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Last active June 13, 2020 04:01
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Results for 10 warehouses, 12 clients
--- from 4.2.7
Execution Results after 60 seconds
Complete Time (s) Percentage Retries minLatMs p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 maxLatMs Aborts
DELIVERY 1338 55.019 4.00 110,126 22.27 29.86 31.42 33.95 134.72 192.72 1047.22 0
NEW_ORDER 14996 262.164 44.82 688,738 7.60 11.98 13.37 14.71 16.18 119.29 1026.36 157
ORDER_STATUS 1306 6.393 3.90 0,0 3.66 4.88 5.21 5.53 5.70 6.03 6.61 0
PAYMENT 14474 384.133 43.26 2010,2439 3.59 5.08 5.56 110.01 111.32 316.76 2136.69 0
STOCK_LEVEL 1348 8.407 4.03 0,0 4.40 6.21 6.73 7.22 7.50 7.91 8.82 0
TOTAL 33462 716.115
2020-06-12 19:18:41 TpmC for denorm 12 thr with txn 8 WH: 14992 14996 total 60 durSec, batch on 3303 retries 9.870% with fnM nearest p50 11.98 p75 13.37 p90 14.71 p95 16.18 p99 119.29 max 1026.36 WC WriteConcern(w=1) causal true 10in1 true retry true 33462 157
--- from 4.4.0-rc8
Execution Results after 60 seconds
Complete Time (s) Percentage Retries minLatMs p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 maxLatMs Aborts
DELIVERY 1345 55.406 4.24 90,100 25.21 31.94 33.51 35.61 135.09 140.78 643.16 0
NEW_ORDER 14177 257.653 44.70 607,649 7.99 12.61 14.02 15.42 16.97 118.27 620.30 149
ORDER_STATUS 1267 6.479 3.99 0,0 3.82 5.10 5.43 5.70 5.90 6.30 9.95 0
PAYMENT 13682 388.022 43.14 1967,2433 3.91 5.39 5.87 108.97 109.95 313.98 1524.59 0
STOCK_LEVEL 1246 8.107 3.93 0,0 4.61 6.49 6.99 7.43 7.69 8.29 20.86 0
TOTAL 31717 715.667
2020-06-12 20:47:03 TpmC for denorm 12 thr with txn 8 WH: 14177 14177 total 60 durSec, batch on 3182 retries 10.03% with fnM nearest p50 12.61 p75 14.02 p90 15.42 p95 16.97 p99 118.27 max 620.30 WC WriteConcern(w=1) causal true 10in1 true retry true 31717 149
--- more from 4.2.7
{'txn': True, 'all_in_one_txn': True, 'denorm': True, 'total_retries': 3303, 'batch_writes': True, 'write_concern': 1, 'duration': 60.014824867248535, 'total': 33462, 'tpmc': 14992.295686778212, 'causal': True, 'warehouses': 8, 'find_and_modify': True, 'read_concern': 'majority', 'read_preference': 'nearest', 'aborts': 157, 'DELIVERY': {'latency': {'p99': 192.72112846374512, 'p75': 31.424999237060547, 'min': 22.274017333984375, 'p90': 33.949851989746094, 'max': 1047.2168922424316, 'p95': 134.72485542297363, 'p50': 29.86288070678711}, 'total': 1338, 'retries': {'retries_ops': {'1': 97, '0': 1228, '3': 1, '2': 11, '4': 1}, 'retries_total_ops': 110, 'retries_txn_total': 126}}, 'threads': 12, 'date': '2020-06-12 19:18:41', 'ORDER_STATUS': {'latency': {'p99': 6.0291290283203125, 'p75': 5.214929580688477, 'min': 3.6649703979492188, 'p90': 5.526065826416016, 'max': 6.6089630126953125, 'p95': 5.697011947631836, 'p50': 4.884958267211914}, 'total': 1306}, 'NEW_ORDER': {'latency': {'p99': 119.28915977478027, 'p75': 13.369083404541016, 'min': 7.60197639465332, 'p90': 14.711141586303711, 'max': 1026.3569355010986, 'p95': 16.17598533630371, 'p50': 11.976003646850586}, 'total': 14996, 'retries': {'retries_ops': {'1': 646, '0': 14465, '3': 6, '2': 35, '4': 1}, 'retries_total_ops': 688, 'retries_txn_total': 864}}, 'retry_writes': True, 'STOCK_LEVEL': {'latency': {'p99': 