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Andrew mcandre

  • Milwaukee, WI
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If GHC complains about base not having profile information, install haskell-platform-prof alongside your Haskell Platform installation:

$ sudo apt-get install haskell-platform haskell-platform-doc haskell-platform-prof

And reinstall any third-party libraries, and their dependencies, that have missing profile information:

$ sudo cabal install --reinstall -p mwc-random rvar random-fu random-source mersenne-random-pure64 stateref flexible-defaults th-extras MonadPrompt math-functions erf vector-th-unbox monad-loops random-shuffle MonadRandom

Mac OS X:

$ sed -i '' -e '$a\' <file>


sed -i -e '$a\'

On newer computers, RVM may have trouble building older Rubies. E.g., rvm 1.26 cannot build ruby-1.9 on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

However, by adding a compiler flag, we can successfully build and use these old Rubies:

$ rvm install 1.9 --with-gcc=clang
$ rvm use 1.9
mcandre /
Created January 19, 2015 17:25
Java 8 Lambda test
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class LambdaTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> xsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


Why am I getting unable to get local issuer certificate when I try to connect to


$ wget -O /etc/httpd/ssl/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt
// pewpewpew
// format: pauper
// Lands
10 Mountain
10 Island
// Instants
4 Geistflame
// eek
// format: 60 card
// Lands
20 Swamp
// Creatures
40 Relentless Rats
// carpe noctem
// format: 60 card
// Lands
8 Swamp
4 Peat Bog
4 Inkmoth Nexus
// Instants
beastaugh /
Created August 24, 2011 21:41
Installing GHC 7.2 on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Installing GHC 7.2 on Mac OS X

This is a brief and bare-bones guide to getting GHC 7.2 and the cabal-install tool (the two basic things you'll need to do Haskell development) up and running on a new Mac OS X 10.7 install.

The instructions given here worked for me, but YMMV.