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Last active August 24, 2021 20:36
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  • Save markvanwijnen/e8098d69bf81c12b5d210ae7e1e1677f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markvanwijnen/e8098d69bf81c12b5d210ae7e1e1677f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var CACHE_NAME = 'my-web-app-version-v1';
// 1 - Install
// Here we wait for an InstallEvent to fire, then tell the cache which URLs it should retrieve and cache
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
.then(cache => {
return cache.addAll([
// 2 - Activate
// Here we wait for an ActivateEvent to fire, then we remove any old cache. That is to say, any cache stored
// that does not have the same key as the one we defined in CACHE_NAME
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
caches.keys().then(cacheNames => {
return Promise.all( => {
if (cacheName !== CACHE_NAME)
return caches.delete(cacheName);
// 3 - Fetch
// Anytime our website requests a new resource we first check the cache if we have anything available already
// and if so, just use that. If not, we retrieve the resource and put it in cache for the next time we may need it.
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
.then(response => {
if (response) return response;
return fetch(event.request)
.then(response => {
if (!response || response.status !== 200 || response.type !== 'basic') return response;
var responseToCache = response.clone(); => {
cache.put(event.request, responseToCache)
// 4 - Message
// Here we wait for a MessageEvent to fire, if the message contains skipWaiting we should execute that method.
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === 'skipWaiting') return skipWaiting();
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