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Created April 6, 2023 12:53
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De-embeding/Extracting Passives - Scikit-RF - Library/Playground
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from skrf import Network, Frequency
import skrf as rf
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sp_alg
from skrf.calibration import SplitPi, SplitTee
class ManualS2P:
"""Collection of functions dealing with single frequency 2-port scattering parameters represented by np.matrix"""
def s2t(S_source: np.matrix) -> np.matrix:
"""Convert single S-parameter matrix to (Scattering) Transfer matrix."""
S_source_det= np.linalg.det(S_source)
return np.matrix([[-S_source_det/S_source[1,0] , S_source[0,0]/S_source[1,0]],[-S_source[1,1]/S_source[1,0] , 1/S_source[1,0]]] )
def chop_in_half_t(T_combined: np.matrix) -> np.matrix:
"""Takes symmetric recipocal (Scattering) Transfer matrix and splits it at the virtual symmetry (in the center)"""
return sp_alg.sqrtm(T_combined)
def deembed_t(T_combined: np.matrix, T_pre: np.matrix, T_post: np.matrix) -> np.matrix:
"""Takes (Scattering) Transfer matrix and removes given parts from input and output"""
return , T_combined), np.linalg.inv(T_post))
def t2s(T_source: np.matrix) -> np.matrix:
"""Convert single (Scattering) Transfer matrix to S-parameter matrix."""
T_source_det = np.linalg.det(T_source)
return np.matrix([[T_source[0,1]/T_source[1,1], T_source_det/T_source[1,1]] , [ 1/T_source[1,1] , - T_source[1,0] / T_source[1,1]]])
class NetworkS2P:
"""Collection of functions dealing with 2-port scattering parameters over frequency represented with scikit-rf """
def deembed_T(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""Deembeds network
Given a 2-port network that is connected using an identical/symmetrical passive structure at in- and output
and the 2-port network of that combined in- and output structure, the original network is deembeded.
Assuming T_thru = T_half * T_half
Assuming T_combined = T_half * T_dut * T_half
De-embedding: T_dut = T_half^{-1} * T_half * T_dut * T_half * T_half^{-1}
Uses skrf magic.
thru_half =
return thru_half.inv ** combined ** thru_half.inv
def chop_in_half_manual(full: Network) -> Network:
"""Splits a passive network in the virtual center.
Network is assumed to formed of two symmetrical parts and must be reciprocal.
# Manual version of
half_t = np.array([sp_alg.sqrtm(np.matrix(x)) for x in full.t[:]])
half_s = rf.t2s(half_t)
return Network(frequency=full.f/1e9, s=half_s)
def deembed_T_manual(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""Deembeds network
Given a 2-port network that is connected using an identical/symmetrical passive structure at in- and output
and the 2-port network of that combined in- and output structure, the original network is deembeded.
Assuming T_thru = T_half * T_half
Assuming T_combined = T_half * T_dut * T_half
De-embedding: T_dut = T_half^{-1} * T_half * T_dut * T_half * T_half^{-1}
Manual version of #deembed (which uses skrf)
thru_half = NetworkS2P.chop_in_half_manual(thru)
deembeded_t = np.array([ManualS2P.deembed_t(combined.t[i],thru_half.t[i],thru_half.t[i]) for i in range(combined.t[:,0,0].size) ])
deembeded_s = rf.t2s(deembeded_t)
return Network(frequency=combined.f/1e9, s=deembeded_s)
def deembed_wang2022(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""De-embeds network based on Wang2022 approach
Intended to remove a series-shunt fixture.
Based on ABCD parameters
Assuming A_thru = A_left * A_right
Assuming A_combined = A_left * A_dut * A_right
De-embedding A_dut = A_left^{-1} * A_left * A_dut * A_right * A_right^{-1}
Originally, the proposed method requires an ideal length transmission line between pad and DUT, but results are ok even with a different length
wang_A = []
for i in range(len(combined.f)):
x = thru.a[i]
k = x[0,0]**2 - x[0,1]*x[1,0]
a = (x[0,0]+np.sqrt(k)) * np.sqrt((x[0,0]-np.sqrt(k))/(2*x[0,1]*x[1,0]))
b = np.sqrt(x[0,1]*(x[0,0]-np.sqrt(k))/2/x[1,0])
c = np.sqrt(x[1,0]*(x[0,0]-np.sqrt(k))/2/x[0,1])
At = [[a,b],[c,a]]
At_inv = np.linalg.inv(At)
A =, combined.a[i]),At_inv)
return Network(frequency=combined.f/1e9, s=rf.a2s(np.array(wang_A)))
def deembed_ito2008(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""De-embeds network based on Ito2008 approach. Doesn't seem to work
Splits thru into left and right based on Y parameters and de-embeds based on T parameters.
Assuming Y_half = ?
Assuming T_combined = T_half * T_dut * T_half
De-embedding: T_dut = T_half^{-1} * T_half * T_dut * T_half * T_half^{-1}
ito_y_left = np.array([[ [x[0,0] - x[1,0] , 2*x[1,0]], [2*x[1,0], -2*x[1,0]] ] for x in thru.y[:]])
ito_y_right = np.array([[ [-2*x[0,1] , 2*x[0,1]], [2*x[0,1], x[1,1] - x[0,1]]] for x in thru.y[:]])
ito_left = Network(frequency=thru.f/1e9, s=rf.y2s(ito_y_left))
ito_right = Network(frequency=thru.f/1e9, s=rf.y2s(ito_y_right))
ito_left_t = rf.s2t(ito_left.s)
ito_right_t = rf.s2t(ito_right.s)
ito_t = []
for i in range(len(combined.f)):
ito_t.append(ManualS2P.deembed_t(ito_left_t[i], combined.t[i], ito_right_t[i]))
ito_t = np.array(ito_t)
return Network(frequency=combined.f/1e9, s=rf.t2s(ito_t))
def deembed_splitpi(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""De-embeds network based on Nan2007 approach. Implemented in scikit-rf
Intended to remove a shunt-series fixture.
