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Last active June 28, 2024 05:30
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Redux-Thunk examples
// The classic AJAX call - dispatch before the request, and after it comes back
function myThunkActionCreator(someValue) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({type : "REQUEST_STARTED"});"/someEndpoint", {data : someValue})
response => dispatch({type : "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED", payload : response}),
error => dispatch({type : "REQUEST_FAILED", error : error})
// or, written with async/await syntax:
function myThunkActionCreator(someValue) {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({type : "REQUEST_STARTED"};
let response;
try {
response = await"/someEndpoint", {data: someValue});
} catch(error) {
dispatch({type : "REQUEST_FAILED", error});
dispatch({type: "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED", payload: response});
// An example of conditional dispatching based on state
const MAX_TODOS = 5;
function addTodosIfAllowed(todoText) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState();
if(state.todos.length < MAX_TODOS) {
dispatch({type : "ADD_TODO", text : todoText});
// An example of checking state after a dispatch
function checkStateAfterDispatch() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const firstState = getState();
dispatch({type : "FIRST_ACTION"});
const secondState = getState();
if(secondState.someField != firstState.someField) {
dispatch({type : "SECOND_ACTION"});
// An example of a thunk dispatching other action creators,
// which may or may not be thunks themselves. No async code, just
// orchestration of higher-level synchronous logic.
function complexSynchronousThunk(someValue) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// One solution to the "cross-slice state in reducers" problem:
// read the current state in a thunk, and include all the necessary
// data in the action
function crossSliceActionThunk() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState();
// Read both slices out of state
const {a, b} = state;
// Include data from both slices in the action
dispatch(type : "ACTION_FOR_A_AND_B", payload : {a, b});
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BrainCrumbz commented May 25, 2021

@markerikson thanks for replying and for pointing that out, did not consider the implications of the second alternative. So I guess the first alternative, returning after dispatching error, is the only way left:

function myThunkActionCreator(someValue) {
    return async (dispatch, getState) => {
        dispatch({type : "REQUEST_STARTED"};
        let response;
        try {
            response = await"/someEndpoint", {data: someValue});                        
        } catch(error) {
            dispatch({type : "REQUEST_FAILED", error});
            // avoid dispatching success, skip the rest
        dispatch({type: "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED", payload: response});

Otherwise in case of error, one ends up dispatching error as well as success?

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You could use the finally keyword after catch for readability.

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