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Script for ScriptableApp displaying the 7-Day-Incidence in your county in Germany
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-gray; icon-glyph: magic;
// Licence: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007
// Author: Marcus Raitner (
// Source:
// ## Changelog
// * 1.0.1: Correction of layout of label for covid-beds
// * 1.0.2: Bug-Fix for Saar-Pfalz-Kreis (using GEN instead of county for join)
// * 1.0.3: Bug-Fix for Landsberg a. Lech (now using both GEN and county)
// * 1.0.4: Bug-Fix. Now using AGS for join (county and GEN only as backup)
// * 1.1.0: New API for vaccinations
// * 1.2.0: New colors and a new step for incidence 165
// * 1.3.0: New feature: Show also incidence for Germany with "showGermanyValue = true"
// * 1.4.0: New feature: R-Value for Germany. Bugfix for date of incidence
// * 1.5.0: Handling of parameters enhanced; see README for full reference
// * 1.6.0: New feature: Use frozen values of RKI
// * 1.7.0: New feature: Show one decimal (optional); improved rounding; minor visual improvements.
// * 1.8.0: Complete redesign of incidence graph and some minor adjustments
// * 1.9.0: Themes and new parameter bl
// * 1.10.0: Added hospitalization
// * 1.10.1: Added toggle for hospitalization
// * 1.10.2: New color in RKI Theme for incidence > 1.000 (and color for 500 adjusted to RKI Dashboard)
// * 1.10.3: Some minor display adjustments
// * 1.11.0: Booster quote
const version = "1.11.0"
// General Options Section
// Set to true for debugging information in the console
const debug = false;
// Set to true for an image background, false for no image.
const imageBackground = false;
// Set to true to reset the widget's background image.
const forceImageUpdate = false;
// Show also the incidence for Germany in total
var showGermanyValue = false;
// Show also the R-Value (only if showGermanyValue == true)
var showRValue = true;
// Toggle showing of vaccination status
var showVaccination = true;
// Toggle showing of ICU beds
var showIcu = true;
// show daily portion of incidence
var showDaily = true;
// Show frozen value for incidence instead of calculating it.
var useFrozen = false;
// number of days to show in detail
var detail = 5;
// show values for the state
var showBl = true;
// The color theme
var theme = "original";
// Show Hospitalization
var showHospitalization = true;
// palette found here:
const incidenceColors = {
original: [{
lower: 0,
color: new Color('#b1a7a6', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 35,
color: new Color('#F48C06', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 50,
color: new Color('#E85D04', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 100,
color: new Color('#D00000', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 165,
color: new Color('#6A040F', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 200,
color: new Color('#370617', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
rki: [{
lower: 0,
color: new Color('#ffffff', 1),
highlight: new Color('#000000', .5)
lower: 5,
color: new Color('#fcf39f', 1),
highlight: new Color('#000000', .5)
lower: 25,
color: new Color('#f9af4d', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 50,
color: new Color('#ff3d33', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 100,
color: new Color('#cc0a00', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 250,
color: new Color('#8c0801', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 500,
color: new Color('#C82B81', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
lower: 1000,
color: new Color('#6E1472', 1),
highlight: new Color("#FFFFFF", .7)
// colors for covid beds highlighting
const colorCovidBed = new Color('#DC2F02', 1);
const colorCovidBedVentilation = new Color('#9D0208', 1);
const bedsLineColor = new Color('#b1a7a6', 1);
const bedsLineFreeColor = new Color('#4D8802', 1);
// other colors
const accentColor2 = Color.lightGray(); // used for weekends
const vaccinationColor = new Color('#00848C', 1);
const vaccinationSecondColor = new Color('#004156', 1);
const vaccinationBoosterColor = new Color('#45b08c', 1);
// Gradients
let vaccinationGradient = new LinearGradient();
vaccinationGradient.locations = [0, 0.2, 0.8, 1];
vaccinationGradient.colors = [
