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Last active June 2, 2021 19:12
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mulitstage-jenkinsfile -v1
This Pipeline builds the application, runs unit as well as integration tests and deploys the application to several environments. It uses a global variable "deploy" that is provided within a Shared Library. The deploy method copies the JAR-File to a remote server and starts the application. Through the handy REST endpoints of Spring Boot Actuator a previous version of the application is stopped beforehand. Afterwards the deployment is verified via the health status monitor of the application.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
branch = 'master'
scmUrl = 'ssh://'
serverPort = '8080'
developmentServer = ''
stagingServer = ''
productionServer = ''
stages {
stage('checkout git') {
steps {
git branch: branch, credentialsId: 'GitCredentials', url: scmUrl
stage('build') {
steps {
sh 'mvn clean package -DskipTests=true'
stage ('test') {
steps {
parallel (
"unit tests": { sh 'mvn test' },
"integration tests": { sh 'mvn integration-test' }
stage('deploy development'){
steps {
deploy(developmentServer, serverPort)
stage('deploy staging'){
steps {
deploy(stagingServer, serverPort)
stage('deploy production'){
steps {
deploy(productionServer, serverPort)
post {
failure {
mail to: '', subject: 'Pipeline failed', body: "${env.BUILD_URL}"
## vars/deploy.groovy
def call(def server, def port) {
httpRequest httpMode: 'POST', url: "http://${server}:${port}/shutdown", validResponseCodes: '200,408'
sshagent(['RemoteCredentials']) {
sh "scp target/*.jar root@${server}:/opt/jenkins-demo.jar"
sh "ssh root@${server} nohup java -Dserver.port=${port} -jar /opt/jenkins-demo.jar &"
retry (3) {
sleep 5
httpRequest url:"http://${server}:${port}/health", validResponseCodes: '200', validResponseContent: '"status":"UP"'
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