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Last active February 4, 2018 02:35
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openfl - Hunt for 24 fps part 2
package lime._backend.html5;
import js.html.KeyboardEvent;
import js.Browser;
import lime.ui.GamepadAxis;
import lime.ui.KeyCode;
import lime.ui.KeyModifier;
import lime.ui.Gamepad;
import lime.ui.GamepadButton;
import lime.ui.Joystick;
import lime.ui.Window;
class HTML5Application {
private var gameDeviceCache = new Map<Int, GameDeviceData> ();
private var currentUpdate:Float;
private var deltaTime:Float;
private var framePeriod:Float;
private var lastUpdate:Float;
private var nextUpdate:Float;
private var parent:Application;
#if stats
private var stats:Dynamic;
public inline function new (parent:Application) {
this.parent = parent;
currentUpdate = 0;
lastUpdate = 0;
nextUpdate = 0;
framePeriod = -1;
AudioManager.init ();
private function convertKeyCode (keyCode:Int):KeyCode {
if (keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) {
return keyCode + 32;
switch (keyCode) {
case 16: return KeyCode.LEFT_SHIFT;
case 17: return KeyCode.LEFT_CTRL;
case 18: return KeyCode.LEFT_ALT;
case 20: return KeyCode.CAPS_LOCK;
case 33: return KeyCode.PAGE_UP;
case 34: return KeyCode.PAGE_DOWN;
case 35: return KeyCode.END;
case 36: return KeyCode.HOME;
case 37: return KeyCode.LEFT;
case 38: return KeyCode.UP;
case 39: return KeyCode.RIGHT;
case 40: return KeyCode.DOWN;
case 45: return KeyCode.INSERT;
case 46: return KeyCode.DELETE;
case 96: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_0;
case 97: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_1;
case 98: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_2;
case 99: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_3;
case 100: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_4;
case 101: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_5;
case 102: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_6;
case 103: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_7;
case 104: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_8;
case 105: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_9;
case 106: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_MULTIPLY;
case 107: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_PLUS;
case 109: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_MINUS;
case 110: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_PERIOD;
case 111: return KeyCode.NUMPAD_DIVIDE;
case 112: return KeyCode.F1;
case 113: return KeyCode.F2;
case 114: return KeyCode.F3;
case 115: return KeyCode.F4;
case 116: return KeyCode.F5;
case 117: return KeyCode.F6;
case 118: return KeyCode.F7;
case 119: return KeyCode.F8;
case 120: return KeyCode.F9;
case 121: return KeyCode.F10;
case 122: return KeyCode.F11;
case 123: return KeyCode.F12;
case 124: return KeyCode.F13;
case 125: return KeyCode.F14;
case 126: return KeyCode.F15;
case 144: return KeyCode.NUM_LOCK;
case 186: return KeyCode.SEMICOLON;
case 187: return KeyCode.EQUALS;
case 188: return KeyCode.COMMA;
case 189: return KeyCode.MINUS;
case 190: return KeyCode.PERIOD;
case 191: return KeyCode.SLASH;
case 192: return KeyCode.GRAVE;
case 219: return KeyCode.LEFT_BRACKET;
case 220: return KeyCode.BACKSLASH;
case 221: return KeyCode.RIGHT_BRACKET;
case 222: return KeyCode.SINGLE_QUOTE;
return keyCode;
public function create (config:Config):Void {
public function exec ():Int {
Browser.window.addEventListener ("keydown", handleKeyEvent, false);
Browser.window.addEventListener ("keyup", handleKeyEvent, false);
Browser.window.addEventListener ("focus", handleWindowEvent, false);
Browser.window.addEventListener ("blur", handleWindowEvent, false);
Browser.window.addEventListener ("resize", handleWindowEvent, false);
Browser.window.addEventListener ("beforeunload", handleWindowEvent, false);
#if stats
stats = untyped __js__("new Stats ()"); = "absolute"; = "0px";
Browser.document.body.appendChild (stats.domElement);
untyped __js__ ("
if (!CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInStroke) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInStroke = function (path, x, y) {
return false;
if (!CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath = function (path, x, y) {
return false;
if ('performance' in window == false) {
window.performance = {};
if ('now' in window.performance == false) {
var offset =;
if (performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart) {
offset = performance.timing.navigationStart
} = function now() {
return - offset;
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {
window.requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame;
lastUpdate = 0;
handleApplicationEvent ();
return 0;
public function exit ():Void {
public function getFrameRate ():Float {
if (framePeriod < 0) {
return 60;
} else if (framePeriod == 1000) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1000 / framePeriod;
private function handleApplicationEvent (?highResTimestamp:Float = 0):Void {