new Color('#8C8C8C', 1),
new Color('#535353', 1),
new Color('#535353', 1),
new Color('#8C8C8C', 1)
let backgroundGradient = new LinearGradient();
backgroundGradient.locations = [0, 0.2, 0.8, 1];
backgroundGradient.colors = [
new Color("#28416F"),
new Color("#141E30"),
new Color("#141E30"),
new Color("#28416F")
const DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS = 86400000;
const widgetHeight = 338;
const widgetWidth = 720;
const graphLow = 0;
var graphHeight = 175;
var graphWidth = widgetWidth;
const bedsHeight = 80;
var bedsWidth = graphWidth;
const bedsLineWidth = 12;
const tickWidth = 4;
const vaccinationWidth = 65;
const hospitalizationWidth = 65;
const hospitalizationHeight = 80;
const smallSpace = 12;
const gap = 3;
var spaceBetweenDays = smallSpace * 5;
var vertLineWeight = spaceBetweenDays - gap;
const smallLineWeight = smallSpace - gap;
// APIs
const apiUrl = (location) => `,AGS,EWZ,EWZ_BL,cases,death_rate,deaths,cases7_per_100k,cases7_bl_per_100k,BL,county&geometry=${ location.longitude.toFixed( 3 ) }%2C${ location.latitude.toFixed( 3 ) }&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&inSR=4326&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelWithin&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json`;
const apiUrlData = (county, minDate) => `${ encodeURIComponent( county ) }%25%27+AND+Meldedatum+%3E+%27${ encodeURIComponent( minDate ) }%27&objectIds=&time=&resultType=none&outFields=*&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=Meldedatum&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&sqlFormat=none&f=json&token=`;
const apiUrlData2 = (ags, minDate) => `${ encodeURIComponent( ags ) }+AND+Meldedatum+%3E+%27${ encodeURIComponent( minDate ) }%27&objectIds=&time=&resultType=none&outFields=*&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=Meldedatum&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&sqlFormat=none&f=json&token=`;
const diviApiUrl = (location) => `*&geometry=${ location.longitude.toFixed( 3 ) }%2C${ location.latitude.toFixed( 3 ) }&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&inSR=4326&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelWithin&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json`;
const vaccUrl = ``;
const germanyUrl = ``;
const apiUrlDistricts = ``;
const apiUrlHospitalization = ``;
const apiUrlDataFrozen = (ags, days) => `${ encodeURIComponent( ags ) }/history/frozen-incidence/${ encodeURIComponent( days ) }`;
const stateToAbbr = {
'Baden-Württemberg': 'BW',
'Bayern': 'BY',
'Berlin': 'BE',
'Brandenburg': 'BB',
'Bremen': 'HB',
'Hamburg': 'HH',
'Hessen': 'HE',
'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern': 'MV',
'Niedersachsen': 'NI',
'Nordrhein-Westfalen': 'NW',
'Rheinland-Pfalz': 'RP',
'Saarland': 'SL',
'Sachsen': 'SN',
'Sachsen-Anhalt': 'ST',
'Schleswig-Holstein': 'SH',
'Thüringen': 'TH'
const rulesUrl = {
'Baden-Württemberg': '',
'Bayern': '',
'Berlin': '',
'Brandenburg': '',
'Bremen': '',
'Hamburg': '',
'Hessen': '',
'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern': '',
'Niedersachsen': '',
'Nordrhein-Westfalen': '',
'Rheinland-Pfalz': '',
'Saarland': '',
'Sachsen': '',
'Sachsen-Anhalt': '',
'Schleswig-Holstein': ';jsessionid=8651006488D177B24833E4A56502FC06.delivery1-master',
'Thüringen': ''
let widget = await createWidget();
await widget.presentMedium();
async function createWidget(items) {
let location;
const list = new ListWidget();
// If it's an image background, display it.
if (imageBackground) {
// Determine if our image exists and when it was saved.
const files = FileManager.local()
const path = files.joinPath(files.documentsDirectory(), "covid19-background-image")
const exists = files.fileExists(path)
// If it exists and an update isn't forced, use the cache.
if (exists && (config.runsInWidget || !forceImageUpdate)) {
list.backgroundImage = files.readImage(path)
// If it's missing when running in the widget, use a gray background.
} else if (!exists && config.runsInWidget) {
list.backgroundGradient = backgroundGradient;
// But if we're running in app, prompt the user for the image.
} else {
const img = await Photos.fromLibrary()
list.backgroundImage = img
files.writeImage(path, img)
// If it's not an image background, show the gradient.
