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[httpie]( is a modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client - see also [http-prompt](
jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
yq is a Python wrapper for YAML/XML/TOML documents (documentation here)
yq is an identically-named portable command-line YAML processor written in Go (documentation here) - see also yq : A command line tool that will help you handle your YAML resources better
fd is a program to find entries in your filesystem. It is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
gron is a cli which helps make JSON greppable
jid is JSON Incremental Digger and it lets you drill down JSON interactively by using filtering queries similar to those supported by jq
duf is a disk usage/free utility or an improved 'df' if you prefer. It's also cross-platform
cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line.

kubectx and kubens where kubectx is

mcmarto /
Last active April 4, 2021 11:29
Lisp Notes

Lisp Resources


  • Steel Bank Common Lisp SBCL
  • Lux is a functional, statically-typed Lisp that will run on several platforms, such as the Java Virtual Machine and JavaScript interpreters.
  • Make a Lisp
  • uLisp is a Lisp for microcontrollers
  • PicoLisp is a programming language, or really a programming system, including a built-in database engine and a GUI system!
  • MicroScheme is a functional programming language for the Arduino, and for Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontrollers in general.
  • Chicken Scheme
mcmarto /
Last active December 14, 2017 21:20
Chef Cheatsheet

Check connection to Chef server

knife ssl check

Upload a cookbook

knife cookbook upload cookbook_to_upload

List known cookbooks

knife cookbook list

Bootstrap a node using key-based authentication

Deploy a stack to a swarm

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml my-docker-swarm

List services in a stack

docker stack services my-docker-swarm

Vagrant issues with CentOS on Windows

I ran the following (to get the CentOS base box from here)

vagrant init centos/7
vagrant up --provider virtualbox

but this failed with the error

"rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH.

mcmarto /
Last active November 21, 2022 14:18
Disabling flashing WiFi LED on Linux Mint 18.1


After a fresh install of Linux Mint 18.1 on my laptop, I noticed that the WiFi LED seemed to be blinking all the time (showing data transfer rather than WiFi on/off status). The solution was as follows:

sudo -i
echo 'options iwlwifi led_mode=1' >> /etc/modprobe.d/wlan.conf
modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi

This results in a nice, steady WiFi LED :-)


  1. Dip Meter

  2. ONER Transmitter

  3. VCO/VFO

  4. Receiver – not 602

  5. Construction Techniques

  6. W9SCH Receiver

  7. VXO

  8. Ceramic Resonators & Pads

mcmarto / Energy_Monitor.ino
Created January 15, 2016 15:02 — forked from whatnick/Energy_Monitor.ino
ESP8266 Energy Monitor
* This sketch sends ads1115 current sensor data via HTTP POST request to thingspeak server.
* It needs the following libraries to work (besides the esp8266 standard libraries supplied with the IDE):
* -
* designed to run directly on esp8266-01 module, to where it can be uploaded using this marvelous piece of software:
mcmarto /
Created October 4, 2013 11:26
List directories mentioned in Windows PATH which no longer exist on the filesystem
import os
path = os.getenv('PATH')
pathlist = path.split(';')
print "Missing Directories listed in PATH\n"
for pathelement in pathlist:
if not(os.path.isdir(pathelement)):
print pathelement
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
namespace SMSConsole