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Created December 28, 2010 03:28
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Drupal / jQuery html5 placeholder support for browsers without native support
// Here we use a similar set of variables passed in as jQuery. The lone difference is
// the inclusion of the Drupal variable. We pass in the global variables we use which
// provides proper dependency injection and for compressors to have names that can be
// more easily shrunk.
(function($, Drupal, window, document, undefined) {
Drupal.sitetheme = Drupal.sitetheme || {};
* Initialize placeholder functionality on a text based input element.
* this in the function is the DOM Element.
Drupal.sitetheme.initPlaceholder = function() {
var element = $(this),
text = element.attr('placeholder'),
addPlaceholder = function() {
if (!element.val() || element.val() === text) {
removePlaceholder = function() {
if (element.val() === text) {
.bind('reset', function() {
// When the reset event fires the form reset has not actually
// happened. We use a timeout so we can add the placeholder
// after the reset happens.
setTimeout(addPlaceholder, 50);
* Make placeholder function in browsers that do not naticely support it.
Drupal.behaviors.sitetheme = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
// Detect placeholder support.
var supported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input');
if (supported || !$(context).find(':input[placeholder]').length) {
// If the browser natively supports placeholder or it is not used in
// a page return as there is nothing to do.
// jQuery internally converts $(selector, context) into $(context).find(selector)
// for cases where context is a DOM Element. Doing so natively does less logic
// which includes avoiding a regex.
// We pass in any global variables we use. Dependency injection FTW.
})(jQuery, Drupal, this, this.document);
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