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Last active December 11, 2018 17:51
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# python ./ -w -s {{POD_PREFIX}}
import sys
import os
import re
import time
import json
import argparse
def getHpa(data, podName):
for item in data:
name = str(item['metadata']['name'].encode('utf8'))
if name.find(podName) > -1:
if item['status']['currentReplicas'] > 0:
return float(item['spec']['targetCPUUtilizationPercentage'])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fetch some useful pod Kubernetes statistics ')
parser.add_argument('podPrefix', metavar='POD_PREFIX_NAME', type=str,
help='Pod name prefix that should be measured')
parser.add_argument('-s', dest='sumarized',
default=False, action='store_true',
help='Summarizes pod metrics')
parser.add_argument('-w', dest='watch',
default=False, action='store_true',
help='Watch Kubernetes to change state')
args = parser.parse_args()
pod_prefix = args.podPrefix
watch =
summarized = args.sumarized
command = 'kubectl top pods -n production | grep %s' % pod_prefix
hpaCluster = getHpa(json.loads(os.popen('kubectl get hpa -o=json -n production').read())['items'], pod_prefix)
cpusL = 0.0
cpusR = 0.0
memsL = 0.0
memsR = 0.0
nameColLength = 30
loop = True
describeOutput = False
app_name = False
if summarized:
print('APPNAME%s\tCPU\tMEMORY\tQTY\tHPA\tLimCPU\tLimMEM\tLimHPA' % (' ' * (nameColLength - 7)))
while loop:
output = os.popen(command).read()
if summarized:
versions = []
output = output.strip().split("\n")
lines = len(output)
cpu = 0.0
mem = 0.0
cpuMax = 0.0
memMax = 0.0
for line in output:
cols = (' '.join(line.split())).split(' ')
pod_name = cols[0]
pod_name_splitted = pod_name.split('-')
if not app_name:
app_name = pod_name_splitted[0]
if app_name != pod_name_splitted[0]:
raise BaseException('Different apps were found with informed prefix. Prefix: "%s" Apps found: "%s" and "%s"' % (pod_prefix, app_name, pod_name_splitted[0]))
if pod_name_splitted[1] not in versions:
if not describeOutput:
describeOutput = True
os.popen('kubectl describe pods -n production %s > /tmp/kubepodmetric_describe' % cols[0])
cpus = os.popen('cat /tmp/kubepodmetric_describe | grep cpu | tail -n3').read().strip().split("\n")
mems = os.popen('cat /tmp/kubepodmetric_describe | grep memory | tail -n3').read().strip().split("\n")
for line in cpus:
if line == '' or line[0] != ' ':
line = line.replace(' ','')
# if line == 'cpu:100m':
# continue
if cpusL == 0.0:
cpusL = eval(line.split(':')[1].replace('m', '*0.01'))
# 4
if cpusR == 0.0:
cpusR = eval(line.split(':')[1].replace('m', '*0.01'))
for line in mems:
if line == '' or line[0] != ' ':
line = line.replace(' ','')
if memsL == 0.0:
memsL = eval(line.split(':')[1].replace('Mi','').replace('Gi', '*1000'))
if memsR == 0.0 and memsL > 0:
memsR = eval(line.split(':')[1].replace('Mi','').replace('Gi', '*1000'))
if len(cols) is 3:
cpuI = float(eval(cols[1].replace('m', '*0.01')))
memI = float(eval(cols[2].replace('Mi','').replace('Gi', '*1000')))
cpu += cpuI
mem += memI
if cpuI > cpuMax:
cpuMax= cpuI
if memI > memMax:
memMax = memI
cpu /= lines
mem /= lines
pHpa = '-'
pCpu = '-'
pMem = '-'
if hpaCluster is None or cpusR == 0:
hpa = '-'
hpa = cpu/cpusR
hpa = int(hpa * 100)
pHpa = int(100*hpa/hpaCluster)
if cpusL > 0:
pCpu = int(100 * cpuMax / cpusL)
if memsL > 0:
pMem = int(100 * memMax / memsL)
cpu *= 100
versions = ' (%s)' % ','.join(versions)
app_name_spacing = ' ' * (nameColLength - len(app_name) - len(versions))
print('%s%s%s\t%sm\t%sMi\t%s\t%s%%\t%s%%\t%s%%\t%s%%' % (app_name, versions, app_name_spacing, int(cpu), int(mem), lines, hpa, pCpu, pMem, pHpa))
if not watch:
loop = False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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