} else {
list.backgroundGradient = backgroundGradient;
list.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Parse parameters
if (args.widgetParameter) {
const params = args.widgetParameter.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
const p = params[i].split('=');
if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "loc") {
const fixedCoordinates = p[1].split(',').map(parseFloat);
location = {
latitude: fixedCoordinates[0],
longitude: fixedCoordinates[1]
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "de") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showGermanyValue = true;
} else {
showGermanyValue = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "bl") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showBl = true;
} else {
showBl = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "rval") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showRValue = true;
} else {
showRValue = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "vac") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showVaccination = true;
} else {
showVaccination = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "beds") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showIcu = true;
} else {
showIcu = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "daily") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showDaily = true;
} else {
showDaily = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "frozen") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
useFrozen = true;
} else {
useFrozen = false;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "theme") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "rki") {
theme = "rki";
} else {
theme = "original";
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "days") {
const parsed = Number.parseInt(p[1].trim());
if (!Number.isNaN(parsed)) {
detail = parsed;
} else if (p[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "hosp") {
if (p[1].trim().toLowerCase() == "y") {
showHospitalization = true;
} else {
showHospitalization = false;
} else if (p.length == 1) {
// for compatability with old syntax
const fixedCoordinates = p[0].split(',').map(parseFloat);
location = {
latitude: fixedCoordinates[0],
longitude: fixedCoordinates[1]
// Adjust dimensions
// get data for the last days
var days = 18;
if (showGermanyValue) {
days -= 1;
if (showBl) {
days -= 1;
if (showVaccination) {
graphWidth = widgetWidth - vaccinationWidth - 10;
days -= 1;
} else {
graphWidth = widgetWidth;
if (detail < 0) {
detail = 0;
if (detail > days - 7) {
detail = days - 7;
// calculate days for showing history
days = (days - detail - 7) * (spaceBetweenDays / smallSpace) + detail + 9;
if (!showBl && !showGermanyValue) {
days += 2;
if (!showVaccination) {
days += 1;
if (showIcu) {
bedsWidth = graphWidth;
} else {
graphHeight += bedsHeight;
if (showHospitalization) {
bedsWidth -= (hospitalizationWidth + 5);
if (!location) {
try {
location = await Location.current();
if (debug) {
console.log('get current lat/lon');
} catch (e) {
errorText = list.addText('Keine Ortsdaten gefunden');
errorText.textColor = Color.white();
return list;
var germanyData = null;
if (showGermanyValue) {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting data for Germany: " + germanyUrl);
germanyData = await new Request(germanyUrl).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting info for location: " + apiUrl(location));
// get data for current location
const locationData = await new Request(apiUrl(location)).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!locationData || !locationData.features || !locationData.features.length) {
errorText = list.addText('Keine Ergebnisse für den aktuellen Ort gefunden.');
errorText.textColor = Color.white();
return list;
const attr = locationData.features[0].attributes;
// extract information needed
const cityName = attr.GEN; // name of 'Landkreis'
const ewz = attr.EWZ / 100000; // number of inhabitants
const ewzBL = attr.EWZ_BL
const county = attr.county; // Landkreis
const gen = attr.GEN;
var ags = attr.AGS;
const bundesLand = stateToAbbr[attr.BL];
const bl = attr.BL;
const incidenceBl = roundIncidence(attr.cases7_bl_per_100k);
const latestIncidence = attr.cases7_per_100k;
const date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() - days * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS);
const minDate = ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + '-' + date.getFullYear();
let countyData;
let updated;
if (useFrozen) {
if (!ags) {
if (debug) {
console.log("ags not set,looking it up with: " + apiUrlDistricts);
const districts = await new Request(apiUrlDistricts).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
