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Martin Lindhe martinlindhe

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-- self-contained script that draws an imgui window and shows "HP / MANA / currently casting spell / target Name" for team
-- use MQ2DanNet to query data
-- primary used on main toon for debugging purposes.
local mq = require("mq")
local log = require("knightlinc/Write")
-- needed at least once to get mqoverlay showing
| reads tradeskills.ini and auto banks all stuff you should have
Sub Main
/echo tradeskill-autobank.mac started
/declare MaxInvSlots int outer 10
| XXX TODO abort w error if bank wnd is not opened
-- write current char info to a ini file for later consumption by another tool
-- raw stats: int str etc, hp mana
-- all item slots and content
-- all bags & bank content (so u can search inventories on resulting webpage)
-- TODO: can we record output from /keys to file?
# WIZ 1.5 pre-quest
[ ] Hail Talwyn Flamecaller in Lavastorms
[ ] Say "test of intelligence"
e.other:SummonItem(11197); -- Item: Old Parchment
eq.set_global("wiz_test_intel","1",5,"F"); -- Start Test of Intelligence
martinlindhe / ssh_config
Created January 3, 2018 19:14
supress gitlab ssh banner ~/.ssh/config
# supress gitlab ssh banner
LogLevel QUIET
# powershell session init
# ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Remove-Item Alias:wget
Remove-Item Alias:curl
del alias:diff -Force # force remove because its read-only
function Prompt {
# make prompt yellow
$promptString = "" + $(Get-Location) + ">"
martinlindhe / cross-build.ps1
Last active February 7, 2017 03:52
cross-compile golang on Windows host
$hostOS = Invoke-Expression "go env GOOS"
$hostARCH = Invoke-Expression "go env GOARCH"
$buildInfoDate = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh:mm")
# NOTE: don't use "arm64", since raspbian is 32-bit only, feb-2017
$env:GOOS = "linux"
$env:GOARCH = "arm"
$env:GOARM = "7"
martinlindhe / gdb.rb
Created June 29, 2016 21:51 — forked from Congee/gdb.rb
For gdb to execute python3 script on OSX 10.10 or later
class UniversalBrewedPython < Requirement
satisfy { archs_for_command("python").universal? }
def message; <<-EOS.undent
A build of GDB using a brewed Python was requested, but Python is not
a universal build.
GDB requires Python to be built as a universal binary or it will fail
if attempting to debug a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit host.
martinlindhe / main.go
Created May 7, 2016 20:12
Golang http server example
package main
import (
martinlindhe / .gitconfig
Last active December 6, 2018 22:53
.gitconfig fat fingers [alias] section qwerty keyboard. ymmv
# alias block from
a = add
ad = add
adfd = add
addd = add
dd = add
tadd = add
afdd = add
affd = add