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mass6 /
Created November 17, 2020 13:35 — forked from WyattCast44/
laravel new $1
# Change Dir
cd $1
# Update .env
sed -i "s/APP_NAME=Laravel/APP_NAME=$1/g" .env
sed -i "s/DB_DATABASE=laravel/DB_DATABASE=$1/g" .env
mass6 /
Created April 15, 2018 22:58 — forked from derrekbertrand/
PHP development machine post install setup for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Mint 18 LTS.
# Post install script for Ubuntu 16.04LTS and Mint 18LTS
# add the PHP PPA
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php
# I believe even releases are LTS, so when 8 comes out should update
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
# add Sublime Text 3 stable to your sources
mass6 / FiniteAuditTrailTrait.php
Created October 27, 2016 09:14 — forked from tortuetorche/FiniteAuditTrailTrait.php
FiniteStateMachine and FiniteAuditTrail Traits for Laravel 5.1 (WIP)
<?php namespace App\Finite;
* The FiniteAuditTrail Trait.
* This plugin, for the Finite package (see, adds support for keeping an audit trail for any state machine.
* Having an audit trail gives you a complete history of the state changes in your stateful model.
* Prerequisites:
* 1. Install Finite package (
* 2. Use FiniteStateMachine in your model (
* Usage: in your Stateful Class use this trait after FiniteStateMachine trait, like this "use FiniteAuditTrailTrait;".
mass6 /
Created October 27, 2016 09:13 — forked from tortuetorche/
FiniteStateMachine Trait with Example.Add a DSL to the PHP Finite package, borrowed from the Ruby StateMachine gem.

FiniteStateMachine Trait

Add a DSL to the PHP Finite package, borrowed from the Ruby StateMachine gem.


In your Stateful Class, add the stateMachineConfig() method and call initStateMachine() method at initialization (__contruct() method).