for (var district in {
if ([district].county == county) {
ags =[district].ags;
if (debug) {
console.log("Found ags: " + ags);
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting frozen data for ags: " + apiUrlDataFrozen(ags, days));
countyData = await new Request(apiUrlDataFrozen(ags, days - 7)).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!countyData || ! || ![ags].history || ![ags].history.length) {
list.addText('Keine Statistik gefunden.');
return list;
updated = new Date(countyData.meta.lastUpdate);
} else {
if (ags) {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting data for ags: " + apiUrlData2(ags, minDate));
countyData = await new Request(apiUrlData2(ags, minDate)).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
} else {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting data for county: " + apiUrlData(gen, minDate));
countyData = await new Request(apiUrlData(gen, minDate)).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!countyData || !countyData.features || !countyData.features.length) {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting data for county: " + apiUrlData(county, minDate));
countyData = await new Request(apiUrlData(county, minDate)).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!countyData || !countyData.features || !countyData.features.length) {
list.addText('Keine Statistik gefunden.');
return list;
tmp = countyData.features[0].attributes.Datenstand.replace(" Uhr", "").split(",");
tmpDate = tmp[0].split(".");
tmpTime = tmp[1].split(":");
updated = new Date(tmpDate[2], tmpDate[1] - 1, tmpDate[0], tmpTime[0], tmpTime[1]);
let stack = list.addStack();
stack.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
let leftStack = stack.addStack();
let incidenceText = leftStack.addText('🦠 7-Tage-Inzidenz'.toUpperCase() + ' – ' + county);
incidenceText.font = Font.semiboldRoundedSystemFont(11);
incidenceText.textColor = Color.white();
incidenceText.url = rulesUrl[attr.BL];
if (showVaccination) {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting vaccination data: " + vaccUrl);
const vaccData = await new Request(vaccUrl).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!vaccData) {
list.addText('Kein Impfstatus gefunden.');
return list;
let quoteInitial = Math.round([bundesLand].quote * 100);
let quoteSecond = Math.round([bundesLand].secondVaccination.quote * 100);
let quoteBooster = Math.round([bundesLand].boosterVaccination.quote * 100);
leftStack.setPadding(7, 7, 2, 0);
let rightStack = stack.addStack();
rightStack.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
rightStack.backgroundGradient = vaccinationGradient;
rightStack.cornerRadius = 4;
// Add vaccination status
const vaccinationHeight = widgetHeight - 10;
const vaccinationBottom = vaccinationHeight;
const vaccinationBarWidth = 20;
let drawContext = new DrawContext();
drawContext.size = new Size(vaccinationWidth, vaccinationHeight);
drawContext.opaque = false;
let vaccinationTextRect = new Rect(10, 15, vaccinationWidth - 10, 55);
drawTextR(drawContext, '💉', vaccinationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.mediumSystemFont(40));
vaccinationTextRect = new Rect(6, 5, vaccinationWidth - 10, 25);
drawTextR(drawContext, bundesLand, vaccinationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.mediumSystemFont(22));
let vaccinationRect = new Rect(0, (1 - quoteInitial / 100) * vaccinationBottom, vaccinationWidth, vaccinationBottom * quoteInitial / 100);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, vaccinationRect, vaccinationColor, 4);
vaccinationTextRect = new Rect(10, (1 - quoteInitial / 100) * vaccinationBottom - 26, vaccinationWidth, 22);
drawTextR(drawContext, quoteInitial + ' %', vaccinationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.regularSystemFont(22));
let vaccinationSecondRect = new Rect(0, (1 - quoteSecond / 100) * vaccinationBottom, vaccinationWidth, vaccinationBottom * quoteSecond / 100);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, vaccinationSecondRect, vaccinationSecondColor, 4);
vaccinationTextRect = new Rect(10, (1 - quoteSecond / 100) * vaccinationBottom, vaccinationWidth, 22);
drawTextR(drawContext, quoteSecond + ' %', vaccinationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.regularSystemFont(22));
let vaccinationBoosterRect = new Rect(0, (1 - quoteBooster / 100) * vaccinationBottom, vaccinationWidth, vaccinationBottom * quoteBooster / 100);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, vaccinationBoosterRect, vaccinationBoosterColor, 4);
vaccinationTextRect = new Rect(10, (1 - quoteBooster / 100) * vaccinationBottom, vaccinationWidth, 22);
