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Created October 9, 2018 22:55
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class Solution:
def networkDelayTime(self, edges, N, K):
:type times: List[List[int]]
:type N: int
:type K: int
:rtype: int
edges.sort(key=lambda e: e[2])
# print(edges)
(src_map, dst_map) = Solution.makeMaps(edges)
src2 = src_map.copy()
dst2 = dst_map.copy()
src3 = src_map.copy()
dst3 = dst_map.copy()
self.edge_map = Solution.makeEdgeMap(edges)
self.times = {K: 0}
self.src_stack = []
self.findTimes(0, src_map, K)
if len(self.times) < N:
return -1
# self.reverseTimes(dst_map)
return max(self.times.values())
def findTimes(self, time_to, src_map, src):
if src not in src_map:
dsts = src_map.pop(src)
# print("findTimes: {}, {}".format(src, dsts))
for (t, dst) in dsts:
new_time_to = time_to + t
self.setTime(dst, new_time_to)
for (t, dst) in dsts:
self.findTimes(time_to + t, src_map, dst)
def setTime(self, dst, time_to):
if dst not in self.times:
# print("initial time for {}: {}".format(dst, time_to))
self.times[dst] = time_to
old_time = self.times[dst]
if time_to < old_time:
# print("faster time for {}: {}".format(dst, time_to))
self.times[dst] = time_to
def reverseTimes(self, dst_map):
for dst in self.src_stack:
if dst not in dst_map:
srcs = dst_map.pop(dst)
# print("reverseTimes: {} {}".format(dst, srcs))
for (t, src) in srcs:
self.setReverseTime(src, dst, t)
def setReverseTime(self, src, dst, t):
old_src = self.times[src]
old_dst = self.times[dst]
new_dst = old_src + t
self.times[dst] = min(old_dst, new_dst)
def convergeTimes(self, edges):
loops = 0
n_divergent = 1
while n_divergent > 0:
n_divergent = 0
for e in edges:
if self.convergeOneTime(e[0], e[1], e[2]):
n_divergent = n_divergent + 1
# print("n_divergent: {}".format(n_divergent))
loops = loops + 1
print("convergence loops: {}".format(loops))
def convergeOneTime(self, src, dst, t):
old_src = self.times[src]
old_dst = self.times[dst]
new_dst = old_src + t
if new_dst < old_dst:
self.times[dst] = new_dst
return True
return False
def makeMaps(edges):
srcs = {}
dsts = {}
for e in edges:
src = e[0]
dst = e[1]
time = e[2]
if src in srcs:
srcs[src].append((time, dst))
srcs[src] = [(time, dst)]
if dst in dsts:
dsts[dst].append((time, src))
dsts[dst] = [(time, src)]
for src, dst_times in srcs.items():
for dst, src_times in dsts.items():
return (srcs, dsts)
def makeEdgeMap(edges):
em = {}
for e in edges:
em[(e[0], e[1])] = e[2]
return em
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