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Created April 28, 2014 15:44
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Laravel Artisan Queue Ensurer - Set a cron job to run this file periodically to ensure that Laravel's queue is processing all the time. If the queue listener stopped, restart it!
function runCommand ()
$command = 'php artisan queue:listen > /dev/null & echo $!';
$number = exec($command);
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/', $number);
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) {
$pid = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/');
$result = exec('ps | grep ' . $pid);
if ($result == '') {
} else {
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weotch commented Feb 22, 2017

This sounds like a good solution:

// Using `queue:work` for Laravel 5.4

Anyone see any issue with it?

Nvm, it doesn't background the queue:work like this snippet does.

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kohlerdominik commented Aug 24, 2017

A made a simple solution for this (Laravel 5.5 dev).

I created a new function, that checks if the process is running.
Then, a simple if-condition arround the command does the thing

        // start the queue daemon, if its not running
        if ( !$this->osProcessIsRunning('queue:work') ) {
            $schedule->command('queue:work')  ->everyMinute();

I put the new function right in app/Console/Commands/Kernel.php:

     * checks, if a process with $needle in the name is running
     * @param string $needle
     * @return bool
    protected function osProcessIsRunning($needle)
        // get process status. the "-ww"-option is important to get the full output!
        exec('ps aux -ww', $process_status);

        // search $needle in process status
        $result = array_filter($process_status,
            function($var) use ($needle)
            {   return strpos($var, $needle); });

        // if the result is not empty, the needle exists in running processes
        if (!empty($result)) {
            return true;

        return false;

Edit: Execution time on my dev-machine is 3-4ms.

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Thanks kohlerdominik!,
It's working perfectly.

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@kohlerdominik solution work's great! Thanks!

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@kohlerdominik perfect solution. Thanks!

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What's the purpose of & echo $! here?

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For shared hosted with disabled exec functions, I made a shell script.

Cron job:
* * * * * cd /path/to/public_html && /usr/bin/sh >> /dev/null 2>&1

How work

  • Check for folder /storage/queue.lock/
  • If not exists, call artisan queue:work and create the folder, otherwise do nothing.
  • Check for file /storage/.queue-restart, if exists, run artisan queue:restart and remove folder /storage/queue.lock/

When run artisan queue:restart the script must exit and auto remove queue.lock folder, next time call artisan queue:work.


FULL_PATH_TO_SCRIPT="$(realpath "$0")"

d=$(date '+%F %T')

    echo '=============================================================================================' >> "${LOGFILE}"
    echo "$d" >> "${LOGFILE}"

    if [ "$1" ]; then
      echo "$1" >> "${LOGFILE}"

    truncate -s 0 "${LOGFILE}"

    log "Removing lock file $LOCKFILE… exiting"
    rmdir "$LOCKFILE"

    log "Lock file $LOCKFILE exists… exiting"
    exit 1

      if [ "$1" ]; then
        (php ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/artisan $1)

if ! mkdir "${LOCKFILE}" 2>/dev/null; then
    exit 1

if [ -f "${QUEUE_RESTART_FILE}" ]; then
    log "restarting queue"
    run_artisan "queue:restart"
    exit 1

trap remove_lock QUIT INT TERM EXIT
log "runing php \"${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/artisan queue:work"\"
run_artisan "queue:work"

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henkiws commented Feb 21, 2023

@alvaro-canepa thanks this work me

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I also need the shell-script variant... pgrep allows to use it without the pid file.
However you can only run one instance of php artisan queue:work

I use pgrep to only search for the artisan queue:work since my provider uses an alias for php.


# Check if "artisan queue:work" is running
if pgrep -f "artisan queue:work" > /dev/null
    echo "queue:work is already running."
    exit 1
    echo "Starting queue:work..."
    nohup php artisan queue:work > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    echo "queue:work started."

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@CodeAndWeb looks nice, more clean than my code!

Thanks to share

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