7.913112640380859, 'p75': 6.730794906616211, 'min': 4.395961761474609, 'p90': 7.217884063720703, 'max': 8.81505012512207, 'p95': 7.495880126953125, 'p50': 6.211042404174805}, 'total': 1348}, 'PAYMENT': {'latency': {'p99': 316.7588710784912, 'p75': 5.559206008911133, 'min': 3.5851001739501953, 'p90': 110.01110076904297, 'max': 2136.6870403289795, 'p95': 111.31501197814941, 'p50': 5.081892013549805}, 'total': 14474, 'retries': {'retries_ops': {'1': 1653, '0': 12464, '3': 45, '2': 300, '5': 1, '4': 10, '6': 1}, 'retries_total_ops': 2010, 'retries_txn_total': 3303}}}
--- more from 4.4.0-rc8
{'txn': True, 'all_in_one_txn': True, 'denorm': True, 'total_retries': 3182, 'batch_writes': True, 'write_concern': 1, 'duration': 60.00196695327759, 'total': 31717, 'tpmc': 14176.535256958525, 'causal': True, 'warehouses': 8, 'find_and_modify': True, 'read_concern': 'majority', 'read_preference': 'nearest', 'aborts': 149, 'DELIVERY': {'latency': {'p99': 140.78092575073242, 'p75': 33.51402282714844, 'min': 25.206804275512695, 'p90': 35.614967346191406, 'max': 643.157958984375, 'p95': 135.0879669189453, 'p50': 31.94117546081543}, 'total': 1345, 'retries': {'retries_ops': {'1': 82, '0': 1255, '3': 2, '2': 6}, 'retries_total_ops': 90, 'retries_txn_total': 100}}, 'threads': 12, 'date': '2020-06-12 20:47:03', 'ORDER_STATUS': {'latency': {'p99': 6.297826766967773, 'p75': 5.426883697509766, 'min': 3.815889358520508, 'p90': 5.699872970581055, 'max': 9.948968887329102, 'p95': 5.896806716918945, 'p50': 5.101919174194336}, 'total': 1267}, 'NEW_ORDER': {'latency': {'p99': 118.26896667480469, 'p75': 14.019012451171875, 'min': 7.9860687255859375, 'p90': 15.420913696289062, 'max': 620.2950477600098, 'p95': 16.974210739135742, 'p50': 12.614011764526367}, 'total': 14177, 'retries': {'retries_ops': {'1': 567, '0': 13719, '3': 2, '2': 38}, 'retries_total_ops': 607, 'retries_txn_total': 749}}, 'retry_writes': True, 'STOCK_LEVEL': {'latency': {'p99': 8.28695297241211, 'p75': 6.988048553466797, 'min': 4.614114761352539, 'p90': 7.431983947753906, 'max': 20.858049392700195, 'p95': 7.691144943237305, 'p50': 6.493091583251953}, 'total': 1246}, 'PAYMENT': {'latency': {'p99': 313.9820098876953, 'p75': 5.86700439453125, 'min': 3.9110183715820312, 'p90': 108.97088050842285, 'max': 1524.5859622955322, 'p95': 109.94720458984375, 'p50': 5.388975143432617}, 'total': 13682, 'retries': {'retries_ops': {'1': 1587, '0': 11715, '3': 63, '2': 306, '5': 1, '4': 10}, 'retries_total_ops': 1967, 'retries_txn_total': 3182}}}
--- config file
# MongodbDriver Configuration File
# Created 2020-06-12 18:07:22.179644
# If true, we will perform causal reads
causal_consistency = True
# If >1 then sharded
shards = 1
# If true, all things to update will be fetched via findAndModify
findandmodify = True
# Database name
name = tpcc
# If true, we will allow secondary reads
secondary_reads = True
# If true, data will be denormalized using MongoDB schema design best practices
denormalize = True
# If true, transactions will not be used (benchmarking only)
notransactions =
# The mongodb connection string or URI
uri = mongodb://root:pw@localhost:27017
# If true, we will enable retryable writes
retry_writes = True
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