "x":

About to have an error
Error in .Object$initialize(...) : could not find function "levelOne"

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Reference class object of class "bip"
Field "x":
[1] 12

About to have an error
Error in .Object$initialize(...) : could not find function "levelOne"

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
For some reason defining the *object* method 'earlier' works!
bipk$levelOne() sez: Inside Init
bipk$levelOne() sez: My L1 bipk Message

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Setting methods in setRefClass() works
bork$levelOne() sez: Inside Init
bork$levelOne() sez: My L1 bork Message

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Explicit reference to '.self' is also ok
baz$levelOne() sez: Inside Init
baz$levelOne() sez: My L1 baz Message

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Just *checking* the method allows it to be called w/o .self
jaz$levelOne() sez: Inside Init
jaz$levelOne() sez: My L1 jaz Message

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
zaz$levelOne() sez: My L1 zaz Message
zaz$levelOne() sez: From levelTwo: My L2 zaz Message

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

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> version
platform       x86_64-pc-linux-gnu         
arch           x86_64                      
os             linux-gnu                   
system         x86_64, linux-gnu           
major          3                           
minor          3.1                         
year           2016                        
month          06                          
day            21                          
svn rev        70800                       
language       R                           
version.string R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
nickname       Bug in Your Hair            

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