drawTextR(drawContext, quoteBooster + ' %', vaccinationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.regularSystemFont(22));
drawLine(drawContext, new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, vaccinationHeight), 2, Color.lightGray());
} else {
leftStack.setPadding(7, 7, 2, 7);
let min, max, diff;
let dailyValues = new Array();
let history = new Array();
if (useFrozen) {
history =[ags].history;
// add the latest incidence in case if we miss the value for today
if (!isToday(new Date(history[history.length - 1].date))) {
const today = {
weekIncidence: latestIncidence,
date: new Date()
} else {
for (let i = countyData.features.length - 1; i >= 6; i--) {
dailyValues[i - 6] = {
abs: countyData.features[i].attributes.AnzahlFall,
rel: countyData.features[i].attributes.AnzahlFall / ewz
let sum = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
sum += countyData.features[i - j].attributes.AnzahlFall;
sum /= ewz;
history[i - 6] = {
weekIncidence: sum,
date: countyData.features[i].attributes.Meldedatum
for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) {
history[i].weekIncidence = roundIncidence(history[i].weekIncidence);
let aux = history[i].weekIncidence;
max = (aux > max || max == undefined ? aux : max);
if (incidenceBl > max) {
max = incidenceBl;
if (showGermanyValue && germanyData.weekIncidence > max) {
max = germanyData.weekIncidence;
min = 0;
diff = max - min;
let graphDrawContext = new DrawContext();
graphDrawContext.size = new Size(graphWidth, graphHeight);
graphDrawContext.opaque = false;
const graphTop = 23;
const graphBottom = graphHeight - 23;
const barHeight = graphBottom - graphTop;
let dayColor;
for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) {
let date = new Date(history[i].date);
if (!useFrozen) {
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
const day = date.getDate();
const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
const cases = history[i].weekIncidence;
const delta = (cases - min) / diff;
let drawColor;
let highlight;
if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) {
dayColor = accentColor2;
} else {
dayColor = Color.white();
// Draw bar
cols = getColor(cases);
drawColor = cols.color;
highlight = cols.highlight;
let x0;
let barWidth;
if (i < history.length - detail) {
x0 = smallSpace * i;
barWidth = smallLineWeight;
} else {
x0 = smallSpace * (history.length - detail) + spaceBetweenDays * (i - history.length + detail);
barWidth = vertLineWeight;
let rect = new Rect(x0, graphBottom - (barHeight * delta), barWidth, barHeight * delta);
drawRoundedRect(graphDrawContext, rect, drawColor, 2);
let y = graphBottom;
// draw daily cases (if set)
if (showDaily && !useFrozen && i < history.length - 1) {
const dailyDelta = (dailyValues[i + 1].rel - min) / diff;
y -= barHeight * dailyDelta;
rect = new Rect(x0, y, barWidth, barHeight * dailyDelta);
drawRoundedRect(graphDrawContext, rect, highlight, 2);
if (i >= history.length - detail) {
y -= 21;
rect = new Rect(x0, y, barWidth, 20);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, "+" + dailyValues[i + 1].abs, rect, highlight, Font.mediumSystemFont(18));
// Draw labels
if (i < history.length - detail) {
if (dayOfWeek == 0 && i > 0 && i < history.length - detail - 1) {
const dayRect = new Rect(x0 - smallSpace, graphBottom + 1, 3 * smallSpace, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, day, dayRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
} else {
let y1 = graphBottom - (barHeight * delta) - 28 + 23;
if (y1 > y) {
y1 = y;
const casesRect = new Rect(x0, y1 - 23, barWidth, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, formatIncidence(cases), casesRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
const dayRect = new Rect(x0, graphBottom + 1, barWidth, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, day, dayRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
// Draw bar for Germany
if (showGermanyValue) {
germanyData.weekIncidence = roundIncidence(germanyData.weekIncidence);
const delta = (germanyData.weekIncidence - min) / diff;
const y = graphBottom - (barHeight * delta);
const x = graphWidth - vertLineWeight;
// draw rect in grey
let rect = new Rect(x, y, vertLineWeight, barHeight * delta);
drawRoundedRect(graphDrawContext, rect, new Color("#6c757d", 1), 2);
// draw border in color of incidence
drawColor = getColor(germanyData.weekIncidence).color;
rect = new Rect(x + 2, y + 2, vertLineWeight - 4, barHeight * delta - 4);
let path = new Path();
path.addRoundedRect(rect, 2, 2);
// draw labels
const bundesLandRect = new Rect(x, graphBottom - 28, vertLineWeight, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, "DE", bundesLandRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
