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Created October 13, 2023 08:28
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IQ511 record mjpeg avi to cronolog
# for IQ511
# $1 is the last octet of the ipv4 address
# created files are not cleaned up
# regarding /now.jpg urls
# snap=spush0.25 means camera push a frame every 0.25 seconds
# ds=2 downsample by a factor of 2 (half size)
# ffmpeg flags
# reduce noise
# -hide_banner -loglevel error
# -i # input url
# -r 4 # stream we're working with is 4fps
# -c:v copy # just copy, don't re-encode
# -f avi # output format avi
# pipe:1 # standard out as the target
# cronolog is creating log files every two hours
cd /srv/tmprecordings/mark
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i \
"http://192.168.1.$1/now.jpg?snap=spush0.25&ds=2" \
-r 4 -c:v copy -f avi pipe:1 | \
/usr/bin/cronolog -p "2 hours" \
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