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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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example command
def can_pipe(command, fastq_file):
bwa-mem handles longer (> 70bp) reads with improved piping.
Randomly samples 5000 reads from the first two million.
Default to no piping if more than 75% of the sampled reads are small.
min_size = 70
thresh = 0.75
head_count = 8000000
tocheck = 5000
cat_cmd = 'cat {fastq_file}'
cmd = (cat_cmd + " | head -n {head_count} | "
"{command} sample -s42 - {tocheck} | "
"awk '{{if(NR%4==2) print length($1)}}' | sort | uniq -c")
count_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd.format(**locals()), shell=True,
executable="/bin/bash", stderr=open("/dev/null", "w"))
if not count_out.strip():
raise IOError("Failed to check fastq file sizes with: %s" % cmd.format(**locals()))
shorter = 0
for count, size in (l.strip().split() for l in count_out.strip().split("\n")):
if int(size) < min_size:
shorter += int(count)
return (float(shorter) / float(tocheck)) <= thresh
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