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Simple class to control the LewanSoul XArm over the USBHID interface
sudo apt-get install libhidapi-hidraw0 libhidapi-libusb0
pip3 install --user hid
- servos_off will power off the servos
- sending a movement command wakes up unpowered servos
- position readouts are sadly pretty slow, they can take up to 450ms
import time
import easyhid
import numpy as np
def itos(v):
lsb = v & 0xFF
msb = v >> 8
return lsb, msb
class XArm():
def __init__(self, pid=22352):
# Stores an enumeration of all the connected USB HID devices
en = easyhid.Enumeration()
# return a list of devices based on the search parameters
devices = en.find(vid=1155, pid=pid)
# print a description of the devices found
#for dev in devices:
# print(dev.description())
assert len(devices) > 0 = devices[0]
# open a device
print('Connected to xArm device')
def __del__(self):
print('Closing xArm device')
def move_to(self, id, pos, time=0):
0x55 0x55 len 0x03 count [time_lsb time_msb, id, pos_lsb pos_msb]
Servo position is in range [0, 1000]
t_lsb, t_msb = itos(time)
p_lsb, p_msb = itos(pos)[0x55, 0x55, 8, 0x03, 1, t_lsb, t_msb, id, p_lsb, p_msb])
def move_all(self, poss, time=0):
Set the position of all servos at once
for i in range(6):
self.move_to(id=i+1, pos=poss[i], time=time)
def servos_off(self):[0x55, 0x55, 9, 20, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
def read_pos(self):
Read the position of all 6 servos
ServoPositionRead 21 (byte)count { (byte)id }; (byte)count { (byte)id (ushort)position }
0x55, 0x55,
9, # Len
21, # Cmd
6, # Count
ret =
count = ret[4]
assert count == 6
poss = []
for i in range(6):
id = ret[5 + 3*i]
p_lsb = ret[5 + 3*i + 1]
p_msb = ret[5 + 3*i + 2]
pos = (p_msb << 8) + p_lsb
return np.array(poss)
def rest(self):
self.move_all([500, 500, 200, 900, 800, 500], time=1500)
class SafeXArm:
Wrapper to limit motion range and speed to maximize durability
Also remaps joint angles into the [-1, 1] range
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.arm = XArm(**kwargs)
self.min_pos = np.array([
100, # Base
50, # Wrist
200, # Gripper
self.max_pos = np.array([
900, # Base
850, # Wrist
650, # Gripper
# Maximum movement speed in (range/second)
self.max_speed = 250
self.move_all([0] * 6)
def read_pos(self):
return np.flip(self.arm.read_pos(), 0)
def rest(self):
def move_all(self, pos):
if not isinstance(pos, np.ndarray):
pos = np.array(pos)
# [-1, 1] => [0, 1]
pos = (pos + 1) / 2
target = self.min_pos + pos * (self.max_pos - self.min_pos)
target = np.flip(target, 0).astype(np.uint16)
# TODO: compute time needed based on last position
# Compute time needed to move each joint to target given max_speed
#cur_pos = self.arm.read_pos()
#time = (abs(cur_pos - target) / self.max_speed)
#time = (time * 1000).astype(np.uint16)
for i in range(6):
self.arm.move_to(id=i+1, pos=target[i], time=100)
def demo():
arm = SafeXArm()
# To the right
arm.move_all([-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
# To the left
arm.move_all([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
# Default position
arm.move_all([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
# Open gripper
arm.move_all([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1])
# Close gripper
arm.move_all([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
# Put the arm back in a resting position
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adeguet1 commented Apr 10, 2020

Thank you for your contribution. I ran into a few problems using Ubuntu 18.04 and found some fixes that might be useful for others.

  • Linux permission on the /dev/hidraw* pseudo device. To avoid running code as sudo, I added a udev rule. To get the proper attributes, I used sudo udevadm info --attribute-walk /dev/hidraw3. Then created the file /etc/udev/rules.d/80-usb-xarm.rules with the content SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{product}=="LOBOT", GROUP="dialout", MODE="0660" (note that my user is a member of the group dialout). To apply the rules without rebooting: sudo udevadm control --reload-rules and sudo udevadm trigger (this is a one time setup).
  • The function np.flip might require a second argument depending on the numpy version installed. I added a , 0 for the two calls to np.flip.
  • The last issue is a lot more annoying and I don't have a good fix. From time to time, the hidraw device is not properly created. I found an error message in /var/log/syslog related to FuEngine. This seems to be a feature to automatically check/upgrade a device's firmware. The only way I found to avoid this is to disable the service fwupd using sudo service fwupd stop (has to be done after every reboot) or sudo apt remove fwupd (completely remove fwupd). Did you run into that issue and do you have a better solution?

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maximecb commented Apr 10, 2020

Thanks for all your comments @adeguet1. I made the modifications to calls to np.flip.

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Thank you so much for this, I've been trying to figure out how to operate this thing using hidraw1 and you just gave the the head start I needed.

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I'm amused that this piece of code I quickly wrote months ago is turning out to be useful to so many people!

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I think there's a mistake in the comment on line 47, the actual data sent includes an extra 1 byte before time_lsb; according to this is the count parameter.

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maximecb commented Jul 4, 2022

I think there's a mistake in the comment on line 47, the actual data sent includes an extra 1 byte before time_lsb; according to this is the count parameter.

Updated the comment 👍

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