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Mark Erikson markerikson

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markerikson /
Last active April 14, 2018 21:04
Reactiflux reduceReducers discussion

[8:19 PM] Rtransat: What is the best way to set data in reducer after we put other data in other reducer?

For example I have a list of items in a reducer:

amount: 10  
}, {amount: 20}]  

And another reducer with the value null by default and after fetching the first data in the store I want to calculate the sum of the total amount
[8:19 PM] Rtransat: and put it in a store too

markerikson / js-triple-dot-syntax-variations.js
Last active March 1, 2017 06:26
Javascript `...` syntax meanings
// See for more detail on some of these
// ES6 arrays
// Array spread operator
const newArray = [...oldArray, newItem];
// Array destructuring
const [first, second, ...everythingElse] = someArray;
markerikson / redux-ajax-request-examples.js
Created January 1, 2017 20:30
Redux AJAX request examples
// Option 1: a thunk action creator using redux-thunk middleware
function myThunkActionCreator(someValue) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({type : "REQUEST_STARTED"});"/someEndpoint", {data : someValue})
// Use the (resolve, reject) form of .then() instead of .catch(),
// so that we don't accidentally dispatch REQUEST_FAILED on a reducer error
response => dispatch({type : "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED", payload : response}),
markerikson /
Last active October 23, 2023 23:18
Cheng Lou - "On the Spectrum of Abstraction" summarized transcript (React Europe 2016)

Cheng Lou - On the Spectrum of Abstraction

Cheng Lou, a former member of the React team, gave an incredible talk at React Europe 2016 entitled "On the Spectrum of Abstraction". That talk is available for viewing here:

It's only a half-hour, but it is mind-blowing. It's worth re-watching two or three times, to let the ideas sink in.

I just rewatched the talk for some research, and wrote down a summary that's semi-transcript-ish. I didn't see any other transcripts for this talk, other than the auto-generated closed captions, so I wanted to share for reference.


markerikson /
Last active September 9, 2018 13:24
Mark's Dev Blog - tentative future post plans

Jotting down a list of posts I'd like to write. Probably won't write them in this exact order.

  • Practical Redux series
    • Connected lists, basic form editing
    • Form change handling, feature reducers
    • "editing/draft slice" approach
    • Modal management and "picker" modals
    • Handling more complex nested/relational data
    • Entity creation
  • Treeview
markerikson /
Last active July 29, 2021 18:13
Reactiflux chat: accessing state in thunks

[9:48 PM] jake: Does anyone have a minute to help me think through setting up my actions? I think I'm falling into a rabbit hole of anti patterns.

I'm working on a React Native app. When the user logs in, I want to fetch some initial data from 3 different end points and this data ends up in 3 different (corresponding) reducers. However, the data is related. For example, two of the endpoints are essentially Events and Tags. Tags are accessed through events. So I need to get all events, then once that finishes, I need to iterate through those events and get all tags for each event. I'm not quite sure how to achieve this without accessing the state in my fetchInitialData action.
[9:49 PM] acemarke: so access the state? :)
[9:50 PM] jake: 😃 I stumbled upon this:
which emphasizes "Accessing state in action creators is an antipattern and should be avoided when possible" so I was wondering if I'm appr

markerikson /
Last active December 10, 2016 03:23
Reactiflux chat: Redux, boilerplate, conventions, and understanding

[9:32 PM] sleepycat: @acemarke also, thanks for writing that stuff about action creators. That's really helpful.
[9:45 PM] sleepycat: @acemarke It feels like the patterns around Redux are still in flux (zing!). My impression is that people are expecting Dan to give them "the right answer™" while the more I read, the more it feels like this is a collective exercise in figuring it out.
[10:06 PM] acemarke: @sleepycat, getting back to your question: like I said, there's a whole bunch of different related responses to that
[10:07 PM] acemarke: one is that "boilerplate" and "too many files" are the most common complaints about Redux
[10:08 PM] acemarke: action creators are definitely "one more thing" to have to write
[10:08 PM] acemarke: and yeah, in the case of a trivial action creator that just immediately returns an action object, probably does seem unnecessary to a lot of people
[10:09 PM] acemarke: 2) While Dan (and Andrew) did a ton of work to put together Redux and wr

markerikson /
Last active October 30, 2018 17:36
Webpack/HMR reload times and file structure dependency chains

Here's a sample scenario. Let's say we're using a "feature-first" folder structure based in /src, and we're trying to use index.js files to re-export files deeper in the hierarchy as a way of defining a sort of "public API" for a given feature folder. A sample of this might look like:


export default ComponentA = () => (
    <div>Component A</div>


markerikson /
Created November 4, 2016 23:39
React ES6 classes, function binding, and `this`

[6:34 PM] marekweb: I started using ES6 classes for my React components because ES6 is the new hotness and all that, but I'm realizing that I can't actually name any advantages, and I have to bind methods manually. So why use classes over React.createClass?
[6:34 PM] acemarke: a few reasons
[6:35 PM] acemarke: first, classes are an official part of the language
[6:35 PM] acemarke: second, that means that tooling understands the syntax
[6:35 PM] acemarke: third, createClass is eventually going to be deprecated
[6:36 PM] acemarke: there's various solutions to the method binding issue
[6:36 PM] acemarke: the suggested one is to use the "class properties" syntax, which isn't yet final, but I think may have recently hit stage 3
[6:37 PM] acemarke: ah... no, looks like it's still stage 2. Object spread hit stage 3, that's what I was thinking of
[6:37 PM] acemarke: that said, class properties are well supported in Babel, and used in tools like create-react-app

markerikson /
Created November 3, 2016 00:04
Webpack-Dev-Server summary

[7:53 PM] acemarke: webpack-dev-server is a dev server. Not an app server
[7:54 PM] acemarke: it's a compiler process
[7:54 PM] acemarke: more specifically, it's a small Express app that uses the webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware plugins
[7:55 PM] acemarke: it loads a Webpack config, creates a Webpack compiler instance, and passes that to webpack-dev-middleware
[7:55 PM] acemarke: WDM then passes an "in-memory filesystem" to the compiler, compiles your bundle into memory, and starts watching your source files on disk
[7:55 PM] acemarke: when the files change, it recompiles
[7:56 PM] acemarke: when a request for the bundle comes through Express, the middleware checks the request, sees that it matches the bundle name (or other output), and responds to the request with the in-memory file
[7:56 PM] acemarke: if you've got a backend app server, you can set up WDS to proxy other requests to that
[7:56 PM] acemarke: it's also entirely possible to w