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Created September 1, 2020 19:02
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Diagram of rustc bootstrapping
\node[text width=5in] at (2.5, 2) {
\noindent Arrows represent build dependencies.
Columns are things that are linked together.
Rows are things that can be used together to build a program.
\noindent \verb|./ build --stage N| builds everything in \emph{column} \verb|N|.\\
\noindent \verb|./ test --stage N| builds and tests everything in \emph{row} \verb|N|.\\
\noindent \verb|./ doc --stage N| generates docs with rustdoc from \emph{row} \verb|N|.\\
\draw[draw=black,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5] (-3, -0.5) rectangle ++(12, 1);
\draw[fill=teal,fill opacity=0.5] (-3, -1.5) rectangle ++(12, 1);
\draw[fill=olive,fill opacity=0.5] (-3, -2.5) rectangle ++(12, 1);
\draw[fill=pink,fill opacity=0.5] (-3, -3.5) rectangle ++(12, 1);
\draw[draw=black,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5] (1, 0.5) rectangle ++(2, -5);
\draw[fill=teal,fill opacity=0.5] (3, 0.5) rectangle ++(2, -5);
\draw[fill=olive,fill opacity=0.5] (5, 0.5) rectangle ++(2, -5);
\draw[fill=pink,fill opacity=0.5] (7, 0.5) rectangle ++(2, -5);
\node[rotate=90] at (-3.5, -1.5) {run-stage};
\node[] at (-2, 0) {stage 0};
\node[] at (-2, -1) {stage 1};
\node[] at (-2, -2) {stage 2};
\node[] at (-2, -3) {stage 3};
\node[] at (5, -5) {link-stage};
\node[] at (2, -4) {stage 0};
\node[] at (4, -4) {stage 1};
\node[] at (6, -4) {stage 2};
\node[] at (8, -4) {stage 3};
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={thick,draw,fill=white}]
\node (s0r) at (0,0) {beta rustc};
\node (s0s) at (2,0) {std};
\node (s1r) at (2,-1) {rustc};
\node (s1s) at (4,-1) {std};
\node (s2r) at (4,-2) {rustc};
\node (s2s) at (6,-2) {std};
\node (s3r) at (6,-3) {rustc};
\node (s3s) at (8,-3) {std};
\begin{scope}[>={Stealth[black]}, every edge/.style={draw=black,very thick}]
\path [->] (s0r) edge node {} (s0s);
\path [->] (s0r) edge node {} (s1r);
\path [->] (s0s) edge node {} (s1r);
\path [->] (s1r) edge node {} (s1s);
\path [->] (s1r) edge node {} (s2r);
\path [->] (s1s) edge node {} (s2r);
\path [->] (s2r) edge node {} (s2s);
\path [->] (s2r) edge node {} (s3r);
\path [->] (s2s) edge node {} (s3r);
\path [->] (s3r) edge node {} (s3s);
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