const bundesLandIncidenceRect = new Rect(x, y - 28, vertLineWeight, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, formatIncidence(germanyData.weekIncidence), bundesLandIncidenceRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
// draw R-value (if set)
if (showRValue) {
let rRect = new Rect(x - 20, graphBottom + 1, vertLineWeight + 20, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, "R:" + Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2
}).format(germanyData.r.rValue7Days.value), rRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
// Now draw the bar for the Bundesland
if (showBl) {
const delta = (incidenceBl - min) / diff;
const y = graphBottom - (barHeight * delta);
const x = (showGermanyValue ? graphWidth - vertLineWeight - spaceBetweenDays : graphWidth - vertLineWeight);
// draw bar in grey
let rect = new Rect(x, y, vertLineWeight, barHeight * delta);
drawRoundedRect(graphDrawContext, rect, new Color("#343a40", 1), 2);
// draw border in color of incidence
drawColor = getColor(incidenceBl).color;
rect = new Rect(x + 2, y + 2, vertLineWeight - 4, barHeight * delta - 4);
path = new Path();
path.addRoundedRect(rect, 2, 2);
// Draw labels
const bundesLandRect = new Rect(x, graphBottom - 28, vertLineWeight, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, bundesLand, bundesLandRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
const bundesLandIncidenceRect = new Rect(x, y - 28, vertLineWeight, 23);
drawTextR(graphDrawContext, formatIncidence(incidenceBl), bundesLandIncidenceRect, dayColor, Font.mediumSystemFont(20));
let graphImage = graphDrawContext.getImage();
// Show ICU beds
if (showIcu) {
// Get data for icu beds
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting DIVI info for location: " + diviApiUrl(location));
// get data for ICU beds of current location
const diviLocationData = await new Request(diviApiUrl(location)).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!diviLocationData || !diviLocationData.features || !diviLocationData.features.length) {
errorText = list.addText('Keine DIVI-Ergebnisse für den aktuellen Ort gefunden.');
errorText.textColor = Color.white();
return list;
const diviAttr = diviLocationData.features[0].attributes;
// extract data needed
const freeBeds = (!diviAttr.betten_frei ? 0 : diviAttr.betten_frei);
const beds = (!diviAttr.betten_gesamt ? 0 : diviAttr.betten_gesamt);
const usedBeds = (!diviAttr.betten_belegt ? 0 : diviAttr.betten_belegt);
const cases = (!diviAttr.faelle_covid_aktuell ? 0 : diviAttr.faelle_covid_aktuell);
const casesBeatmet = (!diviAttr.faelle_covid_aktuell_beatmet ? 0 : diviAttr.faelle_covid_aktuell_beatmet);
drawContext = new DrawContext();
drawContext.size = new Size(graphWidth, bedsHeight);
drawContext.opaque = false;
let freeBedsWidth = freeBeds / beds * bedsWidth;
let covidBedsWidth = cases / beds * bedsWidth;
let beatmetBedsWidth = casesBeatmet / beds * bedsWidth;
freeBedsWidth = (!freeBedsWidth ? tickWidth / 2 : freeBedsWidth);
covidBedsWidth = (!covidBedsWidth ? tickWidth / 2 : covidBedsWidth);
beatmetBedsWidth = (!beatmetBedsWidth ? tickWidth / 2 : beatmetBedsWidth);
// Line representing all beds
let bedsLineRect = new Rect(0, bedsHeight / 2 - bedsLineWidth / 2, bedsWidth, bedsLineWidth);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, bedsLineRect, bedsLineColor, 2)
let bedsRect = new Rect(0, bedsHeight / 2 - 40, bedsWidth - freeBedsWidth - 10, 26);
drawContext.drawTextInRect('🛏' + 'Intensivbetten'.toUpperCase() + ': ' + beds, bedsRect)
// Portion representing free beds
bedsLineRect = new Rect(bedsWidth - freeBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 - bedsLineWidth / 2, freeBedsWidth, bedsLineWidth);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, bedsLineRect, bedsLineFreeColor, 2);
drawLine(drawContext, new Point(bedsWidth - freeBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 + bedsLineWidth / 2 + 5), new Point(bedsWidth - freeBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 - 40), tickWidth, new Color('#4D8802', 1));
let freeRect = new Rect(0, bedsHeight / 2 - 35, bedsWidth - freeBedsWidth - 10, 22);
if (freeBedsWidth > bedsWidth / 2) {
freeRect = new Rect(bedsWidth - freeBedsWidth + 10, bedsHeight / 2 - 35, freeBedsWidth - 10, 22);
drawContext.drawTextInRect('frei'.toUpperCase() + ': ' + freeBeds, freeRect)
// Portion representing covid patients
bedsLineRect = new Rect(0, bedsHeight / 2 - bedsLineWidth / 2, covidBedsWidth, bedsLineWidth);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, bedsLineRect, colorCovidBed, 2);
