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Last active May 19, 2024 09:16
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7-zip in powershell with scripts provided

Discovering 7zip use in powershell

If you need more info

7-Zip and unzipping from command line
e (Extract) command
x (Extract with full paths) command
-o (set Output directory) switch

How to extract .zip files

7-zip can be used in powershell for extracting .zip file. To call 7-zip simply use:

> 7z
# or
> 7z --help

To extract the files in the same folder where the .zip file is located, use the e (Extract) command. This will not keep the subfolders from the .zip file:

> 7z e
# or
> 7z e 'path\to\'

If you want to keep the files in their respective subfolders, you need to use the x (Extract with full paths) command like this:

> 7z x
# or
> 7z x 'path\to\'

If you want to extract the files to a specified folder, use the -o (set Output directory) switch. Keep in mind that there is no space between the switch -o and the destination folder. If that folder does not exist, it will be created automatically:

> 7z x -ofolder
# or
> 7z x 'path\to\' -ofolder
# You can also use e instead of x if you don't want to keep the subfolders, only the files.

Powershell script to extract .zip files

If you need more info

How to handle command-line arguments in PowerShell
PowerShell Parameters
How do you execute an arbitrary native command from a string?
Powershell Remove all text after last instance of \



param (
[string]$filePath = $(throw "The -filePath argument is required"),
[string]$folder = $( Read-Host "Please, specify the destination folder name" )
$path = $filePath.Substring(0, $filePath.lastIndexOf('\'))
$command = "7z x '$filePath' -o'$path\$folder'"
Invoke-Expression $command
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10bn commented Oct 21, 2021

Is there also a way of extracting and moving the archive to trash?

I currently got this but couldn't figure out how to move the archive to the trash afterwards.

7z x *.zip -o* -aoa

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$command = "7z x '$filePath' -o'$path\$folder'"
Invoke-Expression $command
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Confirm:$false -Force | Out-Null

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