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Last active June 21, 2018 19:04
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Red [
description: {simple game}
author: {Maxim Velesyuk}
version: 2.2
changelog: {
* added sleep to the loop to reduce CPU load
* added win screen display time
* added win screen background
* added win screen win time
* rate updates rewritten into a time-controlled loop
* added game object as a global storage
* added collision detection
* added win/restart conditions
* added restart with initial states of all objects
* now any key restarts game after it finished
* player moves are now bounded to the world's size
random/seed now/time
game: object [
debug: "test"
show-debug?: on
size: 640x480
debug-pos: to-pair reduce [size/x - 200 0]
debug: func [b] [ if game/show-debug? [ do b ] ]
base: make face! [
type: 'base
size: game/size
color: gray
world: object [
size: base/size
canvas: copy []
game-objects: copy []
initial-state: copy []
collidable: copy []
pause?: false
end?: false
reupdate?: false
win-screen-show-time: 2
win-time: none
start-time: none
init: does [
start-time: now/time/precise
win-screen: does [
compose [
pen black
box 0x0 (to-pair reduce [ world/size/x 100 ])
pen orange
font (make font! [size: 16])
text 250x30 "You Win!! :)"
text 200x70 (append copy "your time: " to-string win-time - start-time)
win: does [
win-time: now/time/precise
end?: true
update: function [/extern collidable reupdate? game-objects win-time] [
if pause? [ return none ]
if end? [
append canvas win-screen
show base
return none
clear canvas
game-objects: head game-objects
collidable: head collidable
forall game-objects [
game-objects/1/draw canvas
if select o: game-objects/1 'collide [
forall collidable [
if o <> collidable/1 [
if collided o collidable/1 [
o/collide collidable/1
if reupdate? [
collidable: head collidable
reupdate?: false
return update
debug [
append canvas compose [ fill-pen black text (game/debug-pos) (game/debug) ]
show base
collided: function [a b] [
all [
a/pos/x < (b/pos/x + b/size/x)
(a/pos/x + a/size/x) > b/pos/x
a/pos/y < (b/pos/y + b/size/y)
(a/pos/y + a/size/y) > b/pos/y
add-object: func [o] [
append game-objects o
append initial-state copy/deep o
if in o 'collide [
append collidable o
reset: has [k v game-object seconds] [
seconds: pick now/time/precise 3
if all [ end? seconds < (win-time/3 + win-screen-show-time) ] [
return none
end?: false
game-object: head game-objects
forall initial-state [
k: keys-of initial-state/1
forall k [
if not function? v: :initial-state/1/(k/1) [
set in game-object/1 k/1 v
game-object: next game-object
reupdate?: true
base/draw: world/canvas
safe-zone: object [
class: 'safe-zone
size: 50x50
draw: func [c] [
append c compose [ fill-pen green box 0x0 (size) ]
world/add-object safe-zone
player: object [
class: 'player
pos: 10x10
size: 10x10
step: func [direction /local new-pos] [
new-pos: pos + select [ left -10x0 right 10x0 up 0x-10 down 0x10 ] direction
if all [
new-pos/x >= 0
new-pos/y >= 0
new-pos/x < world/size/x
new-pos/y < world/size/y
] [
pos: new-pos
draw: func [c] [
append c compose [ fill-pen blue box (pos) (pos + size) ]
collide: func [something] [
do select [
enemy [world/reset]
exit-zone [world/win]
] something/class
world/add-object player
enemy: object [
class: 'enemy
initial: safe-zone/size + random (world/size - safe-zone/size)
pos: initial
step: 10x0
distance: 40
size: 10x10
collide: does []
draw: func [c] [
append c compose [ fill-pen red circle (pos) (size/x / 2)]
pos: pos + step
if any [
pos/1 > (initial/1 + distance)
pos/1 < (initial/1 - distance)
pos/2 > (initial/2 + distance)
pos/2 < (initial/2 - distance)
] [ step: negate step ]
loop 20 [
world/add-object make enemy [
initial: safe-zone/size + random (world/size - safe-zone/size)
pos: initial
step: 0x10
world/add-object make enemy [
initial: safe-zone/size + random (world/size - safe-zone/size)
pos: initial
step: 10x0
exit-zone: object [
class: 'exit-zone
size: 150x50
pos: (world/size / 2) + random (world/size / 2 - size)
draw: func [c] [
append c compose [ fill-pen cyan box (pos) (pos + size) text (pos + 60x20) "Exit" ]
collide: does []
world/add-object exit-zone
key-map: [
#"q" [ quit ]
#" " [ world/pause?: not world/pause? ]
left [ player/step 'left ]
right [ player/step 'right ]
up [ player/step 'up ]
down [ player/step 'down ]
#"w" [ world/win ]
#"d" [ game/show-debug?: not game/show-debug?]
#"r" [ world/reset ]
win: make face! [
type: 'window
text: "The Game"
size: game/size
pane: reduce [ base ]
actors: object [
on-key: func [face event /local s] [
if world/end? [ world/reset ]
do s: select key-map event/key
if not s [ print ["key" event/key "has no binding" ] ]
system/view/auto-sync?: off
view/no-wait win
frame-rate: 15
max-time: 1.0 / frame-rate
count: 0
forever [
t1: now/time/precise
game/debug: append copy "updates per frame " to-string count
passed: (now/time/precise - t1)
remaining: pick max-time - passed 3
sleep-time: remaining / 20
count: 0
while [max-time > (pick now/time/precise - t1 3) ] [
count: count + 1
wait sleep-time
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Line 117-120: no need to use lit-words in the root block (simple words are fine) as that block is not evaluated, just used as argument to select.

Line 132: you define a s word which should be local to the function (it's global as is). Use function constructor if you don't want to declare it manually.

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