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Created May 9, 2020 04:38
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(def TILES
{:floor {:type :floor
:blocking false
:opaque false
:glyph "."}
:wall {:type :wall
:blocking true
:opaque true
:glyph "#"}
:bound {:type :bound
:blocking true
:opaque true
:glyph "X"}})
(defn tiles-indexed [world]
(for [[row tile-row] (map-indexed list world)]
(vec (map-indexed
(fn [col tile]
(assoc tile :pos [col row]))
(defn generate-map [width height]
(letfn [(random-tile []
(TILES (rand-nth [:floor :wall])))
(random-row []
(vec (repeatedly width random-tile)))]
(vec (tiles-indexed (repeatedly height random-row)))))
(defn- distance [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
(Math/sqrt (+
(Math/pow (- x1 x2) 2)
(Math/pow (- y1 y2) 2))))
(defn- is-around [a b]
(< (distance (:pos a) (:pos b)) 2))
(defn- around-blocks [t tiles]
(filter #(is-around t %) tiles))
(defn smooth-tile [t tiles]
(let [block (around-blocks t tiles)
walls (filter #(= :wall (:type %)) block)]
(>= (count walls) 5) (into t (TILES :wall))
:else (into t (TILES :floor)))))
(defn smooth-world [world]
(let [tiles (flatten world)]
(for [row world]
(vec (map #(smooth-tile % tiles) row)))))
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