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Created November 6, 2011 20:30
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Cabal file with test-suite block and explanation in a file.

Integrating Test Suites with Cabal Haskell Projects


Add a Test-Suite block to your project Cabal file like below:

Test-Suite projectname-testsuite
  Type:                     exitcode-stdio-1.0
  Main-is:                  TestSuite.hs
  Build-depends:            base, ....your test framework deps here...


-- This appears to be contested on ML and in comments below - I have NOT tested this method!
Test-Suite awesomesauce-testsuite
  Type:                 detailed-1.0
  Test-Module:          Awesomesauce.Tests
  Build-depends:        base, QuickCheck, HUnit 

Note: you might need to run: cabal configure --enable-tests and cabal build again.

Now you should be able to just run: cabal test and it should integrate.

Other options

There are two built in test suite Cabal interfaces:

  • exitcode-stdio-1.0
  • detailed-1.0

The first test suite interface built into Cabal, exitcode-stdio-1.0, depends on the block specifying a Main-is: attribute which is the path of a "main" Haskell file (i.e. a runnable file with a main defined).

The second test suite interface built into Cabal, detailed-1.0, depends on the test-module attribute inside the Test-Suite Cabal block being set to the name of the module to run. This module should export a function named tests with type signature: tests :: [Test]. The Test type can be found in module Distribution.TestSuite. It has two wrapper functions in this module: pure and impure.

Written an internal test library or framework?

Any makers of test frameworks will need to (at a minimum) define instances of the TestOptions and ImpureTestable classes (also exported from Distribution.TestSuite). If the test framework also has a pure runner, you could also define PureTestable class instances for your framework.

QuickCheck & HUnit Support

You will find cabal packages with name prefixes of cabal-test-XXX if your favorite open source Haskell test library or framework (e.g. QuickCheck, HUnit) is supported already.

Test & Have Fun!

-- Say you have a Cabal-ized Haskell project called 'awesomesauce'
Name: awesomesauce
Version: 0.1
Synopsis: The awesomesauce
Description: Awesomesauceness for Haskell (as if it needs more?)
License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
Author: Susan Potter
Copyright: 2011
Category: Development
Build-type: Simple
Cabal-version: >=1.2
Test-Suite awesomesauce-testsuite
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Main-is: ExitCodeTestsExample.hs
Build-depends: base, QuickCheck, HUnit
-- OR
-- This appears to be contested - I have NOT tested this method!
Test-Suite awesomesauce-testsuite
Type: detailed-1.0
Test-Module: QCTestModule
Build-depends: base, QuickCheck, HUnit, test-framework
-- Then your Executable or Library Cabal sections/blocks under here.
module Main where
import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck)
import Your.Module (encrypt, decrypt)
prop_reverseReverse :: [Char] -> Bool
prop_reverseReverse s = (reverse . reverse) s == s
prop_encryptDecrypt :: [Char] -> Bool
prop_encryptDecrypt s = (encrypt . decrypt) s == s
main = do
quickCheck prop_encryptDecrypt
quickCheck prop_reverseReverse
module QCTestModule where
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck
import Your.Module (encrypt, decrypt)
prop_reverseReverse :: [Char] -> Bool
prop_reverseReverse s = (reverse . reverse) s == s
prop_encryptDecrypt :: [Char] -> Bool
prop_encryptDecrypt s = (encrypt . decrypt) s == s
tests =
[ test "prop_reverseReverse" prop_reverseReverse
, test "prop_encryptDecrypt" prop_encryptDecrypt
, ...
-- or have a testsuite function that is exported
testSuite = testGroup "Group name"
[ testProperty "desc1" prop_reverseReverse
, testProperty "desc2" prop_encryptDecrypt
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Osipion commented Jan 30, 2017

You could add something like:

import System.Exit

isPass :: Result -> Bool
isPass (Success n l o) = True
isPass _ = False

check :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()
check p = do
    r <- quickCheckResult p
    if not $ isPass r then exitFailure else return ()

then your main could look like:

main = do
  check prop_encryptDecrypt
  check prop_reverseReverse

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