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Last active May 27, 2024 09:17
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# Taken from
# I've added additional comments restructured it a tiny bit, which makes it clearer for me.
import numpy as np
from torch import load as torch_load # Only for loading the model weights
from tokenizers import Tokenizer
exp = np.exp
layer_norm = lambda x, w, b : (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x) * w + b
sigmoid = lambda x : 1/(1 + exp(-x))
def RWKV(model, token, state):
params = lambda prefix: [model[key] for key in model.keys() if key.startswith(prefix)]
x = params('emb')[0][token]
x = layer_norm(x, *params('blocks.0.ln0'))
for i in range(N_LAYER):
x_ = layer_norm(x, *params(f'blocks.{i}.ln1'))
dx, state[i][:3] = time_mixing(x_, *state[i][:3], *params(f'blocks.{i}.att'))
x = x + dx
x_ = layer_norm(x, *params(f'blocks.{i}.ln2'))
dx, state[i][3] = channel_mixing(x_, state[i][3], *params(f'blocks.{i}.ffn'))
x = x + dx
x = layer_norm(x, *params('ln_out'))
x = params('head')[0] @ x
e_x = exp(x - np.max(x))
probs = e_x / e_x.sum() # Softmax of x
return probs, state
def time_mixing(x, last_x, last_num, last_den, decay, bonus, mix_k, mix_v, mix_r, Wk, Wv, Wr, Wout):
# Part of the state tensor
# - last_x - previous time step embedding (input / prev layer's emb) (1024,)
# - last_num - numerator, or "weighted sum of past values" (1024,)
# - last_den - denominator, "sum of weights of past values" (1024,)
# Learnable parameters
# - decay (1024,)
# - bonus (1024,)
# - mix_k - mixing ratio for key (1024,)
# - mix_v - mixing ratio for value (1024,)
# - mix_r - mixing ratio for receptance (1024,)
# - Wk - affine transformation for key (1024, 1024)
# - Wv - affine transformation for value (1024, 1024)
# - Wr - affine transformation for receptance (1024, 1024)
# - Wout - affine transformation for output (1024, 1024)
# In a typical transformer, the “time mixing” would be done by multi head attention.
# However, in the RWKV model, the time mixing is done at each time step when
# num(erator) and den(ominator) are updated. This is similar to how RNNs work.
# Linear interpolation below between x and last_x uses element-wise mixing ratios
# mix_*, which are learned weights (of same size as x, last_x).
# W* are 1024x1024 matrices; matmul with these are most time-consuming.
k = Wk @ (x * mix_k + last_x * (1 - mix_k))
v = Wv @ (x * mix_v + last_x * (1 - mix_v))
r = Wr @ (x * mix_r + last_x * (1 - mix_r))
# num / den ~= Weighted average of past values
# wkv ~= Also weighted average of past values,
# but we are adding a "bonus" weight to the current value `v`.
# Previous weights get exponentially smaller weight, which is
# already captured in the last_num and last_den variables.
# However the weight doesn't decay the same for each dimension,
# but is determined on each time step based on the decay vector
# (see num and den updates below)
wkv = (
(last_num + exp(bonus + k) * v) /
(last_den + exp(bonus + k))
# Multiplying the wkv (weighted average of past values) with sigmoid(r) is similar
# to a "gate" in RNNs that controls how much of the past values to use, since
# sigmoid(r) is a value between 0 and 1.
rwkv = sigmoid(r) * wkv
# Final linear (affine) transformation to get the output embedding.
time_mixed = Wout @ rwkv
# Below we set the numerator and denominator for the next time step.
# num - numerator, or "weighted sum of past values"
# den - denominator, "sum of weights of past values"
# Can be seen as interpolate between previous step num (or den) and a new value,
# where element-wise decay vector determines the amount of decay per dimension.
num = exp(-exp(decay)) * last_num + exp(k) * v
den = exp(-exp(decay)) * last_den + exp(k)
return time_mixed, (x, num, den)
def channel_mixing(x, last_x, mix_k, mix_r, Wk, Wr, Wv):
# Wk - (4096, 1024)
# Wr - (1024, 1024)
# Wv - (1024, 4096)
# In a typical transformer, the “channel mixing” is done by a simple FF NN.
# By contrast, we use two separate fully connected layers on the input
# (where input linearly interpolates between the current input and
# previous time step input) and then multiply them element-wise.
# Linear interpolation (below) between x and last_x uses an element-wise mixing ratio
# mix_k and mix_r, which are learned weights (of same size as x, last_x).
# Wk, Wr, Wv are 1024x1024 matrices; matmul with these are most time-consuming.
# x and last_x is linearly interpolated with mixing ratio mix_k,
# then passed through a FC layer with squared relu activation
k = Wk @ (x * mix_k + last_x * (1 - mix_k)) # @ is matrix multiplication
k = np.maximum(k, 0) ** 2 # squared relu activation
# x and last_x is linearly interpolated with mixing ratio mix_r,
# then passed through a FC layer with sigmoid activation
r = Wr @ (x * mix_r + last_x * (1 - mix_r))
r = sigmoid(r)
# K-mixed input is passed through affine transformation (without activation,
# so not quite a FC layer) before being multiplied to r-mixed input element-wise.
vk = Wv @ k
channel_mixed = r * vk
return channel_mixed, x # pass x along unchanged, will be last_x in the next step
def sample_probs(probs, temperature=1.0, top_p=0.85):
sorted_probs = np.sort(probs)[::-1]
cumulative_probs = np.cumsum(sorted_probs)
cutoff = sorted_probs[np.argmax(cumulative_probs > top_p)]
probs[probs < cutoff] = 0
probs = probs ** (1 / temperature)
return np.random.choice(a=len(probs), p=probs / np.sum(probs))
# Available at
MODEL_FILE = 'data/rwkv/RWKV-4-Pile-430M-20220808-8066.pth'
N_LAYER = 24
N_EMBD = 1024
print(f'\nLoading {MODEL_FILE}')
weights = torch_load(MODEL_FILE, map_location='cpu')
for k in weights.keys():
if '.time_' in k:
weights[k] = weights[k].squeeze()
weights[k] = weights[k].float().numpy() # convert to f32 type
# Available at
tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_file("data/rwkv/20B_tokenizer.json")
print(f'\nPreprocessing context')
context = "\nIn a shocking finding, scientist discovered a herd of dragons living in a remote, previously unexplored valley, in Tibet. Even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the dragons spoke perfect Chinese."
# The 4 dimensions are
# [last_x, last_num, last_den] (after time mixing) - used by time mixing
# last_x (after channel mixing) - used by channel mixing
state = np.zeros((N_LAYER, 4, N_EMBD), dtype=np.float32)
for token in tokenizer.encode(context).ids:
probs, state = RWKV(weights, token, state)
print(context, end="")
for i in range(100):
token = sample_probs(probs)
print(tokenizer.decode([token]), end="", flush=True)
probs, state = RWKV(weights, token, state)
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phshah95 commented Apr 2, 2023

thanks for this!

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My pleasure :)

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ArEnSc commented May 14, 2023

I think, Wk, Wr, Wv @mattiasarro hey Wk (4096,1024) and Wr (1024,1024) Wv (1024,4096) in the channel mix I loaded the model and looked at the debugger values

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Thanks for pointing it out, @ArEnSc. Made the fixes to the gist.

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The line 155 should be "[last_x, last_num, last_den] (after time mixing) - used by time mixing".

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thanks, updated

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