drawLine(drawContext, new Point(covidBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 - bedsLineWidth / 2 - 5), new Point(covidBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 + 38), tickWidth, colorCovidBed);
// Portion representing cases beatmet
bedsLineRect = new Rect(0, bedsHeight / 2 - bedsLineWidth / 2, beatmetBedsWidth, bedsLineWidth);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, bedsLineRect, colorCovidBedVentilation, 2);
drawLine(drawContext, new Point(beatmetBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 - bedsLineWidth / 2 - 5), new Point(beatmetBedsWidth, bedsHeight / 2 + 20), tickWidth, colorCovidBedVentilation);
let covidRect = new Rect(covidBedsWidth + 10, bedsHeight / 2 + 10, bedsWidth - covidBedsWidth - 10, 22);
if (covidBedsWidth > bedsWidth / 2) {
covidRect = new Rect(0, bedsHeight / 2 + 10, covidBedsWidth - 10, 22);
let c19Label = '🦠C19: ' + cases;
if (cases > 0) {
c19Label = c19Label + ' (davon ' + casesBeatmet + ' beatmet)'
drawContext.drawTextInRect(c19Label, covidRect);
// Get hospitalization Datenstand
if (showHospitalization) {
if (debug) {
console.log("Getting hospitalization data: " + apiUrlHospitalization);
const hospitalizationData = await new Request(apiUrlHospitalization).loadJSON();
if (debug) {
if (!hospitalizationData) {
list.addText('Keine Hospitalisierungsdaten.');
return list;
let hospitalizationCases7Days =[bundesLand].hospitalization.cases7Days;
let hospitalizationIncidence7Days =[bundesLand].hospitalization.incidence7Days;
let offset = bedsWidth + 5;
let hospitalizationRect = new Rect(offset, 0, hospitalizationWidth, hospitalizationHeight);
drawRoundedRect(drawContext, hospitalizationRect, new Color('#CBAE11'), 4);
let hospitalizationTextRect = new Rect(offset + 5, 3, hospitalizationWidth - 10, 22);
drawTextR(drawContext, Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2
}).format(hospitalizationIncidence7Days), hospitalizationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.mediumSystemFont(22));
hospitalizationTextRect = new Rect(offset + 5, 28, hospitalizationWidth - 10, 22);
drawTextR(drawContext, hospitalizationCases7Days, hospitalizationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.mediumSystemFont(22));
hospitalizationTextRect = new Rect(offset + 5, 53, hospitalizationWidth - 10, 40);
// drawContext.setTextAlignedLeft();
drawTextR(drawContext, '🏥' + bundesLand, hospitalizationTextRect, Color.white(), Font.mediumSystemFont(22));
// leftStack.addSpacer(3);
let statusStack = leftStack.addStack();
statusStack.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// statusStack.addSpacer();
let statusText = statusStack.addText("Datenstand: " + new Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-DE', {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'numeric',
day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric'
}).format(updated) + " // Version: " + version);
statusText.font = Font.lightSystemFont(8);
statusText.textColor = Color.gray();
if (!showVaccination) {
return list;
function drawTextR(drawContext, text, rect, color, font) {
drawContext.drawTextInRect(new String(text).toString(), rect);
function drawLine(drawContext, point1, point2, width, color) {
const path = new Path();
function drawRoundedRect(drawContext, rect, color, radius) {
const path = new Path();
path.addRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius);
function getColor(value) {
let colors = incidenceColors[theme];
let i;
for (i = 1; i < colors.length && colors[i].lower <= value; i++) {}
return colors[i - 1];
function roundIncidence(incidence) {
incidence = Math.round(incidence * 10) / 10;
return incidence;
function formatIncidence(incidence) {
if (incidence <= 100) {
return Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', {
minimumFractionDigits: 1
} else {
return Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', {
maximumFractionDigits: 0
function isToday(date) {
const today = new Date()
return date.getDate() === today.getDate() &&
date.getMonth() === today.getMonth() &&
date.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear();
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Einfach von Zeit zu Zeit wieder probieren. Oder schauen, wann dieses Issue in der API geschlossen ist: marlon360/rki-covid-api#388

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kschelle commented Mar 5, 2023

seit ein paar Tagen…vermutlich seit 1. März kommt nur noch:
2023-03-05 23:18:35: Error on line 987:63: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '[bundesLand]')

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Ja, wieder mal eine Umstellung beim RKI. Es wird daran gearbeitet marcusraitner/COVID-19-Dashboard#119

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