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Matteo Ferla matteoferla

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matteoferla / Plotly Jupyter notebook to HTML fix.js
Last active June 28, 2019 22:34
Allow plotly charts in Jupyter notebook to export to .html
//hack to fix export
paths: {
d3: '',
jquery: '',
plotly: ''
shim: {
matteoferla / output plotly HTML to cell for copy pasting.js
Created June 28, 2019 22:35
output plotly HTML to cell for copy pasting
//remember to append <script src=""></script> to head or top of body.
//output_subarea output_html rendered_html
let index = 0; //or whatever is the number of the graph.
//$('.plotly-graph-div').map((i,el) => element.append('<p>'+$(el).attr('id')+'</p>'))
let chart = $('.plotly-graph-div').eq(index).parent();
/// optionally one could change the dimensions for the .plotly-graph-div and svg elements.
let codeEl = $('<pre id="plotText"><code></code></pre>');
import wikitextparser as wtp
import re
####### code to convert template to dictionary
def arg_to_val(arg):
val = arg.value
for t in arg.templates:
tval = t.arguments[0].value
if t.normal_name() in ('nowrap', 'val'):
import requests, re, csv, pickle
import wikitextparser as wtp
class WikicatParser():
Gets all the pages recursively within a category and parser the content (via a suplied function) and gets pageviews.
>>>pages = WikicatParser(cat_name, custom_page_parser=my_function, extra_fields=[], forbidden_categories_keywords=[...]).get_pages_recursively()
custom_page_parser is for content mining. a function that given wiki text returns a dictionary of whatever it mined.
matteoferla /
Last active August 8, 2019 19:57
Progressbar (manual or countdown) for Jupyter notebooks
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import uuid
class Progress:
Add a progressbar.
Using not the HTML5 one.
Note that Jupyter uses an older version: 3.4 (, but I doubt this will be so for long hence the color via style.
Two uses different uses.
matteoferla /
Created July 4, 2020 16:05
Identify gaps and fill them with pyrosetta
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
import pyrosetta
class GapData:
chain: str
start: int # PDB index of first missing residue
previous: int # PDB index of the preceeding present residue
matteoferla /
Created November 15, 2020 00:21
I am unable to remember which colour bin to put on and to put the bin out in the first place... So the Pi does it for me.
# A raspberry pi has a green and a blue LED connected to D23 and D24
# ============== imports =========================================
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime
import digitalio
import board
import time
matteoferla /
Created February 2, 2021 14:53
For Fragmenstein. A draft of a potential way to remove atoms from a 3D embedded set of molecules, when 2D is too misleading and overlap is key.
# NGLView is a great way to see a set of rdkit.Chem molecules in 3D.
# Right clicking gives green spheres by default. Right clicking on a sphere removes it. So nice way to keep track
# the `ModNGL` object contains the dynamic property `picked_atoms` which lists the atoms that were clicked.
# Clicked twice is removed. However, there is no way to determine the button integer (left, middle, wheel, right).
# Before loading the mols from rdkit it would be nice to fill the PDB info.
# As seen in
# once one has the atom names one can delete the atoms off a ``rdkit.Chem.RWMol`` making it nice and clear for Fragmenstein.
matteoferla /
Last active October 1, 2021 08:56
A context manager that allows operations on a mol containing dummy atoms (R/*) that otherwise would raise an RDKit error.
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
class DummyMasker:
A context manager that allows operations on a mol containing dummy atoms (R/*) that
otherwise would raise an RDKit error.
It simply masks and unmasks the dummy atoms.
>>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('*CCC(C)C')
matteoferla /
Created February 6, 2021 13:03
Print out what the attributes are for copy pasting for Sphinx documentation
In the docstring for a class the variables can be defined with ``:var xxx:``, ``:ivar xxx:`` and ``:cvar xxx:``.
This prints a block for a given class instance to make it easier.
Dynamic attributes will be marked as class variables.
Private attributes will not show.
NB. Writing ``#:`` is probably easier and saner, but has to be done during coding...
def sphinxify_vars(obj):