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type Polynominal<'a>(x : 'a) =
static member op_Implicit (x : 'a) = Polynominal x
type Rational<'a>(x : 'a) =
class end
let x : Rational<Polynominal<float>> = Rational 1.0
printfn "%A" x
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { useAuth } from "react-oidc-context";
const [UNAUTHENTICATED, AUTHENTICATING, AUTHENTICATED] = ["unauthenticated" , "authenticating", "authenticated"];
function Content(props) {
switch (props.authState) {
return (

スクラム研修のシラバス by Bing

  1. スクラム開発とは何か?(1時間)
  • スクラム開発の定義と歴史
  • スクラム開発のメリットとデメリット
  • スクラム開発の基本的な用語と役割
  • スクラム開発のプロセスとアーティファクト
  1. スクラムチームの構成と役割分担(1時間)
  • プロダクトオーナー、スクラムマスター、開発チームの役割と責任

Why no one uses functional languages

Philip Wadler

To say that no one uses functional languages is an exaggeration. Phone calls in the European Parliament are routed by programs written in Ericsson's functional language Erlang. Virtual CDs are distributed on Cornell's network via the Ensemble system written in INRIA's CAML, and real CDs are shipped by Polygram in Europe using Software AG's Natural Expert. Functional languages are the language of choice for writing theorem provers, including the HOL system which helped debug the design of the HP 9000 line of multiprocessors. These applications and others are described in a previous column [1].

Still ... I work at Bell Labs, where C and C++ were invented. Compared to users of C, "no one" is a tolerably accurate count of the users of functional languages. Advocates of functional languages claim they produce an order of magnitude improvement in productivity. Experiments don't always verify that figure -- sometim

matarillo / _小説
Last active August 2, 2022 12:44
小説Git for Windows

小説Git 1:はじめに



現在のコード ページ: 932
Console.OutputEncoding is System.Text.OSEncoding
Microsoft ? OSS

MikroTik hAP ac²もすごそう



Wifiアクセスポイントつきだと、新製品の hAP ac² が 5GHz/2.4GHz 対応で、 $89で買えます。

$psi = New-Object Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$psi.FileName = $env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\Microsoft\WindowsApps\winget.exe"
$psi.Arguments = "list"
$psi.UseShellExecute = $false
$psi.StandardOutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$p = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
$s = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
# Provides: mysql
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Should-Start: $network $time
# Should-Stop: $network $time
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)