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Last active August 23, 2020 07:30
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Top 100 Dev Dependents on npmjs (as of Jul 31, 2015)
mocha 44731
chai 17944
grunt 17447
should 11882
grunt-contrib-jshint 11466
gulp 8619
istanbul 7374
tape 7313
sinon 6851
grunt-contrib-clean 6807
grunt-contrib-watch 6465
jshint 6115
coffee-script 5955
browserify 5321
grunt-contrib-nodeunit 4755
grunt-contrib-uglify 4318
coveralls 4303
jshint-stylish 3547
express 3443
grunt-cli 3300
load-grunt-tasks 2885
expect.js 2831
gulp-mocha 2829
grunt-mocha-test 2803
gulp-jshint 2676
karma 2646
tap 2475
gulp-rename 2464
sinon-chai 2461
babel 2453
grunt-contrib-concat 2416
gulp-uglify 2398
uglify-js 2391
eslint 2361
grunt-contrib-copy 2270
supertest 2231
gulp-util 2135
nodeunit 2085
rimraf 1856
grunt-contrib-coffee 1768
karma-phantomjs-launcher 1704
karma-chrome-launcher 1683
jscs 1656
mocha-lcov-reporter 1630
async 1627
request 1544
vows 1468
time-grunt 1440
jasmine-node 1418
del 1377
webpack 1373
karma-jasmine 1364
ember-cli 1362
broccoli-asset-rev 1335
lodash 1326
ember-cli-inject-live-reload 1319
glob 1313
karma-mocha 1313
ember-cli-qunit 1305
grunt-contrib-connect 1276
ember-cli-ic-ajax 1273
gulp-concat 1271
ember-export-application-global 1266
grunt-release 1232
ember-cli-content-security-policy 1223
karma-firefox-launcher 1196
ember-cli-dependency-checker 1175
grunt-bump 1160
nock 1159
vinyl-source-stream 1144
chai-as-promised 1139
ember-data 1125
grunt-shell 1051
grunt-browserify 1045
standard 1020
ember-cli-app-version 989
ember-cli-uglify 987
gulp-sourcemaps 986
tap-spec 985
underscore 980
grunt-simple-mocha 952
phantomjs 948
gulp-coffee 945
blanket 944
matchdep 925
gulp-istanbul 924
grunt-karma 914
gulp-load-plugins 893
babel-core 879
watchify 874
gulp-plumber 872
mkdirp 866
babel-eslint 855
karma-coverage 846
react 828
run-sequence 814
bower 803
proxyquire 765
jsdom 757
ember-cli-htmlbars 755
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mattdesl commented Aug 1, 2015

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