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Last active August 16, 2021 09:25
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Elm Subscription Example - Pause and Resume the clock
import Html exposing (Html, p, label, br, input)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (checked)
import Html.Events exposing (onCheck)
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import Time exposing (Time, second)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
{ time : Time
, sub : Bool
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(Model 0 True, Cmd.none)
type Msg
= Tick Time
| ClockSub Bool
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Tick newTime ->
({ model | time = newTime }, Cmd.none)
ClockSub state ->
{ model | sub = state } ! []
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
if model.sub then
Time.every second Tick
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.div []
[ Html.p [] [ text "Turn subscription on or off" ]
, radio True "on" model
, radio False "off" model
, br [] []
, clock model
radio : Bool -> String -> Model -> Html Msg
radio state name model =
isSelected =
model.sub == state
label []
[ br [] []
, input [ type' "radio", checked isSelected, onCheck (\_ -> ClockSub state) ] []
, text name
clock : Model -> Html msg
clock model =
angle =
turns (Time.inMinutes model.time)
handX =
toString (50 + 40 * cos angle)
handY =
toString (50 + 40 * sin angle)
svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", width "300px" ]
[ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "45", fill "#0B79CE" ] []
, line [ x1 "50", y1 "50", x2 handX, y2 handY, stroke "#023963" ] []
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rofrol commented Sep 3, 2018

Updated to Elm-0.19. Added hour and minute hand

$ elm package install elm/svg
module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, br, input, label, p)
import Html.Attributes exposing (checked)
import Html.Events exposing (onCheck)
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import Task
import Time exposing (Posix)

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = \_ -> init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions


type alias Model =
    { time : Posix
    , zone : Time.Zone
    , sub : Bool

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( Model (Time.millisToPosix 0) Time.utc True, Task.perform Zone )


type Msg
    = Tick Posix
    | ClockSub Bool
    | Zone Time.Zone

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Tick newTime ->
            ( { model | time = newTime }, Cmd.none )

        ClockSub state ->
            ( { model | sub = state }, Cmd.none )

        Zone zone ->
            ( { model | zone = zone }, Cmd.none )


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    if model.sub then
        Time.every 1000 Tick



formatTime zone posix =
    (String.padLeft 2 '0' <| String.fromInt <| Time.toHour zone posix)
        ++ ":"
        ++ (String.padLeft 2 '0' <| String.fromInt <| Time.toMinute zone posix)
        ++ ":"
        ++ (String.padLeft 2 '0' <| String.fromInt <| Time.toSecond zone posix)

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.div []
        [ Html.p [] [ text "Turn subscription on or off" ]
        , text <| formatTime model.time
        , radio True "on" model
        , radio False "off" model
        , br [] []
        , clock model

radio : Bool -> String -> Model -> Html Msg
radio state name model =
        isSelected =
            model.sub == state
    label []
        [ br [] []
        , input [ type_ "radio", checked isSelected, onCheck (\_ -> ClockSub state) ] []
        , text name

startingAngle =

secondToDegree : Time.Zone -> Time.Posix -> Float
secondToDegree zone posix =
        seconds =
            toFloat <| Time.toSecond zone posix
    360 - (360 / 60) * seconds + startingAngle

minuteToDegree : Time.Zone -> Time.Posix -> Float
minuteToDegree zone posix =
        minutesSeconds =
            (toFloat <| Time.toMinute zone posix) + (toFloat <| Time.toSecond zone posix) / 60
    360 - (360 / 60) * minutesSeconds + startingAngle

hourToDegree : Time.Zone -> Time.Posix -> Float
hourToDegree zone posix =
        hour12 =
            toFloat <| remainderBy 12 (Time.toHour zone posix)

        hoursMinutesSeconds =
            hour12 + (toFloat <| Time.toMinute zone posix) / 60 + (toFloat <| Time.toSecond zone posix) / 60 / 60
    360 - (360 / 12) * hoursMinutesSeconds + startingAngle

hand offset length angle =
    ( offset + length * cos angle
    , offset + length * -1 * sin angle

handLine offset ( x2_, y2_ ) =
        [ x1 <| String.fromInt offset
        , y1 <| String.fromInt offset
        , x2 <| String.fromFloat x2_
        , y2 <| String.fromFloat y2_
        , stroke "#023963"

clock : Model -> Html msg
clock model =
        handSecond =
            hand 50 40 <| degrees <| secondToDegree model.time

        handMinute =
            hand 50 30 <| degrees <| minuteToDegree model.time

        handHour =
            hand 50 20 <| degrees <| hourToDegree model.time
    svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", width "300px" ]
        [ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "45", fill "#0B79CE" ] []
        , handLine 50 handSecond
        , handLine 50 handMinute
        , handLine 50 handHour

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csaltos commented Apr 12, 2021

Line 47: ({ model | time = newTime }, Cmd.none)

The expected behavior is probably more like

( { model | time = model.time + second }, Cmd.none)

The Time.every second call is NOT precise, it's just a suggestion to try to run every second ... meaning -> sometimes will run at the precise second but other times, if the system is busy it will run at slightly more than a second ... if you add always one second, the clock will be unsync more and more every tick ... it's more precise to use newTime.

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csaltos commented Apr 12, 2021

The turn call is really cool ... the only missing part was to calculate the turn correctly dividing seconds to 60 in one turn, or 60 for minutes or 12 for hours in 12 hours format.

Here a version with seconds (I update it to Elm 0.19 that is the one I have now) ->

module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, br, input, label, p, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (checked, type_)
import Html.Events exposing (onCheck)
import Svg exposing (circle, line, svg)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (cx, cy, fill, r, stroke, viewBox, width, x1, x2, y1, y2)
import Time exposing (Posix, utc)

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions


type alias Model =
    { time : Posix
    , sub : Bool

init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
    ( Model (Time.millisToPosix 0) True, Cmd.none )


type Msg
    = Tick Posix
    | ClockSub Bool

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Tick newTime ->
            ( { model | time = newTime }, Cmd.none )

        ClockSub state ->
            ( { model | sub = state }, Cmd.none )


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    if model.sub then
        Time.every 500 Tick



view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.div []
        [ p [] [ text "Turn subscription on or off" ]
        , radio True "on" model
        , radio False "off" model
        , br [] []
        , clock model

radio : Bool -> String -> Model -> Html Msg
radio state name model =
        isSelected =
            model.sub == state
    label []
        [ br [] []
        , input [ type_ "radio", checked isSelected, onCheck (\_ -> ClockSub state) ] []
        , text name

clock : Model -> Html msg
clock model =
        angle =
            turns (toFloat (Time.toSecond utc model.time) / 60.0)

        handX =
            String.fromFloat (50 + 40 * cos angle)

        handY =
            String.fromFloat (50 + 40 * sin angle)
    svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", width "300px" ]
        [ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "45", fill "#0B79CE" ] []
        , line [ x1 "50", y1 "50", x2 handX, y2 handY, stroke "#023963" ] []

The solution of Roman is also cool and more complete, but it can be simplified a little bit if turns is used.

Thanks for sharing guys !! ... Elm is great !! 👍 😎

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