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Last active April 23, 2020 18:19
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Up-down counter (8-bit) in verilog for servo control example
8 bit up-down counter.
Based on code from Mojo tutorial
/\ /\
/ \ / \
/ \/ \
The CRT_LEN determines the period of the resulting counter
module counter #(parameter CTR_LEN = 27) (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
output reg [7:0] value
reg[CTR_LEN-1:0] ctr_d, ctr_q; //flip flop registers
//Create the up-down counter
//the MSB (ctr_q[CRT_LEN-1]) determines the ramp direction (up/down)
//The next 8 bighest bits are the counter value
//If we are ramping down, invert the bits to count down instead of up
always @(ctr_q) begin
ctr_d = ctr_q + 1'b1;
if (ctr_q[CTR_LEN-1] == 1)
value = ~ctr_q[CTR_LEN-2:CTR_LEN-9];
value = ctr_q[CTR_LEN-2:CTR_LEN-9];
//set the output (ctr_q) to the input (ctr_d) on each rising clock edge.
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst == 1) begin
ctr_q <= 'b0;
end else begin
ctr_q <= ctr_d;
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