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Created February 8, 2010 21:20
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toggleAttr() jQuery plugin
* toggleAttr() jQuery plugin
* @link
* @description Used to toggle selected="selected", disabled="disabled", checked="checked" etc…
* @author Mathias Bynens <>
jQuery.fn.toggleAttr = function(attr) {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.attr(attr) ? $this.removeAttr(attr) : $this.attr(attr, attr);
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ralfzen commented Feb 22, 2013

thanks for this. i modified this a little for my needs

$.fn.toggleAttr = function(attr, attr1, attr2) {
  return this.each(function() {
    var self = $(this);
    if (self.attr(attr) == attr1)
      self.attr(attr, attr2);
      self.attr(attr, attr1);


$('a#done').toggleAttr('title', 'Show done Items', 'Hide done Items');

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tremby commented Oct 3, 2013

I just wrote a similar plugin which acts more like .toggle() and .toggleClass(), which can take a boolean as a further argument.

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KyleMit commented Jan 2, 2015

You could also allow an option to explicitly specify if the attribute is on or off like this:

    toggleAttr: function (attr, turnOn) {
        var justToggle = (turnOn === undefined);
        return this.each(function () {
            if ((justToggle && !$(this).is("[" + attr + "]")) ||
                (!justToggle && turnOn)) {
                $(this).attr(attr, attr);
            } else {

Then use like this:

$(selector).toggleAttr("required", true);
$(selector).toggleAttr("required", false);

That way the API is similar to the way .toggleClass() is implemented.

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victor-rocha commented Jul 13, 2016

$(selector).attr('disabled', function (_, attr) { return !attr });

This works (at least to enable or disable fields) as well!

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jQuery(selector).attr('required', function (_, attr) { return !attr });

This working for required too

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