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matthewp / can-5.js
Last active November 30, 2017 18:19 — forked from justinbmeyer/can-4.js
can-element full todoMVC
let todoAlgebra = new can.set.Algebra(
let todoStore =[{
name: "mow lawn",
complete: false,
id: 5
matthewp /
Created February 26, 2017 16:23 — forked from justinbmeyer/
HackIllinois Team Submission - Streamable Apps

As a team of 6, we created and improved tools that make it easy to build streaming isomorphic web applications. When complete, these tools will have a significant impact web performance. As far as their mentors (Justin and Matthew) know, this will be the first isomorphic web framework that supports streaming.


  • isomorphic web applications - Also known as universal web application, isomorphic web applications mean that the same web application and run both client-side and server side. These applications provide server-side rendering (SSR) of a web application, for quick initial performance, and then load the web application into the browser for fast subsequent performance.

  • server-side rendering (SSR) - Server side rendering means taking a JavaScript web app that can run in the browser, loading it in a server environement (typically NodeJS), and using it to produce an initial HTML response. This results in faster perform