Assuming A_left, Aright=?
Assuming A_combined = A_left * A_dut * A_right
De-embedding A_dut = A_left^{-1} * A_left * A_dut * A_right * A_right^{-1}
return SplitPi(dummy_thru = thru).deembed(combined)
def deembed_splittee(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""De-embeds network based on Kobrinksi2005 approach. Implemented in scikit-rf
Intended to remove a series-shunt fixture.
Assuming A_left, Aright=?
Assuming A_combined = A_left * A_dut * A_right
De-embedding A_dut = A_left^{-1} * A_left * A_dut * A_right * A_right^{-1}
return SplitTee(dummy_thru = thru).deembed(combined)
def deembed_splitpi_man(combined: Network, thru: Network) -> Network:
"""De-embeds network based on Nan2007 approach
Intended to remove a shunt-series fixture.
Assuming A_left = [[1,z],[y,1+y*z]], A_right = [[1+y*z, z],[y, 1]]
Extracting z and y from Y-Param assuming shunt-series-shunt thru.
Assuming A_combined = A_left * A_dut * A_right
De-embedding A_dut = A_left^{-1} * A_left * A_dut * A_right * A_right^{-1}
nan_A = []
for i in range(len(combined.f)):
x = thru.y[i]
y = x[0,0]+x[0,1]
z = - 1/2/x[0,1]
A_left = [[1,z],[y,1+y*z]]
A_right = [[1+y*z, z],[y, 1]]
A_left_inv = np.linalg.inv(A_left)
A_right_inv = np.linalg.inv(A_right)
A =, combined.a[i]),A_right_inv)
return Network(frequency=combined.f/1e9, s=rf.a2s(np.array(nan_A)))
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skrf import Network, Frequency
import skrf as rf
class InductorData:
"""Represents measured/simulated inductor data composed of L and Q over frequency"""
def __init__(self, f, L, Q, name="Inductor"):
self.f_min = np.min(f)
self.f_max = np.max(f)
self.f = f
self.L = L
self.Q = Q = name
if self.f[0] == 0: #Inductance at 0Hz does not make any sense and might be NaN
self.L[0] = 0
def valueAt(self, f, Interpolate=True):
if f > self.f_max or f < self.f_min:
raise RuntimeError("Frequency out of bounds", f, self.f_max, self.f_min)
if Interpolate:
return [np.interp(f, self.f, self.L), np.interp(f, self.f, self.Q)]
idx = (np.abs(self.f - f)).argmin()
return [self.L[idx] , self.Q[idx]]
def plot(self):
a1 = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
a1.plot(self.f, self.L)
a2 = a1.twinx()
a2.plot(self.f, self.Q)
def savetxt(self, filepath):
np.savetxt(filepath, np.transpose([self.f, self.L, self.Q]), delimiter=',',fmt='%.5e')
def calculateDiffIndWeird(Sind: Network, name="Differential Inductance"):
"""Accepts a scikit-rf 2 port network and calculates the differential inductance based on Okada2010 10.5772/8435"""
Sdiff = (Sind.s[:,0,0]-Sind.s[:,0,1]-Sind.s[:,1,0]+Sind.s[:,1,1])/2
Zdiff = 2 * 50 * (1+Sdiff)/(1-Sdiff)
Ldiff = 1/2/np.pi/(Sind.f+1e-12)*np.imag(Zdiff)
Qdiff = np.imag(Zdiff)/np.real(Zdiff)
return InductorData(Sind.f, Ldiff, Qdiff, name)
def calculateInductance(Sind: Network, name="Inductor"):
"""Accepts a scikit-rf 2 port network and calculates inductance based on Y-parameter"""
ls = -np.imag(1/Sind.y[:,0,1])/2/3.14/Sind.f
q = np.imag(1/Sind.y[:,0,1])/np.real(1/Sind.y[:,0,1])
return InductorData(Sind.f, ls, q, name)
class TLData:
"""Represents a transmission line over frequency
def __init__(self, f, Zc, Att, name="CPW"):
Att: attenuation in dB per meter
self.f_min = np.min(f)
self.f_max = np.max(f)
self.f = f
self.Zc = Zc
self.Att = Att = name
def valueAt(self, f, Interpolate=True):
if f > self.f_max or f < self.f_min:
raise RuntimeError("Frequency out of bounds", f, self.f_max, self.f_min)
if Interpolate:
return [np.interp(f, self.f, self.Zc), np.interp(f, self.f, self.Att)]
idx = (np.abs(self.f - f)).argmin()
return [self.Zc[idx] , self.Att[idx]]
def savetxt(self, filepath):
np.savetxt(filepath, np.transpose([self.f, self.Zc, self.Att]), delimiter=',',fmt='%.5e')
def plot(self):
a1 = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
a1.plot(self.f, self.Zc)
a2 = a1.twinx()
a2.plot(self.f, self.Att)
def fromSParam(Sind: Network, length, name="TL"):
zc = np.sqrt(Sind.z[:,0,0]/ Sind.y[:,0,0])
gamma = 1/length * np.arctanh(1/zc/Sind.y[:,0,0])
alpha = np.real(gamma)
att = 20*alpha*np.log10(np.exp(1))
return TLData(Sind.f, np.abs(zc), att, name=name)
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