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mauricio silva mauriciosilva

  • --
  • San Francisco
View GitHub Profile
pipenv ( or virtualenv
google fire ( -- cli framework
def call(Map pipelineParams) {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('checkout git') {
steps {
git branch: pipelineParams.branch, credentialsId: 'GitCredentials', url: pipelineParams.scmUrl
mauriciosilva / gist:0996b09a02ae0d8adbcc42191cf14cfb
Last active June 2, 2021 19:12
mulitstage-jenkinsfile -v1
This Pipeline builds the application, runs unit as well as integration tests and deploys the application to several environments. It uses a global variable "deploy" that is provided within a Shared Library. The deploy method copies the JAR-File to a remote server and starts the application. Through the handy REST endpoints of Spring Boot Actuator a previous version of the application is stopped beforehand. Afterwards the deployment is verified via the health status monitor of the application.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
branch = 'master'
scmUrl = 'ssh://'
serverPort = '8080'
what went wrong on your last project?
- how did you fix it?
what do you think about feature toggles?
if you practice git-flow what are some of the problems with that or other long running feature branching strategies?
- merge issues?
- stale functionality
- complexity
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Deep Dive on Microservices and Docker (SRV409)
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Deep Dive on AWS Batch (SRV410)
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Microservices? Dynamic Infrastructure? - Adventures in Keeping Your Application Running at Scale (ENT310)
"$schema": "",
"name": "mauo's cobra",
"ship": "Cobra Mk IV",
"references": [
"name": "",
"url": "'s%20cobra",
"code": "2pbtcFbladasaf4272g2l0p0p000303034503C02t1lv6.AwRj-UMlmI==.Aw18SQ==",
"shipId": "cobra_mk_iv"
mauriciosilva / .zshrc
Created October 14, 2015 04:12
# Set up the prompt
setopt inc_append_history histignorealldups share_history
# Use emacs keybindings even if our EDITOR is set to vi
bindkey -e
set nocompatible
set clipboard+=unnamed
set noswapfile
set nowritebackup
set nobackup
set hlsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set nowrap
# Set up the prompt
autoload -Uz promptinit
prompt redhat
setopt inc_append_history histignorealldups share_history
# Use emacs keybindings even if our EDITOR is set to vi
bindkey -e
set nocompatible
set clipboard+=unnamed
set noswapfile
set nowritebackup
set nobackup
set hlsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set nowrap