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francisrstokes / StateDispatcher.js
Last active May 28, 2019 02:31
Redux without redux - sharing state and one way data flow using only standard react
import React from 'react';
export class StateDispatcher extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = props.state || {};
this._dispatch = this.dispatch.bind(this);
dispatch(action) {
vkarpov15 / promise2.js
Created April 5, 2018 13:57
Write Your Own Node.js Promise Library from Scratch, Part 2
class MyPromise {
constructor(executor) {
if (typeof executor !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Executor must be a function');
// Internal state. `$state` is the state of the promise, and `$chained` is
// an array of the functions we need to call once this promise is settled.
this.$state = 'PENDING';
this.$chained = [];
mangosmoothie / example.js
Last active May 28, 2022 08:37
redux-mock-store with redux-saga for testing actions / sagas
//------------- the saga ----------------
function* fetchSaga(action) {
try {
yield put({type: "FETCH_SUCCEEDED", data: "data"});
} catch (e) {
yield put({type: "FETCH_FAILED", message: e.message});
cloose / oracle-idempotent-ddl.sql
Last active March 26, 2024 09:20
Idempotent Oracle SQL migrations
-- create new table
table_exists number;
select count(1) into table_exists from USER_TABLES where table_name = 'PRODUCTS';
if (table_exists = 0) then
execute immediate 'create table PRODUCTS (ID number(19) not null ...';
ebidel / feature_detect_es_modules.js
Last active September 4, 2023 13:56
Feature detect ES modules: both static import and dynamic import()
Complete feature detection for ES modules. Covers:
1. Static import: import * from './foo.js';
2. Dynamic import(): import('./foo.js').then(module => {...});
Thanks to @_gsathya, @kevincennis, @rauschma, @malyw for the help.
ipbastola / jq to filter by
Last active June 21, 2024 14:29
JQ to filter JSON by value

JQ to filter JSON by value

Syntax: cat <filename> | jq -c '.[] | select( .<key> | contains("<value>"))'

Example: To get json record having _id equal 611

cat my.json | jq -c '.[] | select( ._id | contains(611))'

Remember: if JSON value has no double quotes (eg. for numeric) to do not supply in filter i.e. in contains(611)

msmfsd / es7-async-await.js
Last active February 4, 2024 17:38
Javascript fetch JSON with ES7 Async Await
// Async/Await requirements: Latest Chrome/FF browser or Babel:
// Fetch requirements: Latest Chrome/FF browser or Github fetch polyfill:
// async function
async function fetchAsync () {
// await response of fetch call
let response = await fetch('');
// only proceed once promise is resolved
let data = await response.json();
// only proceed once second promise is resolved
beaucharman / debounce.js
Last active February 25, 2022 20:35
An ES6 implementation of the debounce function. "Debouncing enforces that a function not be called again until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called. As in 'execute this function only if 100 milliseconds have passed without it being called.'" - CSS-Tricks (…
function debounce(callback, wait, immediate = false) {
let timeout = null
return function() {
const callNow = immediate && !timeout
const next = () => callback.apply(this, arguments)
timeout = setTimeout(next, wait)
herval /
Last active June 4, 2024 13:30
Moving a Postgres db from RDS to a Docker container

Make a backup from RDS

pg_dump -h <rds host> -p 5432 -F c -O -U <rds user> <db name> > db.dump

Restore the backup into a Docker container

docker run --rm --interactive --link <postgres container id>:postgres --volume $PWD/:/tmp/ postgres:latest /bin/bash -c 'pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres -d <db name> /tmp/db.dump'