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Matija Osrečki matijaoe

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matijaoe / stope.json
Last active March 2, 2024 15:28
Porezne stope po gradovima/opcinama (2024)
"jedinica": "Andrijaševci",
"nizaStopa": 0.2,
"visaStopa": 0.3
"jedinica": "Antunovac",
"nizaStopa": 0.2,
"visaStopa": 0.3

How to setup Vortex Race 3 (firmware v1.02.05) for Mac OS

The Vortex Race 3 is a great mechanical keyboard, but using it with MacOS requires some adjustments. We need to reposition and reprogram the modifier keys. Unfortunately the Race 3 does not support the online MPC, so we will have to do this using the on-board programming mode.

This guide is heavily based on a gist by arogulin. It only adds a bit of formatting and a few minor notes.

For better understanding we will use the following naming convention for the key positions: L1L2L3SpaceR1R2R3

  1. Reset everything. Press L3+R1 for 5 seconds. Release the keys when the white led stops blinking.
  2. Choose a progammable layer (and led color) by pressing R2+RShift several times. I chose red (layer 1).
matijaoe /
Last active February 4, 2022 13:41
Portfolio showcase

This is my GitHub, I do a lot of courses & smaller personal projects. This is my LinkedIn.

These are some of my projects:

aimo (Feb-June 2021)

  • Code:
  • Deploy:
  • Social media app designed for motivated individuals who want to work on themselves, but which require that extra push given to them by our idea of accountability partners.
  • Tech stack: Nuxt 2, Vue, Tailwind CSS, Firestore
matijaoe / reset.css
Created January 23, 2022 15:44
Josh's Custom CSS Reset
Josh's Custom CSS Reset
*::after {
box-sizing: border-box;
⏰ Stats for May 7th 2021
Productivity Pulse 11h 22m ██████▌░░░ 66%
All Productive 5h 19m ████▋░░░░░ 47%
All Distracting 1h 23m █▏░░░░░░░░ 12%
Neutral 4h 39m ████░░░░░░ 41%