if (parent.window != null) {
parent.window.backend.updateSize ();
updateGameDevices ();
currentUpdate = highResTimestamp || new Date().getTime();
if (currentUpdate >= nextUpdate) {
#if stats
stats.begin ();
deltaTime = currentUpdate - lastUpdate;
if(lastUpdate == 0 && deltaTime > framePeriod*100) deltaTime = framePeriod;
parent.onUpdate.dispatch ( (deltaTime));
if (parent.renderer != null && parent.renderer.context != null) {
parent.renderer.render ();
parent.renderer.onRender.dispatch ();
if (!parent.renderer.onRender.canceled) {
parent.renderer.flip ();
#if stats
stats.end ();
if (framePeriod < 0) {
nextUpdate = currentUpdate;
} else {
nextUpdate = currentUpdate + framePeriod;
//while (nextUpdate <= currentUpdate) {
//nextUpdate += framePeriod;
if(nextUpdate > (lastUpdate + framePeriod*2)) {
nextUpdate = (lastUpdate + framePeriod*2);
lastUpdate = currentUpdate;
Browser.window.requestAnimationFrame (cast handleApplicationEvent);
private function handleKeyEvent (event:KeyboardEvent):Void {
if (parent.window != null) {
// space and arrow keys
// switch (event.keyCode) {
// case 32, 37, 38, 39, 40: event.preventDefault ();
// }
// TODO: Use event.key instead where supported
var keyCode = cast convertKeyCode (event.keyCode != null ? event.keyCode : event.which);
var modifier = (event.shiftKey ? (KeyModifier.SHIFT) : 0) | (event.ctrlKey ? (KeyModifier.CTRL) : 0) | (event.altKey ? (KeyModifier.ALT) : 0) | (event.metaKey ? (KeyModifier.META) : 0);
if (event.type == "keydown") {
parent.window.onKeyDown.dispatch (keyCode, modifier);
if (parent.window.onKeyDown.canceled) {
event.preventDefault ();
} else {
parent.window.onKeyUp.dispatch (keyCode, modifier);
if (parent.window.onKeyUp.canceled) {
event.preventDefault ();
private function handleWindowEvent (event:js.html.Event):Void {
if (parent.window != null) {
switch (event.type) {
case "focus":
parent.window.onFocusIn.dispatch ();
parent.window.onActivate.dispatch ();
case "blur":
parent.window.onFocusOut.dispatch ();
parent.window.onDeactivate.dispatch ();
case "resize":
parent.window.backend.handleResizeEvent (event);
case "beforeunload":
if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
parent.window.onClose.dispatch ();
if (parent.window != null && parent.window.onClose.canceled) {
event.preventDefault ();
public function setFrameRate (value:Float):Float {
if (value >= 60) {
framePeriod = -1;
} else if (value > 0) {
framePeriod = 1000 / value;
} else {
framePeriod = 1000;
return value;
private function updateGameDevices ():Void {
var devices = Joystick.__getDeviceData ();
if (devices == null) return;
var id, gamepad, joystick, data:Dynamic, cache;
for (i in 0...devices.length) {
id = i;
data = devices[id];
if (data == null) continue;
if (!gameDeviceCache.exists (id)) {
cache = new GameDeviceData (); = id;
cache.connected = data.connected;
for (i in {
cache.buttons.push (data.buttons[i].value);
for (i in {
cache.axes.push (data.axes[i]);
if (data.mapping == "standard") {
cache.isGamepad = true;
gameDeviceCache.set (id, cache);
if (data.connected) {
Joystick.__connect (id);
if (cache.isGamepad) {
Gamepad.__connect (id);
cache = gameDeviceCache.get (id);
joystick = Joystick.devices.get (id);
gamepad = Gamepad.devices.get (id);
if (data.connected) {
var button:GamepadButton;
var value:Float;
for (i in {
value = data.buttons[i].value;
if (value != cache.buttons[i]) {
if (i == 6) {
joystick.onAxisMove.dispatch (data.axes.length, value);
if (gamepad != null) gamepad.onAxisMove.dispatch (GamepadAxis.TRIGGER_LEFT, value);
} else if (i == 7) {
joystick.onAxisMove.dispatch (data.axes.length + 1, value);
if (gamepad != null) gamepad.onAxisMove.dispatch (GamepadAxis.TRIGGER_RIGHT, value);
} else {
if (value > 0) {
joystick.onButtonDown.dispatch (i);
} else {
joystick.onButtonUp.dispatch (i);
if (gamepad != null) {
button = switch (i) {
case 0: GamepadButton.A;
case 1: GamepadButton.B;
case 2: GamepadButton.X;
case 3: GamepadButton.Y;
case 4: GamepadButton.LEFT_SHOULDER;
case 5: GamepadButton.RIGHT_SHOULDER;
case 8: GamepadButton.BACK;
case 9: GamepadButton.START;
case 10: GamepadButton.LEFT_STICK;
case 11: GamepadButton.RIGHT_STICK;
case 12: GamepadButton.DPAD_UP;
case 13: GamepadButton.DPAD_DOWN;
case 14: GamepadButton.DPAD_LEFT;
case 15: GamepadButton.DPAD_RIGHT;
case 16: GamepadButton.GUIDE;
default: continue;
if (value > 0) {
gamepad.onButtonDown.dispatch (button);
} else {
gamepad.onButtonUp.dispatch (button);
cache.buttons[i] = value;
for (i in {
if (data.axes[i] != cache.axes[i]) {
joystick.onAxisMove.dispatch (i, data.axes[i]);
if (gamepad != null) gamepad.onAxisMove.dispatch (i, data.axes[i]);
cache.axes[i] = data.axes[i];
} else if (cache.connected) {
cache.connected = false;
Joystick.__disconnect (id);
Gamepad.__disconnect (id);
class GameDeviceData {
public var connected:Bool;
public var id:Int;
public var isGamepad:Bool;
public var buttons:Array<Float>;
public var axes:Array<Float>;
public function new () {
connected = true;
buttons = [];
axes = [];
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